

Test Coverage
# Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.

<a name="1.5.7"></a>
## [1.5.7]( (2020-06-03)

### Bug Fixes

* diff fragment vulnerability ([50dbefc](

<a name="1.5.6"></a>
## [1.5.6]( (2019-11-28)

### Bug Fixes

* setState callback should emit in willMount ([885b822](

<a name="1.5.5"></a>
## [1.5.5]( (2019-11-12)

### Bug Fixes

* touch and scroll event call event.preventDefault error ([04c6ce8](

<a name="1.5.4"></a>
## [1.5.4]( (2019-11-07)

### Bug Fixes

* setState callbacks fire in wrong order ([bab047e](

<a name="1.5.3"></a>
## [1.5.3]( (2019-10-30)

### Bug Fixes

* forget to clear setState callback ([dee494f](

<a name="1.5.2"></a>
## [1.5.2]( (2019-10-29)

### Bug Fixes

* call setState() in setState's callback ([f219ad3](
* render function return a empty array ([f165bf7](

<a name="1.5.1"></a>
## [1.5.1]( (2019-10-17)

### Bug Fixes

* should correctly append children ([ad95df9](

<a name="1.5.0"></a>
# [1.5.0]( (2019-10-14)

### Bug Fixes

* ci can't start karma test ([f42d89b](
* fix all fragment test cases ([c648096](

### Features

* basic support for fragments ([3487ca2](
* fragment should work in most of cases ([104819f](

<a name="1.4.4"></a>
## [1.4.4]( (2019-08-19)

### Features

* export getHooks and Current ([8c1b281](

<a name="1.4.0"></a>
# [1.4.0]( (2019-06-03)

### Bug Fixes

* getDerivedStateFromProps导致shouldComponentUpdate 取值不正常 ([b27a488](
* 合并master对didMount执行顺序bug的修复 ([8e47105](
* 增加lifecycle测试 ([1395ef2](

### Features

* 增加getDerivedStateFromError ([71c3df0](
* 增加getSnapshotBeforeUpdate ([c8594b6](
* 新增生命周期函数getDerivedStateFromProps ([06624cf](

<a name="1.3.13"></a>
## [1.3.13]( (2019-03-21)

### Bug Fixes

* call this.setState fail in the callback of componentWillMount's this.setState ([0e38891](

<a name="1.3.12"></a>
## [1.3.12]( (2019-01-30)

**Note:** Version bump only for package nervjs

<a name="1.3.11"></a>
## [1.3.11]( (2019-01-28)

**Note:** Version bump only for package nervjs

<a name="1.3.10"></a>
## [1.3.10]( (2019-01-28)

**Note:** Version bump only for package nervjs

<a name="1.3.9"></a>
## [1.3.9]( (2018-11-22)

### Bug Fixes

* devtools not working ([9cf6b10](

<a name="1.3.8"></a>
## [1.3.8]( (2018-10-29)

### Bug Fixes

* setState first params to be a function, close [#97]( ([b9d88c7](
* support clone number ([5f877f9](

<a name="1.3.7"></a>
## [1.3.7]( (2018-10-26)

### Bug Fixes

* get latest state in componentWillMount setState callback ([20e1e2d](

<a name="1.3.6"></a>
## [1.3.6]( (2018-10-25)

### Bug Fixes

* patching error while lastVnode and nextVnode are both array ([e2bd4a3](

<a name="1.3.5"></a>
## [1.3.5]( (2018-09-29)

### Bug Fixes

* sourcemap empty, close [#92]( ([f1d354f](

<a name="1.3.4"></a>
## [1.3.4]( (2018-09-29)

### Bug Fixes

* cloneElement with false cause error ([e15a5dd](

<a name="1.3.4-beta.0"></a>
## [1.3.4-beta.0]( (2018-08-16)

### Features

* add typing to pathcStyle ([41e3618](

<a name="1.3.3"></a>
## [1.3.3]( (2018-08-15)

### Bug Fixes

* lastStyle contains style that nextStyle don't, close [#88]( ([ee0ef8e](

<a name="1.3.2"></a>
## [1.3.2]( (2018-07-23)

### Bug Fixes

* children is 0 but not render ([d0014f0](
* invoke setState callback in componentWillMount, fix [#84]( ([12fa8cf](

<a name="1.3.0"></a>
# [1.3.0]( (2018-06-08)

