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\usepackage{algorithm}      % environment for algorithms
\usepackage{algorithmic}    % pseudocode

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\title{A Brief Overview of Cross-Entropy Method}

Initially, cross-entropy method was developed for estimation of rare events probability \cite{rubinstein1997optimization}. However, it was found that it is also appropriate for solving optimization problems.

Algorithm \ref{alg:crossentropy} defines a variant of cross-entropy method for optimization. 

    \caption{Cross-entropy method for optimization} \label{alg:crossentropy}
    \textbf{Input:} $X$ -- set of elements, $f: X \to \mathbb{R}$ -- target function, $u(\cdot, w)$ -- probabilistic distribution over $X$ parametrized by vector $w$. \\
    \textbf{Output:} $\hat{w}$ -- approximate solution to the problem $\max_w \mathbb{E}_{x \sim u(\cdot, w)} f(x)$. \\
    \textbf{Hyperparameters:} $w^{(0)}$ -- initial value of $w$; $N$ -- number of iterations, $n$ -- number of vectors to draw at each iteration, $\sigma$ -- standard deviation for vectors generation, $m$ -- number of trials for each vector; $\rho$ -- fraction of best vectors to use for update; $\alpha$ -- smoothing coefficient of updates.
        \FORALL{$i \in \{1, \dots, N\}$}
            \FORALL{$j \in \{1, \dots, n\}$}
                \STATE{draw $w^{(i,j)} \sim \mathcal{N}(\cdot \vert w^{(i-1)}, \sigma)$}
                \STATE{$r_j \gets \sum_{k = 1}^{m} f(x_k)$ where $x_k \sim u(\cdot, w^{(i,j)})$}
            \STATE{$r_{\mathrm{threshold}} \gets$ $[\rho n]$-th highest value of $\{r_j: j \in \{1, \dots, n\}\}$}
            \STATE{$J \gets \{j: r_j \ge r_{\mathrm{threshold}}\}$}
            \STATE{$w^{(i)} \gets \alpha w^{(i-1)} + (1 - \alpha)(\sum_{j \in J} w^{(i,j)}) / [\rho n]$}
        \STATE{$\hat{w} \gets w^{(N)}$}

Sometimes, hyperparameter $m$ is omitted and intermediate results are not aggregated over multiple trials. In case of $u(\cdot, w)$ that acts like a deterministic function of $w$, $m$ is redundant but, in general case, terminal result can be improved by setting $m > 1$.

More detailed discussion of cross-entropy method can be found in \cite{boer2005tutorial}.

