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Test Coverage
Feature: vote_once_disable_cooldown
  As a admin
  I want to disable the cooldown time when vote once is enabled
  Making it clearly that there is no cooldown when vote once is enabled

    Given plugin "OrganizationRatings" is enabled on environment
    And I am logged in as admin
    And I go to /admin/plugins
  Scenario: disable or enable the cooldown field when vote on is checked or unchecked
    Given I check "Organization Ratings"
    And I follow "Save changes"
    And I follow "menu-dropdown"
    And I follow "Administration"
    And I follow "Plugins"
    And I follow "Configuration"
    Then the field "#organization_ratings_config_cooldown" should be enabled
    And I check "Vote once"
    Then the field "#organization_ratings_config_cooldown" should be disabled
    And I uncheck "Vote once"
    Then the field "#organization_ratings_config_cooldown" should be enabled