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Test Coverage
Feature: rate_community
  As a user
  I want to be able rate a community
  So that users can see my feedback about that community

    Given plugin "OrganizationRatings" is enabled on environment
    Given the following user
      | login     | name       |
      | joaosilva | Joao Silva |
    And the following community
      | identifier  | name         |
      | mycommunity | My Community |
    And the following blocks
      | owner       | type                |
      | mycommunity | AverageRatingBlock  |
      | mycommunity | OrganizationRatingsBlock  |
    And the environment domain is "localhost"
    And I am logged in as "joaosilva"

  Scenario: display rate button and total ratings inside average block
    Given I am on mycommunity's homepage
    Then I should see "Rate this Community" within ".average-rating-block"
    And I should see "Be the first to rate" within ".average-rating-block"

  Scenario: display rate button inside communities ratings block
    Given I am on mycommunity's homepage
    Then I should see "Rate Community" within ".make-report-block"

  Scenario: redirect to profile page
    Given I am on mycommunity's homepage
    When I follow "Rate this Community"
    Then I should see "Joao Silva" within ".star-profile-name"
    And I should see Joao Silva's profile image

  Scenario: display total ratings inside average block
    Given I am on mycommunity's homepage
    When I follow "Rate this Community"
    Then I follow "Save"
    Then I should see "(1)" within ".total-ratings"