# v4 to v5 migration guide
## Client Configuration
### Keep Alive
To better align with Node.js build-in [`net`]( and [`tls`]( modules, the `keepAlive` option has been split into 2 options: `keepAlive` (`boolean`) and `keepAliveInitialDelay` (`number`). The defaults remain `true` and `5000`.
### Legacy Mode
In the previous version, you could access "legacy" mode by creating a client and passing in `{ legacyMode: true }`. Now, you can create one off of an existing client by calling the `.legacy()` function. This allows easier access to both APIs and enables better TypeScript support.
// use `client` for the current API
const client = createClient();
await client.set('key', 'value');
// use `legacyClient` for the "legacy" API
const legacyClient = client.legacy();
legacyClient.set('key', 'value', (err, reply) => {
// ...
## Command Options
In v4, command options are passed as a first optional argument:
await client.get('key'); // `string | null`
await client.get(client.commandOptions({ returnBuffers: true }), 'key'); // `Buffer | null`
This has a couple of flaws:
1. The argument types are checked in runtime, which is a performance hit.
2. Code suggestions are less readable/usable, due to "function overloading".
3. Overall, "user code" is not as readable as it could be.
### The new API for v5
With the new API, instead of passing the options directly to the commands we use a "proxy client" to store them:
await client.get('key'); // `string | null`
const proxyClient = client.withCommandOptions({
typeMapping: {
await proxyClient.get('key'); // `Buffer | null`
for more information, see the [Command Options guide](./
## Quit VS Disconnect
The `QUIT` command has been deprecated in Redis 7.2 and should now also be considered deprecated in Node-Redis. Instead of sending a `QUIT` command to the server, the client can simply close the network connection.
`client.QUIT/quit()` is replaced by `client.close()`. and, to avoid confusion, `client.disconnect()` has been renamed to `client.destroy()`.
## Scan Iterators
Iterator commands like `SCAN`, `HSCAN`, `SSCAN`, and `ZSCAN` return collections of elements (depending on the data type). However, v4 iterators loop over these collections and yield individual items:
for await (const key of client.scanIterator()) {
console.log(key, await client.get(key));
This mismatch can be awkward and makes "multi-key" commands like `MGET`, `UNLINK`, etc. pointless. So, in v5 the iterators now yield a collection instead of an element:
for await (const keys of client.scanIterator()) {
// we can now meaningfully utilize "multi-key" commands
console.log(keys, await client.mGet(keys));
for more information, see the [Scan Iterators guide](./
## Isolation Pool
In v4, `RedisClient` had the ability to create a pool of connections using an "Isolation Pool" on top of the "main" connection. However, there was no way to use the pool without a "main" connection:
const client = await createClient()
.on('error', err => console.error(err))
client.commandOptions({ isolated: true })
In v5 we've extracted this pool logic into its own class—`RedisClientPool`:
const pool = await createClientPool()
.on('error', err => console.error(err))
See the [pool guide](./ for more information.
## Cluster `MULTI`
In v4, `cluster.multi()` did not support executing commands on replicas, even if they were readonly.
// this might execute on a replica, depending on configuration
await cluster.sendCommand('key', true, ['GET', 'key']);
// this always executes on a master
await cluster.multi()
.addCommand('key', ['GET', 'key'])
To support executing commands on replicas, `cluster.multi().addCommand` now requires `isReadonly` as the second argument, which matches the signature of `cluster.sendCommand`:
await cluster.multi()
.addCommand('key', true, ['GET', 'key'])
## `MULTI.execAsPipeline()`
await client.multi()
.set('a', 'a')
.set('b', 'b')
In older versions, if the socket disconnects during the pipeline execution, i.e. after writing `SET a a` and before `SET b b`, the returned promise is rejected, but `SET b b` will still be executed on the server.
In v5, any unwritten commands (in the same pipeline) will be discarded.
