
Test Coverage
# Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.

<a name="1.3.2-beta.0"></a>
## [1.3.2-beta.0]( (2018-07-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **nerv:** fix the buggy behavior of modifying context when calling getChildContext ([56911c6](

<a name="1.3.1"></a>
## [1.3.1]( (2018-06-29)

### Bug Fixes

* set empty methods to propTypes ([1dbbdd0](

<a name="1.3.0-beta.0"></a>
# [1.3.0-beta.0]( (2018-05-31)

### Features

* export  PropTypes as top-level API ([f45010f](

<a name="1.2.17"></a>
## [1.2.17]( (2018-04-01)

**Note:** Version bump only for package nerv-build

<a name="1.2.16"></a>
## [1.2.16]( (2018-03-26)

### Bug Fixes

* fix cloneElement's bug ([dbceca8](
* patch void element lost dom reference ([32f403d](

<a name="1.2.15"></a>
## [1.2.15]( (2018-03-15)

### Bug Fixes

* cloneElement should clone children as well ([682fe15](
* Stateless component should support function returning null. ([386f07a](
* **nerv-build:** fix error during installing nerv-build on windows ([6f9caf6](
* **test:** add test for commit 386f07a and 682fe15. ([f307fec](
* **test:** normalize html and format the test file ([a0de170](

<a name="1.2.14"></a>
## [1.2.14]( (2018-03-08)

### Bug Fixes

* as per React, functional ref should also detach ([9338a0a](
* cloneElement should clone void vnode as well ([b007de9](
* findDOMNode should return null while input is invalid ([76bbec5](
* patch do nothing when lastVnode and nextVnode are both Portal ([cd99801](
* ref should exec after componentDidMount hook ([7bf5efa](
* ref should exeute before render() function ([a4cb918](

<a name="1.2.13-beta.0"></a>
## [1.2.13-beta.0]( (2018-02-26)

### Bug Fixes

* unkeyed children diffing error. close [#40]( ([218563a](