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<% if (profile.active_fields & Profile::LOCATION_FIELDS).present? ||
      profile.active_fields.include?('location') %>
  <h1><%= _('Location') %></h1>

  <div id='address-and-location'>
    <%= render partial: 'shared/address_fields',
               locals: { profile: profile, f: f } %>

    <% field = optional_field(profile, 'location') do %>
      <p class='help-message'>
        <%= _('Drag the balloon to set your location.') %>
    <% end %>

    <% unless field.blank? %>
      <% if (profile.active_fields & Profile::LOCATION_FIELDS).present? %>
        <div class='location-bar button-bar'>
          <p class='help-message'>
            <%= _('Fill an address to find it easier in the map') %>
          <%= button_to_function :search, _('Locate in the map'), "addressToPoint()",
                                 title: _("Locate the address informed above in the map below (note that you'll probably need to adjust the marker to get a precise position)")  %>
      <% end %>

      <div id='location-fields'>
        <div style='overflow: hidden'>
          <div id="location-map"></div>

        <%= field %>

        <%= f.hidden_field :lat, :id => 'profile_data_lat' %>
        <%= f.hidden_field :lng, :id => 'profile_data_lng' %>

        <%= content_tag('script', '', :src => "{GoogleMaps.js_api_key}", :type => 'text/javascript') %>
        <%= content_tag('script', render(:partial => 'maps/google_map.js', :locals => { profile: profile }), :type => 'text/javascript') %>
    <% end %>
<% end %>