## Commands
### Redis
- `ACL GETUSER`: `selectors`
- `COPY`: `destinationDb` -> `DB`, `replace` -> `REPLACE`, `boolean` -> `number` [^boolean-to-number]
- `CLIENT KILL`: `enum ClientKillFilters` -> `const CLIENT_KILL_FILTERS` [^enum-to-constants]
- `CLUSTER FAILOVER`: `enum FailoverModes` -> `const FAILOVER_MODES` [^enum-to-constants]
- `CLIENT TRACKINGINFO`: `flags` in RESP2 - `Set<string>` -> `Array<string>` (to match RESP3 default type mapping)
- `CLUSTER SETSLOT`: `ClusterSlotStates` -> `CLUSTER_SLOT_STATES` [^enum-to-constants]
- `CLUSTER RESET`: the second argument is `{ mode: string; }` instead of `string` [^future-proofing]
- `CLUSTER FAILOVER`: `enum FailoverModes` -> `const FAILOVER_MODES` [^enum-to-constants], the second argument is `{ mode: string; }` instead of `string` [^future-proofing]
- `CLUSTER LINKS`: `createTime` -> `create-time`, `sendBufferAllocated` -> `send-buffer-allocated`, `sendBufferUsed` -> `send-buffer-used` [^map-keys]
- `CLUSTER NODES`, `CLUSTER REPLICAS`, `CLUSTER INFO`: returning the raw `VerbatimStringReply`
- `EXPIRE`: `boolean` -> `number` [^boolean-to-number]
- `EXPIREAT`: `boolean` -> `number` [^boolean-to-number]
- `HSCAN`: `tuples` has been renamed to `entries`
- `HEXISTS`: `boolean` -> `number` [^boolean-to-number]
- `HRANDFIELD_COUNT_WITHVALUES`: `Record<BlobString, BlobString>` -> `Array<{ field: BlobString; value: BlobString; }>` (it can return duplicates).
- `HSETNX`: `boolean` -> `number` [^boolean-to-number]
- `INFO`:
- `LCS IDX`: `length` has been changed to `len`, `matches` has been changed from `Array<{ key1: RangeReply; key2: RangeReply; }>` to `Array<[key1: RangeReply, key2: RangeReply]>`
- `ZINTER`: instead of `client.ZINTER('key', { WEIGHTS: [1] })` use `client.ZINTER({ key: 'key', weight: 1 }])`
- `ZINTER_WITHSCORES`: instead of `client.ZINTER_WITHSCORES('key', { WEIGHTS: [1] })` use `client.ZINTER_WITHSCORES({ key: 'key', weight: 1 }])`
- `ZUNION`: instead of `client.ZUNION('key', { WEIGHTS: [1] })` use `client.ZUNION({ key: 'key', weight: 1 }])`
- `ZUNION_WITHSCORES`: instead of `client.ZUNION_WITHSCORES('key', { WEIGHTS: [1] })` use `client.ZUNION_WITHSCORES({ key: 'key', weight: 1 }])`
- `ZMPOP`: `{ elements: Array<{ member: string; score: number; }>; }` -> `{ members: Array<{ value: string; score: number; }>; }` to match other sorted set commands (e.g. `ZRANGE`, `ZSCAN`)
- `MOVE`: `boolean` -> `number` [^boolean-to-number]
- `PEXPIRE`: `boolean` -> `number` [^boolean-to-number]
- `PEXPIREAT`: `boolean` -> `number` [^boolean-to-number]
- `PFADD`: `boolean` -> `number` [^boolean-to-number]
- `RENAMENX`: `boolean` -> `number` [^boolean-to-number]
- `SETNX`: `boolean` -> `number` [^boolean-to-number]
- `SCAN`, `HSCAN`, `SSCAN`, and `ZSCAN`: `reply.cursor` will not be converted to number to avoid issues when the number is bigger than `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`. See [here](
- `SCRIPT EXISTS`: `Array<boolean>` -> `Array<number>` [^boolean-to-number]
- `SISMEMBER`: `boolean` -> `number` [^boolean-to-number]
- `SMISMEMBER`: `Array<boolean>` -> `Array<number>` [^boolean-to-number]
- `SMOVE`: `boolean` -> `number` [^boolean-to-number]