### Bug Fixes

* children is a falsy but valid value ([911f017](

<a name="1.3.2-beta.0"></a>
## [1.3.2-beta.0]( (2018-07-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **nerv:** fix the buggy behavior of modifying context when calling getChildContext ([56911c6](

<a name="1.3.1"></a>
## [1.3.1]( (2018-06-29)

### Bug Fixes

* set empty methods to propTypes ([1dbbdd0](

<a name="1.3.0-beta.0"></a>
# [1.3.0-beta.0]( (2018-05-31)

### Features

* export  PropTypes as top-level API ([f45010f](

<a name="1.2.18"></a>
## [1.2.18]( (2018-05-03)

### Bug Fixes

* componentDidUpdate prevState error ([c2aecac](
* syntax error ([1f8d0a1](

<a name="1.2.17"></a>
## [1.2.17]( (2018-04-01)

**Note:** Version bump only for package nervjs

<a name="1.2.16"></a>
## [1.2.16]( (2018-03-26)

### Bug Fixes

* fix cloneElement's bug ([dbceca8](
* patch void element lost dom reference ([32f403d](

<a name="1.2.15"></a>
## [1.2.15]( (2018-03-15)

### Bug Fixes

* cloneElement should clone children as well ([682fe15](
* Stateless component should support function returning null. ([386f07a](
* **nerv-build:** fix error during installing nerv-build on windows ([6f9caf6](
* **test:** add test for commit 386f07a and 682fe15. ([f307fec](
* **test:** normalize html and format the test file ([a0de170](

<a name="1.2.14"></a>
## [1.2.14]( (2018-03-08)

### Bug Fixes

* as per React, functional ref should also detach ([9338a0a](
* cloneElement should clone void vnode as well ([b007de9](
* findDOMNode should return null while input is invalid ([76bbec5](
* patch do nothing when lastVnode and nextVnode are both Portal ([cd99801](
* ref should exec after componentDidMount hook ([7bf5efa](
* ref should exeute before render() function ([a4cb918](

<a name="1.2.14-beta.0"></a>
## [1.2.14-beta.0]( (2018-03-02)

### Bug Fixes

* DOM reference lost during the patch. close [#42]( ([055eeb9](

<a name="1.2.13"></a>
## [1.2.13]( (2018-03-01)

### Bug Fixes

* call insertBefore with null only if nextSibling is an empty textnode ([b44fb2c](
* **test:** IE8 ignore empty space ([fffbca2](
* export React version as top level API ([5ea0920](

<a name="1.2.13-beta.0"></a>
## [1.2.13-beta.0]( (2018-02-26)

### Bug Fixes

* unkeyed children diffing error. close [#40]( ([218563a](

<a name="1.2.12"></a>
## [1.2.12]( (2018-02-24)

### Bug Fixes

* clone text vnode error when Component update ([4ada5bd](

<a name="1.2.11"></a>
## [1.2.11]( (2018-02-09)

### Bug Fixes

* cloneElement lose refs ([8321f4a](
* make a children copy to props in DOM Component ([b513fa5](
* not patch vnode array ([94b5605](
* remove portal could fail ([7e64994](

<a name="1.2.10"></a>
## [1.2.10]( (2018-02-02)

### Bug Fixes

* IE9 input/textarea cursor position ([ecc591a](

<a name="1.2.9"></a>
## [1.2.9]( (2018-02-01)

### Bug Fixes

* only composite and dom element is valid in React ([faf3a90](
* the value update for textarea/input ([22bea4d](

<a name="1.2.8"></a>
## [1.2.8]( (2018-01-24)

### Bug Fixes

* stateless component patch wrongly ([d595183](

<a name="1.2.7"></a>
## [1.2.7]( (2018-01-23)

### Bug Fixes

* typo in unstable_batchedUpdates ([d2852df](

<a name="1.2.6"></a>
## [1.2.6]( (2018-01-23)

### Bug Fixes

* cloneElement should preserve EMPTY_ARRAY instead of create a  new one. ([3b13ed9](
* componentWillUnmount should be called before removing DOM. fix [#32]( ([eef6297](
* Event.persit support ([eb0c682](
* iOS onClick event ([4b06357](
* render() function should render null ([8e32021](
* should not ignore children when component pass a empty children ([057f106](
* should not pass refs to children ([d625476](

<a name="1.2.5"></a>
## [1.2.5]( (2018-01-18)

