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Test Coverage
<% if profile.person? %>
  <h1><%= _('Ask for friendship') %></h1>
  <% description = _('You can search for user profiles and ask them to become your friends.') %>
<% else %>
  <h1><%= _('Invite people to join') %></h1>
  <% description = _('You can search for user profiles and invite them to join this group.') %>
<% end %>

  <%= _("Choose person by:") %>

  <%= labelled_radio_button _("Name"), :invite_friend_by, 1, true, :id => "invite_friend_by_name", :class => "invite_friend_by" %>
  <%= labelled_radio_button _("Email"), :invite_friend_by, 2, false, :id => "invite_friend_by_email", :class => "invite_friend_by" %>

<div class='invite_by_name'>
  <p><%= description %></p>
  <%= form_tag :action => 'invite_registered_friend' do %>
    <% search_action = url_for(:action => 'search') %>
    <%= token_input_field_tag(
      :q, 'search-people', search_action,
      { :hint_text => _('Type in the person\'s %{search_fields}') % {:search_fields => @search_fields},
        :focus => false }) %>

    <%= button_bar do %>
      <%= submit_button('user-plus', _('Invite'))%>
      <%= button('cancel', _('Cancel'), profile.url)%>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>

<div class='invite_by_email' style="display: none;">
  <h2><%= _('Invite people from my e-mail contacts') %></h2>
  <% header = 'h3' %>

<%= render :partial => 'invite/select_address_book', :locals => {:header => header} %>

<div id="loadingScreen"></div>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'invite' %>