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Test Coverage
<h1><%= @article.title %></h1>

<div class='event-invitations'>
  <%= render :partial => 'events/invitations_to', locals: { title: _('Going'),
                invitations: EventInvitation.accepted_invitations(@article), decision: 'accepted' } %>

  <%= render :partial => 'events/invitations_to', locals: { title: _('Interested'),
                invitations: EventInvitation.maybe_accept_invitations(@article), decision: 'interested'  } %>

  <%= render :partial => 'events/invitations_to', locals: { title: _('Not interested'),
              invitations: EventInvitation.rejected_invitations(@article), decision: 'rejected' } %>

  <%= render :partial => 'events/invitations_to', locals: { title: _('Unconfirmed'),
              invitations: EventInvitation.unconfirmed_invitations(@article), decision: 'unconfirmed' } %>

<% if @article.end_date.nil? || @article.end_date >= %>

  <% if !@failed.blank? %>
    <div id="errorExplanation">
      <% @failed.each do |error, tasks_descriptions|%>
        <h2> <%= error %></h2>
        <p><%=_("This error happened with the following persons: ")%></p>
          <% tasks_descriptions.each do |description| %>
              <li> <%= description %> </li>
          <% end %>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <% if @article.profile.kind_of?(Organization) %>
    <% title = _('Invite community members to the event') %>
    <% placeholder = _('Find members') %>
    <% invite_all = _('Invite all members') %>
    <% scope = @article.profile.members %>
  <% else %>
    <% title = _('Invite friends to your event') %>
    <% placeholder = _('Find your friends') %>
    <% invite_all = _('Invite all friends') %>
    <% scope = @article.profile.friends %>
  <% end %>

  <h2><%= title %></h2>

  <% if scope.present? %>
    <%= form_for :event, url: { action: 'invite_to_event' },
                         html: { class: 'profile-selector' } do |form| %>

      <%= hidden_field_tag :back_to, @back_to %>

      <%= profile_selector checkbox_entry_to_profile_selector(@profiles) %>

      <%= labelled_form_field _('Message'), text_area(:data, :message,
            value: (_("Hello, come and join the ") + @article.title + ".")) %>

      <%= button_bar do %>
        <%= button(:back, _('Back to Event'), @article.url) %>
        <%= submit_button :email, _('Invite') %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>
<% else %>
  <%= _('Sorry, this event is over.') %>
  <%= button_bar do %>
    <%= button(:back, _('Back to Event'), @article.url) %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

<%= javascript_include_tag 'profile_selector' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'events' %>