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Test Coverage
# Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Net-ng.
# All rights reserved.
# This software is licensed under the BSD License, as described in
# the file LICENSE.txt, which you should have received as part of
# this distribution.

from nagare.i18n import _
from nagare import presentation, security, var, ajax

from .comp import Checklist, ChecklistItem, Checklists, NewChecklistItem

def render_NewCheclistItem(self, h, comp, model):
    return comp.render(h, 'button' if self.show_button else 'edit')

@presentation.render_for(NewChecklistItem, 'button')
def render_NewChecklistItem_button(self, h, comp, model):
    return h.a(h.i(class_='icon-plus'), u' ', _(u'Add item'), class_='add-item', title=_(u'Add item')).action(self.set_show_button, False)

@presentation.render_for(NewChecklistItem, 'edit')
def render_NewChecklistItem_edit(self, h, comp, model):
    """Render the title of the associated object"""
    text = var.Var(u'')
    with h.form(class_='new-item-form'):
        id_ = h.generate_id()
        h << h.input(type='text', value=text, id_=id_, placeholder=_(u'Add item')).action(text)
        h << h.button(_(u'Add'),
                      class_='btn btn-primary').action(lambda: comp.answer(text()))

    if self.focus:
        h << h.script("YAHOO.util.Dom.get(%s).focus()" % ajax.py2js(id_))
        self.focus = False
    return h.root

@presentation.render_for(Checklists, 'action')
def render_Checklists_button(self, h, comp, model):
    if security.has_permissions('checklist', self.card):
        action = ajax.Update(render=lambda r: comp.render(r, model=None),
        with h.a(class_='btn').action(action):
            h << h.i(class_='icon-list')
            h << _('Checklist')
    return h.root

def render_Checklists(self, h, comp, model):
    can_edit = security.has_permissions('checklist', self.card)
    with h.div(id_='clists'):
        if can_edit:

            # On drag and drop
            action = h.a.action(ajax.Update(action=self.reorder, with_request=True)).get('onclick').replace('return', '')
            action = action.replace('")', '&data="+ YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(data))')
            h.head.javascript(h.generate_id(), '''function reorder_checklists(data) {
            }''' % action)

            # On items drag and drop
            action = h.a.action(ajax.Update(action=self.reorder_items, with_request=True)).get('onclick').replace('return', '')
            action = action.replace('")', '&data="+ YAHOO.lang.JSON.stringify(data))')
            h.head.javascript(h.generate_id(), '''function reorder_checklists_items(data) {
                }''' % action)

        id_ = h.generate_id()
        with h.div(class_='checklists', id=id_):
            not_alone = len(self.checklists) > 1
            for index, clist in enumerate(self.checklists):
                if can_edit:
                    h << clist.on_answer(
                        lambda v, index=index: self.delete_checklist(index)
                    ).render(h, 'not-alone' if not_alone else None)
                    h << clist.render(h, 'read-only')
    return h.root

@presentation.render_for(Checklists, 'badge')
def render_Checklists_badge(self, h, comp, model):
    total_items = self.total_items
    if total_items:
        with h.span(class_='badge'):
            h << h.span(h.i(class_='icon-list'), ' ', self.total_items_done, ' / ', total_items, class_='label')
    return h.root

@presentation.render_for(Checklist, 'not-alone')
@presentation.render_for(Checklist, 'read-only')
def render_Checklist(self, h, comp, model):
    with h.div(id='checklist_%s' %, class_='checklist'):
        with h.div(class_='title'):
            h << h.i(class_='icon-list ' + (model or ''))
            if model == 'read-only':
                h <<
                h << self.title.render(h.AsyncRenderer())
                onclick = (
                    u"if (confirm(%(message)s)){%(action)s;}return false" %
                        'action': h.a.action(
                            ajax.Update(render='', action=comp.answer)
                        'message': ajax.py2js(
                            _(u'The checklist will be deleted. Are you sure?')
                h << h.a(h.i(class_='icon-cross'), class_='delete', onclick=onclick)

        with h.div(class_='content'):
            if self.items:
                h << comp.render(h, 'progress')
            with h.ul:
                not_alone = len(self.items) > 1
                for index, item in enumerate(self.items):
                    if model == 'read-only':
                        h <<, 'read-only'))
                        h <<
                                lambda v, index=index: self.delete_index(index)
                            ).render(h, model='not-alone' if not_alone else None),
                            id='checklist_item_%s' % item().id,
            if model != 'read-only':
                h << self.new_item
    return h.root

@presentation.render_for(Checklist, 'progress')
def render_Checklist_progress(self, h, comp, model):
    progress = self.progress
    with h.div(class_='progress progress-success'):
        h << h.div(class_='bar', style='width:%s%%' % progress)
        h << h.span(progress, u'%', class_='percent')
    return h.root

@presentation.render_for(ChecklistItem, model='read-only')
def render_ChecklistItem(self, h, comp, model):
    h << h.span(h.i(class_='icon-checkbox-' + ('checked' if self.done else 'unchecked')))
    h << h.span(, class_='done' if self.done else '')
    return h.root

@presentation.render_for(ChecklistItem, 'not-alone')
def render_ChecklistItem(self, h, comp, model):
    with h.a().action(self.set_done):
        help_msg = _(u'Click to toggle')
        h << {'title': help_msg}
        with h.i:
            check_class = 'icon-checkbox-' + ('checked' if self.done else 'unchecked')
            h << {'class': check_class}
    h << h.span(self.title.render(h.AsyncRenderer()), class_='title ' + ('done' if self.done else ''))
    onclick = (
        u"if (confirm(%(message)s)){%(action)s;}return false" %
            'action': h.a.action(
                ajax.Update(render='', action=lambda: comp.answer('delete'))
            'message': ajax.py2js(
                _(u'The checklist item will be deleted. Are you sure?')
    h << h.a(h.i(class_='icon-cross'), class_='delete-item', onclick=onclick)
    if model == 'not-alone':
        h << h.i(class_='icon-menu2 not-alone', title=_(u'Drag to re-order'))
    return h.root