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Test Coverage

    "post-queue": "Innleggskø",
    "no-queued-posts": "There are no posts in the post queue.",
    "no-single-post": "The topic or post you are looking for is no longer in the queue. It has likely been approved or deleted already.",
    "enabling-help": "The post queue is currently <strong>disabled</strong>. To enable this feature, go to <a href=\"%1\">Settings &rarr; Post &rarr; Post Queue</a> and enable <strong>Post Queue</strong>.",
    "back-to-list": "Back to Post Queue",
    "public-intro": "If you have any queued posts, they will be shown here.",
    "public-description": "This forum is configured to automatically queue posts from new accounts, pending moderator approval.<br />If you have queued posts awaiting approval, you will be able to see them here.",
    "user": "Bruker",
    "when": "When",
    "category": "Kategori",
    "title": "Tittel",
    "content": "Innhold",
    "posted": "Postet",
    "reply-to": "Svar til \"%1\"",
    "content-editable": "Klikk på innhold for å redigere",
    "category-editable": "Klikk på kategori for å redigere",
    "title-editable": "Klikk på tittel for å redigere ",
    "reply": "Svare",
    "topic": "Emne",
    "accept": "Aksepter ",
    "reject": "Avvis",
    "remove": "Fjern",
    "notify": "Varsle",
    "notify-user": "Varsle bruker",
    "confirm-reject": "Vil du avvise dette innlegget?",
    "confirm-remove": "Do you want to remove this post?",
    "bulk-actions": "Bulk Actions",
    "accept-all": "Accept All",
    "accept-selected": "Accept Selected",
    "reject-all": "Reject All",
    "reject-all-confirm": "Do you want to reject all posts?",
    "reject-selected": "Reject Selected",
    "reject-selected-confirm": "Do you want to reject %1 selected posts?",
    "remove-all": "Remove all",
    "remove-all-confirm": "Do you want to remove all posts?",
    "remove-selected": "Remove Selected",
    "remove-selected-confirm": "Do you want to remove %1 selected posts?",
    "bulk-accept-success": "%1 posts accepted",
    "bulk-reject-success": "%1 posts rejected"