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Test Coverage
Feature: search products
  As a noosfero user
  I want to search products
  In order to find ones that interest me

    Given feature "disable_asset_products" is disabled on environment
    And the following enterprises
      | identifier  | name    |
      | colivre-ent | Colivre |
    And the following product_categories
      | name        |
      | Development |
    And the following products
      | owner       | category    | name                        | price | img    |
      | colivre-ent | development | social networks consultancy | 1.00  | fruits |
      | colivre-ent | development | wikis consultancy           | 2.00  | shoes  |

  Scenario: show recent products on index
    When I go to the search products page
    Then I should see "wikis consultancy" within "#search-results"
    And I should see "social networks consultancy" within "#search-results"

  Scenario: show empty search results
    When I search products for "something unrelated"
    Then I should see "None" within ".search-results-type-empty"

#  Scenario: simple search for product
#    Given there are no pending jobs
#    When I search products for "wikis"
#    Then I should see "wikis consultancy" within "#search-results"
#    And I should see "wikis consultancy" within ".only-one-result-box"
#    And I should see wikis consultancy's product image
#    And I should not see "social networks consultancy"
#    And I should not see social networks consultancy's product image

  Scenario: show percentage (100%) of solidary economy inputs in results
    Given the following inputs
      | product           | category    | solidary |
      | wikis consultancy | development | true     |
    When I go to the search products page
    And I fill in "search-input" with "wikis"
    And I follow "Search" within ".search-form"
    Then I should see "100%" within ""

  Scenario: show percentage (50%) of solidary economy inputs in results
    Given the following inputs
      | product           | category    | solidary |
      | wikis consultancy | development | true     |
      | wikis consultancy | development | false    |
    When I go to the search products page
    And I fill in "search-input" with "wikis"
    And I follow "Search" within ".search-form"
    Then I should see "50%" within ""

  Scenario: show percentage (75%) of solidary economy inputs in results
    Given the following inputs
      | product           | category    | solidary |
      | wikis consultancy | development | true     |
      | wikis consultancy | development | true     |
      | wikis consultancy | development | true     |
      | wikis consultancy | development | false    |
    When I go to the search products page
    And I fill in "search-input" with "wikis"
    And I follow "Search" within ".search-form"
    Then I should see "75%" within ""

  Scenario: show percentage (25%) of solidary economy inputs in results
    Given the following inputs
      | product           | category    | solidary |
      | wikis consultancy | development | true     |
      | wikis consultancy | development | false    |
      | wikis consultancy | development | false    |
      | wikis consultancy | development | false    |
    When I go to the search products page
    And I fill in "search-input" with "wikis"
    And I follow "Search" within ".search-form"
    Then I should see "25%" within ""

#  Scenario: display "zoom in" button on images on results
#    Given the following products
#      | owner       | category    | name     | price | img              |
#      | colivre-ent | development | noosfero | 12.34 | noosfero-network |
#    When I go to the search products page
#    And I fill in "search-input" with "noosfero"
#    And I follow "Search" within ".search-form"
#    Then I should not see "No image"
#    And I should see "Zoom in" within "a.zoomify-image"

  Scenario: find products without exact query
    Given the following product_category
      | name           |
      | Software Livre |
    And the following products
      | owner       | name                             | category       |
      | colivre-ent | Noosfero Social Network Platform | software-livre |
    When I go to the search products page
    And I fill in "search-input" with "Noosfero Social"
    And I follow "Search" within ".search-form"
    Then I should see "Noosfero Social Network Platform" within "#search-results"

  Scenario: simple search for product
    When I go to the search products page
    And I fill in "search-input" with "wikis"
    And I follow "Search" within ".search-form"
    Then I should see "wikis consultancy" within ""
    And I should not see "social networks consultancy"