### Bug Fixes

* patch children while lastChildren is empty ([7828ba5](

### Performance Improvements

* clear the content instead of removeChild while nextChildren is empty ([fc5d09d](

<a name="1.2.4"></a>
## [1.2.4]( (2018-01-14)

### Bug Fixes

* stateless component has no state ([c7e84bd](

<a name="1.2.3"></a>
## [1.2.3]( (2018-01-11)

### Bug Fixes

* stateless component don't support ref from now ([3e6781f](
* unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer lose context ([4279a77](

<a name="1.2.2"></a>
## [1.2.2]( (2018-01-08)

**Note:** Version bump only for package nervjs

<a name="1.2.1"></a>
## [1.2.1]( (2018-01-08)

**Note:** Version bump only for package nervjs

<a name="1.2.0"></a>
# [1.2.0]( (2018-01-05)

### Bug Fixes

* `document` can't found in node envirment. ([238163d](
* flatten children before call Children.forEach etc. ([5060bad](
* set `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` could fail ([e4b3b50](

### Features

* hydrate ([48ec6bf](

<a name="1.1.0"></a>
# [1.1.0]( (2018-01-02)

### Bug Fixes

* export createPortal ([2ac34b4](

<a name="1.0.2"></a>
## [1.0.2]( (2017-12-26)

### Bug Fixes

* missing main file index.js ([5993ff2](
* wrong typing file direaction ([a1bd090](

<a name="1.0.1"></a>
## [1.0.1]( (2017-12-26)

### Bug Fixes

* build file include tsd typing ([be83467](

<a name="1.0.0"></a>
# [1.0.0]( (2017-12-22)

### Bug Fixes

*  wrong boolen for IS_NON_DIMENSIONAL ([087918c](
* `unmountComponentAtNode` don't export as default ([e680b8e](
* attach ref failed ([99b3c41](
* child context lost during createElement ([6ebed2c](
* component can't catch ([0d685f8](
* componentDidCatch can't catch component that wraped by vnode ([8b6e71a](
* componentDidCatch should work ([f50f195](
* correct devtools main file ([669d5b8](
* diff break down when nothing returns or throw error in render() function. ([64e3b2f](
* diff failed when lastVnode is invalid ([6d622b0](
* don't clear dom reference during unount ([b1cbcdd](
* error in hoc ([68ec3fc](
* foreignObject should be created by createElementNS ([5ff40d7](
* ignore function prop ([749b01e](
* multiple define event crash in some browsers ([28cf266](
* patch can't get proper lastDom ([200ebf9](
* patch failed when  next vnode length > last vnode length ([df17b50](
* patchProps don't remove event listener ([f907f11](
* react-router compat ([885bf86](
* server rendering style ([f2bfd1b](
* set element style.float cross browser ([ca1aaa0](
* set input property failed ([9f1d863](
* set type property first for input element ([14dc228](
* stateless component can't detach ref ([b7f018a](
* string refs support ([d8f4c56](
* undefined vnode can't be removed from the document ([4992359](
* unmount  does not return new dom ([c36957d](
* unmount can't unhook event ([62a26be](
* unmount children don't remove child ([ddc8832](
* unmount clear reference ([aa28146](
* unmount component failed ([020f5b2](
* unmountComponentAtNode failed in stateless component ([88a054e](
* use a lineweight svg solution ([fe23362](
* use try/catch when setting input.type ([e13320a](

### Features

* better event compatibility with React ([973a3c1](
* Children export as top-level API ([f780dd9](
* componentDidCatch basic logic and test ([69d7378](
* componentDidCatch can catch every lifecycle ([6b7ff51](
* componentDidCatch can passthrough child ([931ff20](
* createPortal should work ([b8d45aa](
* devtools support stateless component ([e774110](
* hooks use enum to identify ([628e1e9](
* new top-level API, `isValidElement` ([6d91881](
* refs support string ([662d4db](
* remove unnessceily hook type check ([07c7d04](
* stateless component now has   shouldComponentUpdate ([48686c9](

### Performance Improvements

* better performance when create Children ([dccca50](
* createElement ([a22e3f7](
* don't diff in simple situation ([77f21f9](
* lazy init children ([70f3e56](
* nextTick use Promise.then ->  requestAnimationFrame -> setTimeout ([dacc145](
* remove inaccessible branch ([220ce29](
* remove unnecessary prop's setup ([8f98212](
* use a empty obj for context ([ddba0ab](
* use c-style for loop instead of forEach ([3415fe8](
* use internal isArray function ([d65488e](
* use object-literal to create VNode and VText ([3412be7](

