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App/Models/WhatToWearModelsTesting/Supporting Files/Fixtures/latestAppUpdate.json


Test Coverage
    "trackViewUrl": "",
    "minimumOsVersion": "10.0",
    "version": "1.4.0",
    "releaseNotes": "Features:\n\n- Conditions can now be made using measurements that are for the entire day rather than hourly (e.g. the time at which the wind gust speed is the highest)\n- Measurements are now split into two sections, \"Hourly\" and \"Daily\"\n- Measurements now show a explanation below them in the measurements screen\n- Time based conditions can now use \"Before\" and \"After\" as their symbol\n- When searching for a location there is now an activity indicator while the search is in progress\n- Conditions are no longer shown on the rules screen so more rules can be shown on one screen\n\nBug Fixes:\n\n- Conditions based on time's now show the measurements name\n- When fetching your current location the text no longer clips on smaller devices\n- When selecting a symbol the screen is now titled \"Select Symbol\" instead of \"Select Measurement\"\n- Fixed An issue which left a visible white box while configuring conditions in certain scenarios\n- Long Measurements now fit in the Add Condition screen on smaller devices\n- The \"Now\" label showing the current time on forecasts now only shows when it should\n- Fixed an issue where buttons would display unformatted values in some scenarios\n- Fixed an issue where swipe back would no longer work after selecting a location\n- Met rule time ranges when using \"hourly\" intervals now end at the correct time rather than one hour later in some scenarios\n- Fixed some layout issues on the Add Rule Group screen when in landscape",
    "currentVersionReleaseDate": "2019-02-26T01:46:22Z"