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Test Coverage
# This is an example of MIDI interpretation config.

# Below section defines mapping from MIDI track names to `sinethesizer` instruments that play them.
# This section is optional, but either it or `program_to_instrument` section must be included.
# If both of them are present, only this section is used.
  '1': additive_bright_pipe  # If a track is named `1`, it is played as `additive_bright_pipe`.
  guitar: plucked_string  # If a track is named `guitar`, it is played as `plucked_string`.
# If above section is set, but a track from a MIDI file is not mentioned there,
# this track will be skipped.

# Below section maps track names to effects that are applied to each of their events.
# In particular, this might be needed to properly locate corresponding sound sources.
# This section is optional. It is used only if `track_name_to_instrument` section is included.
  '1': '{["name": "panning", "left_amplitude_ratio": 0.5, "right_amplitude_ratio": 1.0]}'
  guitar: '{["name": "panning", "left_amplitude_ratio": 1.0, "right_amplitude_ratio": 0.0]}'

# Below section defines mapping from MIDI programs to corresponding `sinethesizer` instruments.
# This section is optional, but either it or `track_name_to_instrument` section must be included.
# If both of them are present, only `track_name_to_instrument` section is used.
  0: fm_bass  # So 'Acoustic Grand Piano' is played as `fm_bass`.
  41: bowed_string  # So 'Cello' is played as `bowed_string`.
# If above section is used, but a program used in a MIDI file is absent in above mapping,
# all events related to this program will be skipped.

# Below section maps MIDI programs to effects that are applied to each of their events.
# In particular, this might be needed to properly locate corresponding sound sources.
# This section is optional. It is used only if `track_name_to_instrument` section is not included.
  0: '{["name": "panning", "left_amplitude_ratio": 0.5, "right_amplitude_ratio": 1.0]}'
  41: '{["name": "panning", "left_amplitude_ratio": 1.0, "right_amplitude_ratio": 0.0]}'