<a name="0.3.0"></a>
# [0.3.0]( (2017-10-28)

### Bug Fixes

* unmountComponentAtNode can't unmount vnode and stateless properly ([e08cb13](

### Features

* export a empty function from nerv-shared ([1f51b2b](

### Performance Improvements

* explicit equal null  for parentNode ([463a9ca](
* remove unnecessary widget type check ([9813c81](

<a name="0.2.0-alpha.1"></a>
# [0.2.0-alpha.1]( (2017-10-28)

<a name="0.4.0-beta.e7741103"></a>
# [0.4.0-beta.e7741103]( (2017-12-19)

### Bug Fixes

*  wrong boolen for IS_NON_DIMENSIONAL ([087918c](
* `unmountComponentAtNode` don't export as default ([e680b8e](
* attach ref failed ([99b3c41](
* child context lost during createElement ([6ebed2c](
* component can't catch ([0d685f8](
* componentDidCatch can't catch component that wraped by vnode ([8b6e71a](
* componentDidCatch should work ([f50f195](
* diff break down when nothing returns or throw error in render() function. ([64e3b2f](
* diff failed when lastVnode is invalid ([6d622b0](
* error in hoc ([68ec3fc](
* ignore function prop ([749b01e](
* multiple define event crash in some browsers ([28cf266](
* patch can't get proper lastDom ([200ebf9](
* patch failed when  next vnode length > last vnode length ([df17b50](
* patchProps don't remove event listener ([f907f11](
* react-router compat ([885bf86](
* server rendering style ([f2bfd1b](
* set element style.float cross browser ([ca1aaa0](
* set input property failed ([9f1d863](
* set type property first for input element ([14dc228](
* stateless component can't detach ref ([b7f018a](
* string refs support ([d8f4c56](
* undefined vnode can't be removed from the document ([4992359](
* unmount  does not return new dom ([c36957d](
* unmount can't unhook event ([62a26be](
* unmount children don't remove child ([ddc8832](
* unmount component failed ([020f5b2](
* unmountComponentAtNode failed in stateless component ([88a054e](
* use a lineweight svg solution ([fe23362](
* use try/catch when setting input.type ([e13320a](

### Features

* better event compatibility with React ([973a3c1](
* Children export as top-level API ([f780dd9](
* componentDidCatch basic logic and test ([69d7378](
* componentDidCatch can catch every lifecycle ([6b7ff51](
* componentDidCatch can passthrough child ([931ff20](
* createPortal should work ([b8d45aa](
* devtools support stateless component ([e774110](
* hooks use enum to identify ([628e1e9](
* new top-level API, `isValidElement` ([6d91881](
* refs support string ([662d4db](
* remove unnessceily hook type check ([07c7d04](
* stateless component now has   shouldComponentUpdate ([48686c9](

### Performance Improvements

* better performance when create Children ([dccca50](
* createElement ([a22e3f7](
* don't diff in simple situation ([77f21f9](
* lazy init children ([70f3e56](
* nextTick use Promise.then ->  requestAnimationFrame -> setTimeout ([dacc145](
* remove inaccessible branch ([220ce29](
* remove unnecessary prop's setup ([8f98212](
* use a empty obj for context ([ddba0ab](
* use c-style for loop instead of forEach ([3415fe8](
* use internal isArray function ([d65488e](
* use object-literal to create VNode and VText ([3412be7](

<a name="0.3.0"></a>
# [0.3.0]( (2017-10-28)

### Bug Fixes

* unmountComponentAtNode can't unmount vnode and stateless properly ([e08cb13](

### Features

* export a empty function from nerv-shared ([1f51b2b](

### Performance Improvements

* explicit equal null  for parentNode ([463a9ca](
* remove unnecessary widget type check ([9813c81](

<a name="0.2.0-alpha.1"></a>
# [0.2.0-alpha.1]( (2017-10-28)

<a name="0.4.0-beta.04d2693f"></a>
# [0.4.0-beta.04d2693f]( (2017-12-07)

