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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="<%= html_language %>" lang="<%= html_language %>" class="<%= h html_tag_classes %>">
    <title><%= h page_title %></title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="description" content="<%= %>" />
    <meta name="keywords" content="Noosfero, Community, Open Source" />
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<%= image_path('/designs/themes/' + current_theme + '/favicon.ico') %>" type="image/x-icon" />
    <%= yield(:feeds) %>

    <%= noosfero_javascript %>
    <%= theme_javascript %>
    <%= noosfero_stylesheets %>

      # Load the principal css files:
      stylesheet_import( %w( common help menu article button search blocks forms login-box ),
                         :themed_source => true ) + "\n" +
      import_blocks_stylesheets(:themed_source => true) + "\n" +
      # Load the controller's css file if it exists:
      import_controller_stylesheets(:themed_source => true)
    <%= stylesheet_link_tag template_stylesheet_path %>
    <%= stylesheet_link_tag *icon_theme_stylesheet_path %>
    <%= stylesheet_link_tag jquery_ui_theme_stylesheet_path %>

    <%# Add custom tags/styles/etc via content_for %>
    <%= yield :head %>
    <%= javascript_tag('render_all_jquery_ui_widgets()') %>

    <%= render :partial => 'shared/numbers_only_javascript' %>

  <body class='noosfero category<%= category_color %><%=
    # Identify the current controller and action for the CSS:
    " controller-"+ controller.controller_name() +
    " action_"+ controller.controller_name() +"_"+ controller.action_name()
    %>' onload='noosfero_init();'
    <script type="text/javascript">
      // <!--
      function registerDocumentSize() {
        document.body.className = document.body.className.replace(/docSize-(G|L)T-\d+/g, "");
        for ( var x=100; x<=1500; x+=100 ) {
          if ( document.body.clientWidth > x ) {
            document.body.className += " docSize-GT-" + x;
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            document.body.className += " docSize-LT-" + x;
      // -->
    <div id="global-header">
      <%= global_header %>

    <div id="accessibility_menu">
      <a href="#content" id="link_go_content"><span><%= _('Go to content') %></span></a>
    </div><!-- accessibility_menu -->

    <div id="wrap">
    <div id="wrap2">
    <div id="wrap3">
    <div id="wrap4">

      <div id="beta-tag"><span>BETA</span></div>

      <div id="noosfero_bar">

        <div id="navigation_bar">
          <%= link_to "<span>"+ +"</span>",
                        :title=>  %>
          <% unless environment.enabled?(:disable_categories) %>
            <% cache( +  '_categories_menu') do %>
              <%= render :file => 'shared/categories_menu' %>
            <% end %>
          <% end %>
          <%= render :file => 'shared/assets_menu' %>
        </div><!-- id='navigation_bar' -->

        <div id="language-selector">
           <%= language_chooser(environment, :element => 'dropdown') %>

        <div id="user_box">
          <%= render :file => 'shared/user_menu' %>
        </div><!-- id='user_box' -->

        <a href="/doc" id="btShowHelp" class="icon-help32on help-on icon-help-on"
           title="<%= _('Manual') %>"><span><%= _('Manual') %></span></a>

      </div><!-- id="noosfero_bar" -->

      <div id="frame"><!-- Frame que envolve toda pagina de um usuario -->
        <div id="header">
          <!-- Abaixo um cabeƧalho especifico para a pagina de usuario. -->
        </div><!-- id="header" -->
        <div id="content">
          <div id="header_content">

          <%= insert_boxes(yield) %>

        </div><!-- id="content" -->
        <div id="footer_content"><!-- Rodape do Conteudo -->
        </div><!-- id="footer_content" -->
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    <div id="footer">
      <div id="theme-footer">
        <%= theme_footer %>
      </div><!-- end id="theme-footer" -->
      <div id="global-footer">
        <%= global_footer %>
      </div><!-- end id="global-footer" -->
    </div><!-- end id="footer" -->

    <%# if you need to add HTML stuff to the layout, include it in
    app/views/shared/noosfero_layout_features.html.erb! %>
    <%= noosfero_layout_features %>