return [
| Nikolag Configuration
| This represents the default connection name that will be used when
| you have multiple available connections. For all available connections
| take a look a the code documentation of 'connections' just below.
'default' => 'square',
| Nikolag Connections
| Here you will find all available connections you have in your project.
| For all available connections you can take a look at the link under.
'connections' => [
| Square Configuration
| The square configuration determines the default application_id
| and square token when doing any of the calls to square. These values will
| be used when there is no merchant provided as a seller. You have to change
| these values.
'square' => [
'namespace' => 'Nikolag\Square\SquareService',
'application_id' => env('SQUARE_APPLICATION_ID'),
'access_token' => env('SQUARE_TOKEN'),
'sandbox' => env('SQUARE_SANDBOX', false),
| Square Merchant Configuration
| The square merchant configuration determines the default namespace for
| merchant model and it's identifier which will be used in various
| relationships when retrieving models. You are encouraged to change these
| values to better reflect your application.
'user' => [
'namespace' => env('SQUARE_USER_NAMESPACE', '\App\User'),
'identifier' => env('SQUARE_USER_IDENTIFIER', 'id'),
| Square Order Configuration
| The square order configuration determines the default namespace for
| order model and it's identifier which CAN be used when charging a customer.
| You can relate that model to a certain transaction. You are encouraged to
| change these values to better reflect your application.
'order' => [
'namespace' => env('SQUARE_ORDER_NAMESPACE', '\App\Order'),
'identifier' => env('SQUARE_ORDER_IDENTIFIER', 'id'),
'service_identifier' => env('SQUARE_PAYMENT_IDENTIFIER', 'payment_service_id'),