### Bug Fixes

*  wrong boolen for IS_NON_DIMENSIONAL ([087918c](
* `unmountComponentAtNode` don't export as default ([e680b8e](
* attach ref failed ([99b3c41](
* child context lost during createElement ([6ebed2c](
* component can't catch ([0d685f8](
* componentDidCatch can't catch component that wraped by vnode ([8b6e71a](
* diff break down when nothing returns or throw error in render() function. ([64e3b2f](
* diff failed when lastVnode is invalid ([6d622b0](
* error in hoc ([68ec3fc](
* ignore function prop ([749b01e](
* multiple define event crash in some browsers ([28cf266](
* patch can't get proper lastDom ([200ebf9](
* patch failed when  next vnode length > last vnode length ([df17b50](
* patchProps don't remove event listener ([f907f11](
* server rendering style ([f2bfd1b](
* set element style.float cross browser ([ca1aaa0](
* set input property failed ([9f1d863](
* set type property first for input element ([14dc228](
* stateless component can't detach ref ([b7f018a](
* string refs support ([d8f4c56](
* undefined vnode can't be removed from the document ([4992359](
* unmount  does not return new dom ([c36957d](
* unmount can't unhook event ([62a26be](
* unmount children don't remove child ([ddc8832](
* unmountComponentAtNode failed in stateless component ([88a054e](
* use a lineweight svg solution ([fe23362](
* use try/catch when setting input.type ([e13320a](

### Features

* Children export as top-level API ([f780dd9](
* componentDidCatch basic logic and test ([69d7378](
* componentDidCatch can catch every lifecycle ([6b7ff51](
* componentDidCatch can passthrough child ([931ff20](
* createPortal should work ([b8d45aa](
* hooks use enum to identify ([628e1e9](
* new top-level API, `isValidElement` ([6d91881](
* refs support string ([662d4db](
* remove unnessceily hook type check ([07c7d04](

### Performance Improvements

* don't diff in simple situation ([77f21f9](
* lazy init children ([70f3e56](
* nextTick use Promise.then ->  requestAnimationFrame -> setTimeout ([dacc145](
* remove inaccessible branch ([220ce29](
* remove unnecessary prop's setup ([8f98212](
* use a empty obj for context ([ddba0ab](
* use c-style for loop instead of forEach ([3415fe8](
* use internal isArray function ([d65488e](
* use object-literal to create VNode and VText ([3412be7](

<a name="0.3.0"></a>
# [0.3.0]( (2017-10-28)

### Bug Fixes

* unmountComponentAtNode can't unmount vnode and stateless properly ([e08cb13](

### Features

* export a empty function from nerv-shared ([1f51b2b](

### Performance Improvements

* explicit equal null  for parentNode ([463a9ca](
* remove unnecessary widget type check ([9813c81](

<a name="0.2.0-alpha.1"></a>
# [0.2.0-alpha.1]( (2017-10-28)

<a name="0.4.0-beta.f0ef1ef6"></a>
# [0.4.0-beta.f0ef1ef6]( (2017-12-04)

### Bug Fixes

*  wrong boolen for IS_NON_DIMENSIONAL ([087918c](
* `unmountComponentAtNode` don't export as default ([e680b8e](
* attach ref failed ([99b3c41](
* child context lost during createElement ([6ebed2c](
* component can't catch ([0d685f8](
* componentDidCatch can't catch component that wraped by vnode ([8b6e71a](
* diff break down when nothing returns or throw error in render() function. ([64e3b2f](
* diff failed when lastVnode is invalid ([6d622b0](
* error in hoc ([68ec3fc](
* ignore function prop ([749b01e](
* patch can't get proper lastDom ([200ebf9](
* patch failed when  next vnode length > last vnode length ([df17b50](
* patchProps don't remove event listener ([f907f11](
* server rendering style ([f2bfd1b](
* set element style.float cross browser ([ca1aaa0](
* set input property failed ([9f1d863](
* stateless component can't detach ref ([b7f018a](
* string refs support ([d8f4c56](
* undefined vnode can't be removed from the document ([4992359](
* unmount  does not return new dom ([c36957d](
* unmount can't unhook event ([62a26be](
* unmount children don't remove child ([ddc8832](
* unmountComponentAtNode failed in stateless component ([88a054e](
* use a lineweight svg solution ([fe23362](