- `GEOSEARCH_WITH`/`GEORADIUS_WITH`: `GeoReplyWith` -> `GEO_REPLY_WITH` [^enum-to-constants]
- `XACK`: `boolean` -> `number` [^boolean-to-number]
- `XADD`: the `INCR` option has been removed, use `XADD_INCR` instead
- `LASTSAVE`: `Date` -> `number` (unix timestamp)
- `HELLO`: `protover` moved from the options object to it's own argument, `auth` -> `AUTH`, `clientName` -> `SETNAME`
- `MODULE LIST`: `version` -> `ver` [^map-keys]
- `MEMORY STATS`: [^map-keys]
- `FUNCTION RESTORE`: the second argument is `{ mode: string; }` instead of `string` [^future-proofing]
- `FUNCTION STATS`: `runningScript` -> `running_script`, `durationMs` -> `duration_ms`, `librariesCount` -> `libraries_count`, `functionsCount` -> `functions_count` [^map-keys]
- `TIME`: `Date` -> `[unixTimestamp: string, microseconds: string]`
- `XGROUP_CREATECONSUMER`: [^boolean-to-number]
- `XGROUP_DESTROY`: [^boolean-to-number]
- `XINFO GROUPS`: `lastDeliveredId` -> `last-delivered-id` [^map-keys]
- `XINFO STREAM`: `radixTreeKeys` -> `radix-tree-keys`, `radixTreeNodes` -> `radix-tree-nodes`, `lastGeneratedId` -> `last-generated-id`, `maxDeletedEntryId` -> `max-deleted-entry-id`, `entriesAdded` -> `entries-added`, `recordedFirstEntryId` -> `recorded-first-entry-id`, `firstEntry` -> `first-entry`, `lastEntry` -> `last-entry`
- `XAUTOCLAIM`, `XCLAIM`, `XRANGE`, `XREVRANGE`: `Array<{ name: string; messages: Array<{ id: string; message: Record<string, string> }>; }>` -> `Record<string, Array<{ id: string; message: Record<string, string> }>>`
- `COMMAND LIST`: `enum FilterBy` -> `const COMMAND_LIST_FILTER_BY` [^enum-to-constants], the filter argument has been moved from a "top level argument" into ` { FILTERBY: { type: <MODULE|ACLCAT|PATTERN>; value: <value> } }`
### Bloom
- `TOPK.QUERY`: `Array<number>` -> `Array<boolean>`
### Graph
- `GRAPH.SLOWLOG`: `timestamp` has been changed from `Date` to `number`
### JSON
- `JSON.ARRINDEX`: `start` and `end` arguments moved to `{ range: { start: number; end: number; }; }` [^future-proofing]
- `JSON.ARRPOP`: `path` and `index` arguments moved to `{ path: string; index: number; }` [^future-proofing]
- `JSON.ARRLEN`, `JSON.CLEAR`, `JSON.DEBUG MEMORY`, `JSON.DEL`, `JSON.FORGET`, `JSON.OBJKEYS`, `JSON.OBJLEN`, `JSON.STRAPPEND`, `JSON.STRLEN`, `JSON.TYPE`: `path` argument moved to `{ path: string; }` [^future-proofing]
### Search
- `FT.SUGDEL`: [^boolean-to-number]
- `FT.CURSOR READ`: `cursor` type changed from `number` to `string` (in and out) to avoid issues when the number is bigger than `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`. See [here](
### Time Series
- `TS.ADD`: `boolean` -> `number` [^boolean-to-number]
- `TS.[M][REV]RANGE`: `enum TimeSeriesBucketTimestamp` -> `const TIME_SERIES_BUCKET_TIMESTAMP` [^enum-to-constants], `enum TimeSeriesReducers` -> `const TIME_SERIES_REDUCERS` [^enum-to-constants], the `ALIGN` argument has been moved into `AGGREGRATION`
- `TS.SYNUPDATE`: `Array<string | Array<string>>` -> `Record<string, Array<string>>`
[^enum-to-constants]: TODO
[^map-keys]: To avoid unnecessary transformations and confusion, map keys will not be transformed to "js friendly" names (i.e. `number-of-keys` will not be renamed to `numberOfKeys`). See [here](
[^future-proofing]: TODO