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<h1><%= _('Newsletter settings') %></h1>

<%= error_messages_for :newsletter %>

<%= form_for(:newsletter, html: { multipart: true }) do |f| %>
  <%= labelled_form_field(
     content_tag('h3', hidden_field_tag('newsletter[enabled]', false) +
                  f.check_box('enabled') +
                  _('Enable send of newsletter to members on this environment'), :id => 'newsletter-enabled-field'),

  <%= labelled_form_field(
    content_tag('span', hidden_field_tag('newsletter[moderated]', false) + f.check_box('moderated') + _('Moderate newsletter each time before sending to users.')), nil)

  <%= _('Content') %>

  <%= labelled_form_field(
    _('Period (in days) for news compilation'), f.number_field(:periodicity, min: '0'))

  <%= labelled_form_field(
    _('Number of posts compiled per blog (choose 0 for all posts since last newsletter)'), f.number_field(:posts_per_blog, min: '0'))

  <p><%= _('Blogs from which news will be compiled') %></p>
  <% search_action = url_for(:action => 'search_profiles') %>
  <% selected_blogs = { |blog| {:id =>, :name => _("%s in %s") % [,]} } %>
  <%= token_input_field_tag(
    'newsletter[blog_ids]', 'search-profiles', search_action,
    { hint_text: _('Type in the profiles\' or blogs\' names'),
      focus: false, pre_populate: selected_blogs }) %>


  <%= _('Recipients') %>

    <%= _('You can follow the link below to see which e-mails are currently being used as additional recipients for this newsletter.') %>
  <%= link_to _('Currently set additional recipients'), {action: :recipients}, target: '_blank' %>

  <p><%= _('You can set additional e-mails to send the newsletter to in addition to all environment\'s users that already receive the newsletter by default. To do that, you need to upload a CSV file that contains a column for the person\'s or enterprise\'s name as well as a column with their e-mail.') %></p>

  <%= labelled_form_field(
    _('Additional recipients for newsletter'), file_field_tag('file[recipients]', accept: '.csv'))

  <div id='newsletter-file-options'>
    <%= labelled_form_field(
      content_tag('span', check_box_tag('file[headers]', 1, false, disabled: true) + _('The CSV file contains a header row')), nil)

    <%= labelled_form_field(
      _('Number of colunm with name field'), number_field_tag('file[name]', '1', min: '1', disabled: true))

    <%= labelled_form_field(
      _('Number of colunm with email field'), number_field_tag('file[email]', '2', min: '1', disabled: true))

  <%= _('Layout') %>

  <%= file_field_or_thumbnail(_('Header image (images with 640px width):'), @newsletter.image, 'newsletter[image_builder]') %>

  <%= labelled_form_field(
    content_tag('h3', ui_icon('ui-icon-triangle-1-s') +
                _('Newsletter footer'), :class => 'newsletter-toggle-link', :element_id => '#newsletter-footer-field'),
      f.text_area(:footer, :style => 'width: 100%', :class => current_editor),
      :id => 'newsletter-footer-field'
  <%= render :file => 'shared/tiny_mce', :locals => { custom_options: { relative_urls: false, remove_script_host: false, branding: false } } %>    
  <%= button_bar do %>
    <%= submit_button :save, _('Save') %>
    <%= submit_button :save, _('Save and visualize'), :name => "visualize", :cancel => {:controller => 'plugins'}  %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>