### Features

* Children export as top-level API ([f780dd9](
* componentDidCatch basic logic and test ([69d7378](
* componentDidCatch can catch every lifecycle ([6b7ff51](
* componentDidCatch can passthrough child ([931ff20](
* createPortal should work ([b8d45aa](
* hooks use enum to identify ([628e1e9](
* new top-level API, `isValidElement` ([6d91881](
* refs support string ([662d4db](
* remove unnessceily hook type check ([07c7d04](

### Performance Improvements

* don't diff in simple situation ([77f21f9](
* lazy init children ([70f3e56](
* nextTick use Promise.then ->  requestAnimationFrame -> setTimeout ([dacc145](
* remove inaccessible branch ([220ce29](
* remove unnecessary prop's setup ([8f98212](
* use a empty obj for context ([ddba0ab](
* use c-style for loop instead of forEach ([3415fe8](
* use internal isArray function ([d65488e](
* use object-literal to create VNode and VText ([3412be7](

<a name="0.3.0"></a>
# [0.3.0]( (2017-10-28)

### Bug Fixes

* unmountComponentAtNode can't unmount vnode and stateless properly ([e08cb13](

### Features

* export a empty function from nerv-shared ([1f51b2b](

### Performance Improvements

* explicit equal null  for parentNode ([463a9ca](
* remove unnecessary widget type check ([9813c81](

<a name="0.2.0-alpha.1"></a>
# [0.2.0-alpha.1]( (2017-10-28)

<a name="0.4.0-beta.f869cca6"></a>
# [0.4.0-beta.f869cca6]( (2017-12-04)

### Bug Fixes

*  wrong boolen for IS_NON_DIMENSIONAL ([087918c](
* `unmountComponentAtNode` don't export as default ([e680b8e](
* attach ref failed ([99b3c41](
* child context lost during createElement ([6ebed2c](
* component can't catch ([0d685f8](
* componentDidCatch can't catch component that wraped by vnode ([8b6e71a](
* diff break down when nothing returns or throw error in render() function. ([64e3b2f](
* diff failed when lastVnode is invalid ([6d622b0](
* error in hoc ([68ec3fc](
* ignore function prop ([749b01e](
* patch can't get proper lastDom ([200ebf9](
* patch failed when  next vnode length > last vnode length ([df17b50](
* patchProps don't remove event listener ([f907f11](
* server rendering style ([f2bfd1b](
* set element style.float cross browser ([ca1aaa0](
* set input property failed ([9f1d863](
* stateless component can't detach ref ([b7f018a](
* string refs support ([d8f4c56](
* undefined vnode can't be removed from the document ([4992359](
* unmount  does not return new dom ([c36957d](
* unmount can't unhook event ([62a26be](
* unmount children don't remove child ([ddc8832](
* unmountComponentAtNode failed in stateless component ([88a054e](
* use a lineweight svg solution ([fe23362](

### Features

* componentDidCatch basic logic and test ([69d7378](
* componentDidCatch can catch every lifecycle ([6b7ff51](
* componentDidCatch can passthrough child ([931ff20](
* createPortal should work ([b8d45aa](
* hooks use enum to identify ([628e1e9](
* new top-level API, `isValidElement` ([6d91881](
* refs support string ([662d4db](
* remove unnessceily hook type check ([07c7d04](

### Performance Improvements

* don't diff in simple situation ([77f21f9](
* lazy init children ([70f3e56](
* nextTick use Promise.then ->  requestAnimationFrame -> setTimeout ([dacc145](
* remove inaccessible branch ([220ce29](
* remove unnecessary prop's setup ([8f98212](
* use a empty obj for context ([ddba0ab](
* use c-style for loop instead of forEach ([3415fe8](
* use internal isArray function ([d65488e](
* use object-literal to create VNode and VText ([3412be7](

<a name="0.4.0-beta.4b0270d1"></a>
# [0.4.0-beta.4b0270d1]( (2017-12-04)

