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# Rundeck GCP Nodes Plugin
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This is a Resource Model Source plugin for [Rundeck]( **3.x** and **4.x** that provides Google Cloud Platform GCE Instances as nodes for the Rundeck Server.

If you're still running Rundeck v2.x, please use one of the releases labeled v2.7.1-2 or earlier.  Think of it like "The Price is Right": you want the closest version of the plugin to what you're running without going over.

## Installation
Download from the [releases page](

Put the `rundeck-gcp-nodes-plugin-3.2.6-1.jar` into your `$RDECK_BASE/libext` dir.

You must also authenticate rundeck-gcp-nodes-plugin to your GCP project and will require a service account (SA) to do so:
* Log into your Google Cloud Platform console, go to the *API & Services*, then go to *Credentials*
* Hit *Create Credentials*, *Service account*.  In the service account details, enter **rundeck-gcp-nodes-plugin** as the service account name.
* IAM roles required: Project `Browser` & Compute Engine `Compute Viewer`  
* After creation of the SA, you may have to go in to see the details of the account and under *Keys* hit *ADD KEY* and create new key of JSON type.
* Rename the JSON file to `rundeck-gcp-nodes-plugin-PROJECTID.json` and place it in /etc/rundeck/ (replace `PROJECTID` with your GCP project id)
* Restart Rundeck

## Requirements
You will need to add the following labels to your GCP VMs if you want more accurate/meaning full values for the OS (because unfortunately, there currently isn't that data in a standalone field/value that describes that for your VM -- just look at the output of `gcloud compute instances describe`):
* `environment` (example value: prod)
* `osfamily` (example value: linux)
* `osname` (example value: rhel7)

*** No longer a requirement from `v2.7.1-2` onward ***

## Mapping Params
By default, your connection string (denoted by the `User @ Host` column in your project nodes page) is `rundeck@hostname`, but if you want it to show IP instead you can set the `hostname.selector` attribute to `networkInterfaces` or `accessConfigs` for internal and external(NAT) IPs respectively

### NOTE:
I'm basing my `rundeck-core` versioning off of the (highest) [Debian Artifacts]( versions available. 

### Bugs/TODOs:
1. `Only Running Instances` in the resource config doesn't work, it will always report the nodes regardless of state.

2. If plugin isn't listing your VMs if unless they have an External IP, you can do the following workaround (until I have time to put in a proper fix):
* In *Node Sources*, set `Use Default Mapping` to `no`
* Specify your own `Mapping Params` (delimited by semi-colon).  Common setup would be: `nodename.selector=name;username.default=rundeck;hostname.selector=networkInterfaces`