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Test Coverage
Feature: search contents
  As a noosfero user
  I want to search contents
  In order to find ones that interest me

    Given the search index is empty
    And plugin Solr is enabled on environment
    And the following users
    Given the following users
      | login     | name       |
      | joaosilva | Joao Silva |
    And the following articles
      | owner     | name                 | body                                          |
      | joaosilva | bees and butterflies | this is an article about bees and butterflies |
      | joaosilva | whales and dolphins  | this is an article about whales and dolphins  |
    And the following categories as facets
      | name      |
      | Temáticas |

  Scenario: search articles by category
    Given the following category
      | name           |
      | Software Livre |
    And the following articles
      | owner     | name           | body                    | category       |
      | joaosilva | using noosfero | noosfero is a great CMS | software-livre |
    When I go to the search articles page
    And I fill in "search-input" with "Software"
    And I press "Search"
    Then I should see "using noosfero" within "#search-results"
    And I should not see "bees and butterflies"
    And I should not see "whales and dolphins"

  Scenario: see default facets when searching
    When I go to the search articles page
    And I fill in "search-input" with "bees"
    And I press "Search"
    Then I should see "Type" within "#facets-menu"
    And I should see "Published date" within "#facets-menu"
    And I should see "Profile" within "#facets-menu"
    And I should see "Categories" within "#facets-menu"

  Scenario: find enterprises without exact query
    When I go to the search articles page
    And I fill in "search-input" with "bees and"
    And I press "Search"
    Then I should see "bees and butterflies" within "#search-results"

  Scenario: filter contents by facet
    Given the following categories
      | name           | parent    |
      | Software Livre | tematicas |
      | Big Brother    | tematicas |
    And the following articles
      | owner | name | body | category |
      | joaosilva | noosfero and debian | this is an article about noosfero and debian | software-livre |
      | joaosilva | facebook and 1984 | this is an article about facebook and 1984 | big-brother |
    When I go to the search articles page
    And I fill in "search-input" with "this is an article"
    And I press "Search"
    And I follow "Software Livre" within "#facets-menu"
    Then I should see "noosfero and debian" within "#search-results"
    And I should not see "facebook and 1984"
    # facet should also be de-selectable
    When I follow "remove facet" within ".facet-selected"
    Then I should see "facebook and 1984"

  Scenario: remember facet filter when searching new query
    Given the following category
      | name           | parent    |
      | Software Livre | tematicas |
    And the following articles
      | owner | name | body | category |
      | joaosilva | noosfero and debian | this is an article about noosfero and debian | software-livre |
      | joaosilva | facebook and 1984 | this is an article about facebook and 1984 | big-brother |
      | joaosilva | facebook defense | facebook is not so bad | software-livre |
    When I go to the search articles page
    And I fill in "search-input" with "this is an article"
    And I press "Search"
    And I follow "Software Livre" within "#facets-menu"
    And I fill in "search-input" with "facebook"
    And I press "Search"
    Then I should see "facebook defense" within "#search-results"
    And I should not see "1984"