### Bug Fixes

*  wrong boolen for IS_NON_DIMENSIONAL ([087918c](
* `unmountComponentAtNode` don't export as default ([e680b8e](
* attach ref failed ([99b3c41](
* child context lost during createElement ([6ebed2c](
* component can't catch ([0d685f8](
* componentDidCatch can't catch component that wraped by vnode ([8b6e71a](
* diff break down when nothing returns or throw error in render() function. ([64e3b2f](
* diff failed when lastVnode is invalid ([6d622b0](
* error in hoc ([68ec3fc](
* ignore function prop ([749b01e](
* patch can't get proper lastDom ([200ebf9](
* patch failed when  next vnode length > last vnode length ([df17b50](
* patchProps don't remove event listener ([f907f11](
* server rendering style ([f2bfd1b](
* set element style.float cross browser ([ca1aaa0](
* set input property failed ([9f1d863](
* stateless component can't detach ref ([b7f018a](
* string refs support ([d8f4c56](
* undefined vnode can't be removed from the document ([4992359](
* unmount  does not return new dom ([c36957d](
* unmount can't unhook event ([62a26be](
* unmount children don't remove child ([ddc8832](
* unmountComponentAtNode failed in stateless component ([88a054e](
* use a lineweight svg solution ([fe23362](

### Features

* componentDidCatch basic logic and test ([69d7378](
* componentDidCatch can catch every lifecycle ([6b7ff51](
* componentDidCatch can passthrough child ([931ff20](
* createPortal should work ([b8d45aa](
* hooks use enum to identify ([628e1e9](
* new top-level API, `isValidElement` ([6d91881](
* refs support string ([662d4db](
* remove unnessceily hook type check ([07c7d04](

### Performance Improvements

* don't diff in simple situation ([77f21f9](
* lazy init children ([70f3e56](
* nextTick use Promise.then ->  requestAnimationFrame -> setTimeout ([dacc145](
* remove inaccessible branch ([220ce29](
* remove unnecessary prop's setup ([8f98212](
* use a empty obj for context ([ddba0ab](
* use c-style for loop instead of forEach ([3415fe8](
* use internal isArray function ([d65488e](
* use object-literal to create VNode and VText ([3412be7](

<a name="0.4.0-beta.4a1e5c20"></a>
# [0.4.0-beta.4a1e5c20]( (2017-12-01)

### Bug Fixes

*  wrong boolen for IS_NON_DIMENSIONAL ([087918c](
* `unmountComponentAtNode` don't export as default ([e680b8e](
* attach ref failed ([99b3c41](
* child context lost during createElement ([6ebed2c](
* component can't catch ([0d685f8](
* componentDidCatch can't catch component that wraped by vnode ([8b6e71a](
* diff break down when nothing returns or throw error in render() function. ([64e3b2f](
* diff failed when lastVnode is invalid ([6d622b0](
* error in hoc ([68ec3fc](
* ignore function prop ([749b01e](
* patch can't get proper lastDom ([200ebf9](
* patch failed when  next vnode length > last vnode length ([df17b50](
* patchProps don't remove event listener ([f907f11](
* server rendering style ([f2bfd1b](
* set element style.float cross browser ([ca1aaa0](
* set input property failed ([9f1d863](
* stateless component can't detach ref ([b7f018a](
* string refs support ([d8f4c56](
* undefined vnode can't be removed from the document ([4992359](
* unmount  does not return new dom ([c36957d](
* unmount can't unhook event ([62a26be](
* unmount children don't remove child ([ddc8832](
* unmountComponentAtNode failed in stateless component ([88a054e](
* use a lineweight svg solution ([fe23362](

### Features

* componentDidCatch basic logic and test ([69d7378](
* componentDidCatch can catch every lifecycle ([6b7ff51](
* componentDidCatch can passthrough child ([931ff20](
* createPortal should work ([b8d45aa](
* hooks use enum to identify ([628e1e9](
* new top-level API, `isValidElement` ([6d91881](
* refs support string ([662d4db](
* remove unnessceily hook type check ([07c7d04](

### Performance Improvements

* don't diff in simple situation ([77f21f9](
* lazy init children ([70f3e56](
* nextTick use Promise.then ->  requestAnimationFrame -> setTimeout ([dacc145](
* remove inaccessible branch ([220ce29](
* remove unnecessary prop's setup ([8f98212](
* use a empty obj for context ([ddba0ab](
* use c-style for loop instead of forEach ([3415fe8](
* use internal isArray function ([d65488e](
* use object-literal to create VNode and VText ([3412be7](

<a name="0.3.0"></a>
# [0.3.0]( (2017-10-28)

### Bug Fixes

* unmountComponentAtNode can't unmount vnode and stateless properly ([e08cb13](

### Features

* export a empty function from nerv-shared ([1f51b2b](

### Performance Improvements

* explicit equal null  for parentNode ([463a9ca](
* remove unnecessary widget type check ([9813c81](