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> Nerv is a virtual-dom based JavaScript (TypeScript) library with identical React 16 API, which offers much higher performance, tinier package size and better browser compatibility.


## Features

⚛ Identical React API, no 'nerv-compat' is needed

️⚔ Battle tested, serve in []( home page and [](

⚡️ High performance

🤣 IE8 compatibility

🎯 Tiny size, 9Kb gzipped

🌗 Isomorphic rendering on both client and server

💫 Support React 16 features, Error Boundaries, Portals, custom DOM attributes, etc.

## Packages

This repository is a monorepo that we manage using [Lerna]( That means that we actually publish [several packages](/packages) to npm from the same codebase, including:

| Package           |   Description |
| ------------- |:-------------:|
| [`nervjs`](/packages/nerv)      |  The core of Nerv  |
| [`nerv-redux`](/packages/nerv-redux)      |  Nerv binding for Redux  |
| [`nerv-devtools`](/packages/nerv-devtools) | Provides support for React's Dev Tools for Nerv   |
| [`nerv-server`](/packages/nerv-server) | Support for server side rendering |
| [`nerv-test-utils`](/packages/nerv-test-utils) | Suite of utilities for testing Nerv applications   |
| [`nerv-utils`](/packages/nerv-utils) |  Internal Helpers functions for Nerv  |
| [`nerv-shared`](/packages/nerv-shared) |  Internal shared functions for Nerv  |
| [`nerv-create-class`](/packages/nerv-create-class) |  The legacy `createClass` API for Nerv  |

## Getting Started

The easiest way to get started with Nerv is using [CodeSandbox Playground](, If you use React, you already know how to use Nerv.

### Install

Of course we recommend that you use Nerv with [Webpack]( and [Babel]( you can install Nerv like this

With npm

$ npm install --save nervjs

With yarn

$ yarn add nervjs

### Usage

Import what you need. Nerv provides both named and default exports, you can use Nerv as a namespace or simply import what you need as locals.

**Default exports:**

import Nerv from 'nervjs'
class HelloMessage extends Nerv.Component {
  render() {
    return <div>Hello {}</div>

  <HelloMessage name="Nerv" />,


import { Component, render } from 'nervjs'
class HelloMessage extends Component {
  render() {
    return <div>Hello {}</div>

  <HelloMessage name="Nerv" />,

☝️ For more information please move to the official [development document](

## Examples 
* [TodoMVC](, built with Nerv and Redux
* [Nerv's landing page](, built with Nerv and [react-intl](
* [](
* [](

## Switching to Nerv from React

Switching to Nerv from React is easy as adding alias `nervjs` for `react` and `react-dom`. No changes in code needed.

### Usage with Webpack

Add an alias in your `webpack.config.js`:

  // ...
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      'react': 'nervjs',
      'react-dom': 'nervjs',
      // Not necessary unless you consume a module using `createClass`
      'create-react-class': "nerv-create-class"
  // ...

### Usage with Babel

Install the babel plugin for aliasing

$ npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-module-resolver

In `.babelrc`:

  "plugins": [
    ["module-resolver", {
      "root": ["."],
      "alias": {
        "react": "nervjs",
        "react-dom": "nervjs",
        // Not necessary unless you consume a module using `createClass`
        "create-react-class": "nerv-create-class"

### Usage with Browserify

Install the aliasify transform:

$ npm i --save-dev aliasify

Then in your `package.json`:

  "aliasify": {
    "aliases": {
      "react": "nervjs",
      "react-dom": "nervjs"

## Compatible with React

Nerv currently support React API and features:

### `react`

* React.createClass (legacy)
* React.createElement
* React.cloneElement
* React.Component
* React.PureComponent
* React.PropTypes
* React.Children
* React.isValidElement
* React.createFactory
* [Error Boundaries]( (React 16)
### `react-dom`

* React.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer (legacy)
* ReactDOM.render
* ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode
* ReactDOM.findDOMNode
* ReactDOM.hydrate (React 16)
* ReactDOM.createPortal (React 16)

## Internet Explorer 8 (or below) compatibility

First, install `es5-polyfill`:

npm install --save es5-polyfill

Then insert the code into the beginning of your entry file:


At last, setting `.babelrc` if you are using `babel`:

  "presets": [
    ["env", {
      "spec": true,
      "useBuiltIns": false

## Developer Tools

Nerv has a development tools module which allows you to inspect the component hierarchies via the [React Chrome Developer Tools]( plugin. 

To enable the Nerv development tools you must install the `nerv-devtools` module and then `require('nerv-devtools')` before the initial `Nerv.render()`.

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')  {
// before Nerv.render()
Nerv.render(<App />, document.getElementById('#root'))


## [Change Log](

## Acknowledgement

[AOTU.IO(JD Multi-terminal Development Department)](

## License

[![FOSSA Status](](