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# @sectester/repeater

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Package to manage repeaters and their lifecycle.

Repeaters are mandatory for scanning targets on a local network.
More info about [repeaters](

## Setup

npm i -s @sectester/repeater

## Usage

To establish a secure connection between the Bright cloud engine and a target on a local network, you just need to use the `RepeaterFactory` constructed with [`Configuration` instance]( as constructor argument.

import { Configuration } from '@sectester/core';
import { RepeaterFactory } from '@sectester/repeater';

const configuration = new Configuration({
  hostname: ''

const repeaterFactory = new RepeaterFactory(configuration);

The factory exposes the `createRepeater` method that returns a new `Repeater` instance:

const repeater = await repeaterFactory.createRepeater();

You can customize some properties, e.g. name prefix or description, passing options as follows:

const repeater = await repeaterFactory.createRepeater({
  namePrefix: 'my-repeater',
  description: 'My repeater'

The `createRepeater` method accepts the options described below:

| Option                        | Description                                                                                           |
| :---------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `namePrefix`                  | Enter a name prefix that will be used as a constant part of the unique name. By default, `sectester`. |
| `description`                 | Set a short description of the Repeater.                                                              |
| `requestRunnerOptions`        | Custom the request runner settings that will be used to execute requests to your application.         |
| `projectId`                   | Specify the project ID to associate the Repeater with.                                                |
| `disableRandomNameGeneration` | Disable random name generation for the Repeater's name.                                               |

The default `requestRunnerOptions` is as follows:

  timeout: 30000,
  maxContentLength: 100,
  reuseConnection: false,
  allowedMimes: [

The `RequestRunnerOptions` exposes the following options that can used to customize the request runner's behavior:

export interface RequestRunnerOptions {
  timeout?: number;
  proxyUrl?: string;
  headers?: Record<string, string | string[]>;
  allowedMimes?: string[];
  maxContentLength?: number;
  reuseConnection?: boolean;

The `RepeaterFactory` also provides a method to create a `Repeater` instance using an existing repeater ID. You can use the `createRepeaterFromExisting` method to accomplish this:

const existingRepeaterId = '<your repater ID>';
const repeater = await repeaterFactory.createRepeaterFromExisting(

This method retrieves the existing repeater's details from the cloud using its ID and returns a `Repeater` instance associated with the specified ID.

You can also customize the request runner options for the existing repeater by passing them as options:

const existingRepeaterId = '<your repater ID>';
const repeater = await repeaterFactory.createRepeaterFromExisting(
    requestRunnerOptions: {
      timeout: 10000,
      maxContentLength: 200,
      allowedMimes: ['text/html']

The `Repeater` instance provides the `start` method. This method is required to establish a connection with the Bright cloud engine and interact with other services.

await repeater.start();

To dispose of the connection, stop accepting any incoming commands, and handle events, you can call the `stop` method if the `Repeater` instance is started:

await repeater.stop();

`Repeater` instance also has a `repeaterId` field, that is required to start a new scan for local targets.

### Usage in unit tests

There are multiple strategies of how to run a repeater: before-all or before-each (recommended).
The two most viable options are running before all the tests vs running before every single test.

Below you can find the implementation of before-each strategy:

import { Configuration } from '@sectester/core';
import { RepeaterFactory, Repeater } from '@sectester/repeater';

describe('Scan', () => {
  let repeater!: Repeater;

  beforeAll(async () => {
    const configuration = new Configuration({
      hostname: ''

    repeater = await new RepeaterFactory(configuration).createRepeater();
    await repeater.start();

  afterAll(() => repeater.stop());

  it('should be not vulnerable', () => {
    // run scan of local target passing `repeater.repeaterId` to scan config

### Implementation details

Under the hood, `Repeater` connects to the Bright engine using the WebSocket protocol and then listens for incoming commands from the engine.
These commands are executed by the `RequestRunner` to process the requests coming from the engine:

export interface RequestRunner {
  protocol: Protocol;
  run(request: Request): Promise<Response>;

Package contains `RequestRunner` implementations for HTTP protocol only.
To support other protocol new class implementation of `RequestRunner` should be registered in global IoC container:

import { container } from 'tsyringe';

container.register(RequestRunner, {
  useClass: CustomProtocolRequestRunner

## Limitations

Custom scripts and self-signed certificates
(see [Bright CLI]( are not supported yet.

## License

Copyright © 2022 [Bright Security](

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE file](LICENSE) for details.