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Test Coverage
<h1><%= _('Creating new community') %></h1>

<% if environment.enabled?('admin_must_approve_new_communities') %>
  <div class='explanation'>
    <%= _("Note that the creation of communities in this environment is restricted. Your request to create this new community will be sent to %{environment} administrators and will be approved or rejected according to their methods and criteria.") % { :environment => }%>
<%end %>

<%= error_messages_for :community %>


<%= labelled_form_for :community, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f| %>

  <%= required_fields_message %>
  <%= required f.text_field(:name) %>

  <%= render :partial => 'shared/profile_kinds', :locals => {:form_field => 'community'} %>

  <% @plugins.dispatch(:new_community_hidden_fields).each do |field| %>
    <% field.each do |key, value| %>
      <%= f.hidden_field(key, :value => value) %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <%= render :partial => 'shared/organization_custom_fields', :locals => { :f => f, :object_name => 'community', :profile => @community } %>
  <%= render :partial => 'shared/custom_fields', :locals => { :f => f, :profile => @community, :signup => true } %>

  <%= file_field_or_thumbnail(_('Image:'), @community.image, 'community[image_builder]') %>

  <div style='margin-bottom: 1em; margin-top: 1em;'>
  <%= _('New members must be approved:')%>
  <div style='margin-bottom: 0.5em' id='community-join-before'>
    <%= radio_button 'community', 'closed', 'true', :style => 'float: left' %>
    <div style='margin-left: 30px'>
      <%= _('<strong>Before</strong> joining this group (a moderator has to accept the member in pending request before member can access the intranet and/or the website).').html_safe %>
  <div id='community-join-after'>
    <%= radio_button 'community', 'closed', 'false', :style => 'float: left' %>
    <div style='margin-left: 30px'>
      <%= _('<strong>After</strong> joining this group (a moderator can always desactivate access for users later).').html_safe %>

  <%= template_options(:communities, 'community')%>

  <%= hidden_field_tag('back_to', @back_to) %>

  <%= button_bar do %>
    <%= submit_button(:save, _('Create'), :cancel => @back_to) %>
  <% end %>

<% end %>
