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Test Coverage
<div id="cart1" class="cart<%= '-minimized' if cart_minimized %>">
  <% if cart_minimized %>
    <div class="cart-applet">
      <%= cart_applet %>

      <%= link_to _('Shopping checkout'), "/plugin/shopping_cart/buy", class: 'cart-applet-checkout' %>
      <span class="cart-applet-checkout-disabled">
        <%= _('Basket is empty') %>
  <% end %>
  <div class="cart-inner">
    <div class="cart-content">
      <h3><%= _("Basket") %></h3>
      <div id="cart-profile-name"></div>
      <a href="cart:clean" onclick="cart.clean(); return false" class="cart-clean"><%=_('Clean basket')%></a>
      <ul class="cart-items">
      <%= button 'cart',  _('Shopping checkout'), "/plugin/shopping_cart/buy", class: 'cart-buy' %>
      <div class="cart-total"><%=_('Total:')%> <b></b></div>
      <a href="#" onclick="cart.toggle(); return false" class="cart-toggle">
        <span class="str-show"><%=_('Show basket')%></span>
        <span class="str-hide"><%=_('Hide basket')%></span>

    <script id="cart-item-template" type="text/template">
      <li id="cart-item-{{}}">
        <%= button_to_function_without_text 'remove', '', "Cart.removeItem({{}}); return false", :class => 'cart-remove-item' %>
          <div class="picture" style="background-image:url({{item.picture}})"></div>
          <span class="item-name">{{}}</span>
          <div class="item-price">
            <input value="{{item.quantity}}" />{{item.priceTxt}}

<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function($) {
  Cart.l10n = {
    getProblemConfirmReload: <%= (
      _('Ups... I had a problem to load the basket list.') +
      "\n" +
      _('Did you want to reload this page?')
    ).to_json %>,
    maxNumberOfItens: <%= (
      _('Sorry, you can\'t have more then 100 kinds of items on this basket.')
    ).to_json %>,
    waitLastRequest: <%= _('Oops, you must wait your last request to finish first!').to_json %>,
    removeItem: <%= _('Are you sure you want to remove this item?').to_json %>,
    cleanCart: <%= _('Are you sure you want to clean your basket?').to_json %>,
    repeatOrder: <%= _('repeat order').to_json %>,
  // boolean configuration that defines if the behaviour of the cart is "minimized" or "full"
  Cart.minimized = <%= cart_minimized.to_json %>

    url: "/plugin/shopping_cart/get?profile_id="+<%= rescue ''.to_json %>,
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(data) {
      cart = new Cart(data);
    cache: false,
    error: function(ajax, status, errorThrown) {
      // Give some time to register page unload.
      setTimeout(function() {
        // page unload is not our problem.
        if (Cart.unloadingPage) {
          log('Page unload before cart load.');
        } else {
          log.error('Error getting shopping cart - HTTP '+status, errorThrown);
          if ( confirm(Cart.l10n.getProblemConfirmReload) ) {
      }, 100);