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<div id="profile-editor-index">

  <h1 class="block-title">
    <span class='control-panel-title'><%= h profile.short_name %></span>
    <span class='control-panel-sep'>&#150;</span>
    <span class='control-panel-subtitle'><%= _('Control Panel') %></span>

  <%= text_field_tag(:filter, nil, id: 'control-panel-filter', placeholder: _('Filter options')) %>

  <% control_panel do %>
    <% ControlPanel.ordered_sections(profile.environment).each do |section_identifier| %>
      <% section_entries = ControlPanel.available_entries(section_identifier, user, profile, params) %>
      <% if section_entries.present? %>
        <div id='section-<%= section_identifier %>' class='section'>
          <h2><%= ControlPanel.sections(profile.environment)[section_identifier][:name] %></h2>
          <% section_entries.each do |entry| %>
            <%= control_panel_button(entry, profile)%>
          <% end %>
      <% end %>
    <% end %>
    <p class="no-results"><em><%= _('There are no entries matching this filter.') %></em></p>
  <% end %>

  <% if profile.person? && environment.enabled?('enterprise_activation') %>

      <div id='activation_enterprise'>
      <%= form_tag({:controller => 'account', :action => 'activation_question'}, {:method => 'get'}) do %>
        <p><strong><%= _('Activate your enterprise') %></strong></p>
    <p><%= _("If you received a letter with information about your enterprise activation, add here the activation code that was sent.") %></p>
    <p><%= environment.help_message_to_add_enterprise %> </p>
        <%= labelled_form_field(_('Enterprise activation code') + ': ', text_field_tag('enterprise_code')) %>
        <%= submit_button(:ok, _('Activate')) %>
      <% end %>

  <% end %>

  <%= button_bar do %>
    <%= button :back, _('Back to homepage'), profile.url %>
  <% end %>

<%= javascript_include_tag 'cms' %>