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    <title>jsTree v.1.0 - html_data documentation</title>
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<h1 id="dhead">jsTree v.1.0</h1>
<h1>html_data plugin</h1>
<div id="description">
<p>The <code>html_data</code> plugin enables jsTree to convert nested unordered lists to interactive trees. jsTree can also get HTML from the server insert it into the DOM and convert that to a tree.</p>
<p>The basic structure you need to follow when supplying data in the HTML format is:</p>
<div class="code_f">
<pre class="brush:xml;">
    &lt;a href="some_value_here"&gt;Node title&lt;/a&gt;
    &lt;!-- UL node only needed for children - omit if there are no children --&gt;
        &lt;!-- Children LI nodes here --&gt;
<p>If you inspect the resulting structure you will find it a bit different - that is because jstree will automatically do some corrections.</p>
<div class="code_f">
<pre class="brush:xml;">
&lt;!-- one of the three classes will be applied depending on node structure --&gt;
&lt;li class="[ jstree-open | jstree-closed | jstree-leaf ]"&gt;
    &lt;!-- an INS element is inserted --&gt;
    &lt;ins class="jstree-icon"&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/ins&gt;
    &lt;a href="some_value_here"&gt;
        &lt;!-- another INS element is inserted --&gt;
        &lt;ins class="jstree-icon"&gt;&amp;#160;&lt;/ins&gt;
        Node title
<p>Both <code>ins</code> elements are inserted for visualization purposes. As for the class (<code>jstree-open</code>, <code>jstree-closed</code>) - you can specify that yourself to force the node to appear either closed or opened. Making a node with no children appear closed is often used - if you use ajax, opening a closed node with no children will result in jstree making a server call for the children (see the <a href="#demo3">demo below</a>).</p>

<h2 id="configuration">Configuration</h2>
<div class="panel configuration">
<p class="meta">A HTML string (or <code>false</code> if not used). Default is <code>false</code>.</p>
<p>Specifies the content to load into the container and convert to a tree.</p>
<p class="meta">An object (or <code>false</code> if not used). Default is <code>false</code>.</p>
<p>The ajax config object is pretty much the same as the <a href="">jQuery ajax settings object</a>.</p>
<p>You can set the <code>data</code> option to a function, that will be executed in the current tree's scope (<code>this</code> will be the tree instance) and gets the node about to be open as a paramater (or <code>-1</code> for initial load). Whatever you return in the function will be sent to the server as data (so for example you can send the node's ID).</p>
<p>You can set the <code>url</code> option to a function, that will be executed in the current tree's scope (<code>this</code> will be the tree instance) and gets the node about to be open as a paramater (or <code>-1</code> for initial load). Whatever you return in the <code>url</code> function will be used as the ajax URL (so that you can accomodate pretty paths such as /get_children/node_2).</p>
<p>The <code>error</code> and <code>success</code> functions (if present) also fire in the context of the tree, and if you return a value in the <code>success</code> function it will be used to populate the tree - this can be useful if you want to somehow change what the server returned on the client side before it is displayed in the tree.</p>
<p class="meta">A Boolean. Default is <code>true</code>.</p>
<p>If this option is set to <code>true</code> if an AJAX request returns an empty result, the node that was about to be opened will be converted to a leaf node (the open icon will no longer be displayed).</p>

<p class="note"><strong>NOTE:</strong><br />If both <code>data</code> and <code>ajax</code> are not set, the current container's HTML is used to build the tree.<br />If both <code>data</code> and <code>ajax</code> are set the initial tree is rendered from the <code>data</code> string. When opening a closed node (that has no loaded children) an AJAX request is made.</p>

<h2 id="demos">Demos</h2>
<div class="panel">

<h3>Using initial content (convert an existing list)</h3>
<div id="demo1" class="demo">
        <li id="phtml_1">
            <a href="#">Root node 1</a>
                <li id="phtml_2">
                    <a href="#">Child node 1</a>
                <li id="phtml_3">
                    <a href="#">Child node 2</a>
        <li id="phtml_4">
            <a href="#">Root node 2</a>
<script type="text/javascript" class="source">
$(function () {
        "plugins" : [ "themes", "html_data" ]

<h3>Using the data config option</h3>
<div id="demo2" class="demo"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" class="source">
$(function () {
        "core" : { "initially_open" : [ "root" ] },
        "html_data" : {
            "data" : "<li id='root'><a href='#'>Root node</a><ul><li><a href='#'>Child node</a></li></ul></li>"
        "plugins" : [ "themes", "html_data" ]

<h3>Using the ajax config option</h3>
<div id="demo3" class="demo"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" class="source">
$(function () {
        "html_data" : {
            "ajax" : {
                "url" : "_html_data.html",
                "data" : function (n) { 
                    return { id : n.attr ? n.attr("id") : 0 }; 
        "plugins" : [ "themes", "html_data" ]

<h3>Using both the data &amp; ajax config options</h3>
<div id="demo4" class="demo"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" class="source">
$(function () {
        "core" : { "initially_open" : [ "root2" ] },
        "html_data" : {
            "data" : "<li class='jstree-closed' id='root2'><a href='#'>Root node</a></li>",
            "ajax" : { "url" : "_html_data.html" }
        "plugins" : [ "themes", "html_data" ]

<h2 id="api">API</h2>
<div class="panel api">
<p>Both dummy functions - <code>_is_loaded</code> and <code>load_node</code> are overwritten.</p>
<h3 id="load_node_html">.load_node_html ( node , success_callback , error_callback )</h3>
<p>This function is called instead of <code>load_node</code>.</p>
<ul class="arguments">
        <code class="tp">mixed</code> <strong>node</strong>
        <p>This can be a DOM node, jQuery node or selector pointing to an element you want loaded. Use <code>-1</code> for root nodes.</p>
        <code class="tp">function</code> <strong>success_callback</strong>
        <p>A function to be executed once the node is loaded successfully - used internally. You should wait for the <code>load_node</code> event.</p>
        <code class="tp">function</code> <strong>error_callback</strong>
        <p>A function to be executed if the node is not loaded due to an error - used internally. You should wait for the <code>load_node</code> event.</p>

