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Test Coverage
Feature: delivery administration
  As an enterprise's administrator
  I want to create delivery methods
  In order to allow my customer to choose which delivery they want

    Given "ShoppingCart" plugin is enabled
    And "Delivery" plugin is enabled
    And the following users
      | login | name |
      | moe | Moe |
    And the following enterprise
      | identifier  | name        | owner |
      | moes-tavern | Moes Tavern | moe |
    And the shopping basket is enabled on "Moes Tavern"
    And "Moe" is admin of "Moes Tavern"
    And I am logged in as "moe"
    And I go to moes-tavern's control panel

  Scenario: enable delivery
    Given I follow "Preferences" within "#section-shopping"
    When I check "Enable shopping basket"
    Then I should see "Deliveries or pickups"

  Scenario: disable delivery
    Given I follow "Preferences" within "#section-shopping"
    When I uncheck "Enable shopping basket"
    Then I should not see "Deliveries or pickups"

  Scenario: create new deliver
    Given I follow "Preferences" within "#section-shopping"
    And I check "Enable shopping basket"
    And I follow "New delivery or pickup"
    And I select "Deliver" from "Type"
    And I fill in "Name" with "Bike"
    And I fill in "Fixed cost" with "8.00"
    And I fill in "delivery_method_free_over_price" with "35.50"
    When I follow "Add"
    Then I should see "Bike" within ".delivery-method"

  Scenario: create new pickup
    Given I follow "Preferences" within "#section-shopping"
    And I check "Enable shopping basket"
    And I follow "New delivery or pickup"
    And I select "Pickup" from "Type"
    And I fill in "Name" with "Bar"
    And I fill in "Fixed cost" with "0.00"
    When I follow "Add"
    Then I should see "Bar"

  Scenario: remove delivery
    Given I follow "Preferences" within "#section-shopping"
    And I check "Enable shopping basket"
    And I follow "New delivery or pickup"
    And I fill in "Name" with "Bike"
    When I follow "Add"
    Then I should see "Bike"
    When I fix button onclick argument
    And I follow "Remove"
    When I confirm the browser dialog
    Then I should not see "Bike"

  Scenario: edit delivery
    Given I follow "Preferences" within "#section-shopping"
    And I check "Enable shopping basket"
    And I follow "New delivery or pickup"
    And I fill in "Name" with "Bike"
    When I follow "Add"
    Then I should see "Bike"
    When I fix button onclick argument
    And I follow "Edit"
    And I fill in "Name" with "Car"
    When I follow "Save"
    Then I should not see "Bike"
    Then I should see "Car"