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README - Push Notification - Firebase Cloud Message Plugin

This plugin enables push notifications for mobile platforms
using Google Cloud Message infrastructure.


Enable Plugin

You need to enable Push Notification Plugin on your Noosfero:

cd <your_noosfero_dir>
./script/noosfero-plugins install push_notification
./script/noosfero-plugins enable push_notification

Activation and Plugin Configuration

As a Noosfero administrator user, go to administrator panel:

- Click on "Enable/disable plugins" option
- Click on "Push Notification Plugin" check-box
- Click on "Configurations" just below the previous step
- *Fill in the form with your server API key registered for FCM
- Select from the check-boxes the notifications you want FCM plugin to send.

*API key can be obtained creating a project in the FCM console, needed when preparing the application to use push notification.
Link below:


More information can be found in the following links:

After that, the mobile application need to take care of device registration to FCM and send the device token
to FCM plugin through noosfero API. There are endpoints to add, see and remove device tokens.

- post request to /api/v1/push_notification_plugin/device_tokens with "tokens" parameter like token1,token2,token3
will register the tokens token1, token2 and token3 to the api current logged user, defined by noosfero's private token
also passed as parameter

- get request to /api/v1/push_notification_plugin/device_tokens
will return a list with all the tokens for the current user logged in the api

- delete request to /api/v1/push_notification_plugin/device_tokens with "tokens" parameter like token1,token2
will remove token1 and token2 from the list of tokens for the logged user

- get request to /api/v1/possible_notifications
will return a list with all possible notifications available for user to activate/deactivate

- get request to /api/v1/notification_settings
will return the notification settings for the logged user

- post request to /api/v1/notification_settings
will activate/deactivate each notification passed as parameter. For instance, when receiving "new comment" as a parameter with value 1,
the notifications for "new comment" will be activated for the logged user

- get request to /api/v1/active_notifications
will return a list with all active notifications for the logged user

- get request to /api/v1/inactive_notifications
will return a list with all inactive notifications for the logged user

In any endpoint, there is an option to pass target_id so you can add, see and delete tokens of other users.
However, only the admin has permission to do so. Normal users can pass target_id option with it's own id,
but the behavior is the same as passing no parameter.

As a noosfero user, you can change what notifications you want to receive through web interface as well. In your profile control panel,
go to "Notification" and activate/deactivate notifications from there.

Add Users to be notificated from another plugin

As a noosfero plugin developer, you can have your plugin to add users to be notified in some notifications implemented here.
The way to do it is following the steps:

  1 - Create a class with a callback for the specific notification you want to add users to. For instance, add users to the
new comment notification creating a class with a method named** "push_notification_new_comment_additional_users". This method needs to
return an Array with the list of users to be notified. Don't worry, no user will be notified twice.
  2 - Subscribe the class calling the method PushNotificationPlugin::subscribe(environment,notification,klass). For a class CommentCallBack,
call "PushNotificationPlugin::subscribe(<environment>, "new_comment", CommentCallBack)", with the environment object instead of

- Unsubscribe at any time calling PushNotificationPlugin::unsubscribe(environment, notification, klass)
- Check the list of subscribers for any notification calling PushNotificationPlugin::subscribers(environment,notification)

**The method will always be called "push_notification_" + <notification_name> + "additional_users". The class name does not matter, but it's
important to use the full class name, with namespace, so there is no future problem with the callback. The method need to be a class method,
not an instance method.

Some details about the subscription methods:
  - subscribe:
    -> return null if the klass passed do not implement the method for the notification passed
    -> return null if the notification is not implemented in PushNotificationPlugin
    -> return true/false otherwise with the return of the save method
  - unsubscribe:
    -> return null if the notification is not implemented in PushNotificationPlugin
    -> return true if the klass was sucessfully subscribed
    -> return false if the klass was not subscribed or the unsubscription fails by any means
  - subscribers:
    -> return null if the notification is not implemented in PushNotificationPlugin
    -> return empty array if there is no subscribers for that notification in that environment
    -> return an array with all the subscribers otherwise

Translate Plugin

To translate the strings used in the plugin, create a copy of the file "en-US.yml" with your locale and
translate the strings in there for each key. These files are stored in the folder "locales".

Get Involved

If you find any bug and/or want to collaborate, please send an e-mail to


Copyright (c) The Author developers.

See Noosfero license.


Marcos Ronaldo Pereira Junior (marcos.rpj2 at
Marcos da Silva Ramos (msramos at


The authors have been supported by SNJ (Secretaria Nacional da Juventude)