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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2009-TODAY Akretion <http://www.akretion.com>
#   @author Sébastien BEAU <sebastien.beau@akretion.com>
#   @author Renato Lima <renato.lima@akretion.com>
# Copyright 2012-TODAY Camptocamp SA
#   @author: Guewen Baconnier
# License AGPL-3 - See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html

import time

from openerp import models, fields, api

class AccountFiscalPositionRule(models.Model):
    _name = 'account.fiscal.position.rule'
    _description = 'Account Fiscal Position Rule'
    _order = 'sequence'

    name = fields.Char('Name', required=True)
    description = fields.Char('Description')
    from_country = fields.Many2one('res.country', 'Country From')
    from_state = fields.Many2one(
        'res.country.state', 'State From',
    to_invoice_country = fields.Many2one('res.country', 'Invoice Country')
    to_invoice_state = fields.Many2one(
        'res.country.state', 'Invoice State',
    to_shipping_country = fields.Many2one('res.country', 'Destination Country')
    to_shipping_state = fields.Many2one(
        'res.country.state', 'Destination State',
    company_id = fields.Many2one(
        'res.company', 'Company', required=True, select=True)
    fiscal_position_id = fields.Many2one(
        'account.fiscal.position', 'Fiscal Position', required=True,
        domain="[('company_id','=',company_id)]", select=True)
    use_sale = fields.Boolean('Use in sales order')
    use_invoice = fields.Boolean('Use in Invoices')
    use_purchase = fields.Boolean('Use in Purchases')
    use_picking = fields.Boolean('Use in Picking')
    date_start = fields.Date(
        'Start Date', help="Starting date for this rule to be valid.")
    date_end = fields.Date(
        'End Date', help="Ending date for this rule to be valid.")
    sequence = fields.Integer(
        'Priority', required=True, default=10,
        help='The lowest number will be applied.')
    vat_rule = fields.Selection([
        ('with', 'With VAT number'),
        ('both', 'With or Without VAT number'),
        ('without', 'Without VAT number')], "VAT Rule",
        help=('Choose if the customer need to have the'
              ' field VAT fill for using this fiscal position'))

    def onchange_company(self):
        self.from_country = self.company_id.country_id
        self.from_state = self.company_id.state_id

    def _map_domain(self, partner, addrs, company, **kwargs):
        from_country = company.partner_id.country_id.id
        from_state = company.partner_id.state_id.id

        document_date = self.env.context.get(
            'date', time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
        use_domain = self.env.context.get(
            'use_domain', ('use_sale', '=', True))

        domain = [
            '&', ('company_id', '=', company.id), use_domain,
            '|', ('from_country', '=', from_country),
            ('from_country', '=', False),
            '|', ('from_state', '=', from_state),
            ('from_state', '=', False),
            '|', ('date_start', '=', False),
            ('date_start', '<=', document_date),
            '|', ('date_end', '=', False),
            ('date_end', '>=', document_date),
        if partner.vat:
            domain += [('vat_rule', 'in', ['with', 'both'])]
            domain += [
                '|', ('vat_rule', 'in', ['both', 'without']),
                ('vat_rule', '=', False)]

        for address_type, address in addrs.items():
            key_country = 'to_%s_country' % address_type
            key_state = 'to_%s_state' % address_type
            to_country = address.country_id.id or False
            domain += [
                '|', (key_country, '=', to_country),
                (key_country, '=', False)]
            to_state = address.state_id.id or False
            domain += [
                '|', (key_state, '=', to_state),
                (key_state, '=', False)]

        return domain

    def fiscal_position_map(self, **kwargs):
        result = {'fiscal_position': False}

        partner_id = kwargs.get('partner_id')
        company_id = kwargs.get('company_id')
        partner_invoice_id = kwargs.get('partner_invoice_id')
        partner_shipping_id = kwargs.get('partner_shipping_id')

        if not partner_id or not company_id:
            return result

        partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id)
        company = self.env['res.company'].browse(company_id)

        # Case 1: Partner Specific Fiscal Position
        if partner.property_account_position:
            result['fiscal_position'] = partner.property_account_position.id
            return result

        # Case 2: Rule based determination
        addrs = {}
        if partner_invoice_id:
            addrs['invoice'] = self.env['res.partner'].browse(

        # In picking case the invoice_id can be empty but we need a
        # value I only see this case, maybe we can move this code in
        # fiscal_stock_rule
            partner_addr = partner.address_get(['invoice'])
            if partner_addr['invoice']:
                addr_id = partner_addr['invoice']
                addrs['invoice'] = self.env['res.partner'].browse(addr_id)
        if partner_shipping_id:
            addrs['shipping'] = self.env['res.partner'].browse(

        # Case 3: Rule based determination
        domain = self._map_domain(partner, addrs, company, **kwargs)
        fsc_pos = self.search(domain)
        if fsc_pos:
            result['fiscal_position'] = fsc_pos[0].fiscal_position_id.id

        return result

    def apply_fiscal_mapping(self, result, **kwargs):
        return result

class AccountFiscalPositionRuleTemplate(models.Model):
    _name = 'account.fiscal.position.rule.template'
    _description = 'Account Fiscal Position Rule Template'
    _order = 'sequence'

    name = fields.Char('Name', required=True)
    description = fields.Char('Description')
    from_country = fields.Many2one('res.country', 'Country Form')
    from_state = fields.Many2one(
        'res.country.state', 'State From',
    to_invoice_country = fields.Many2one('res.country', 'Country To')
    to_invoice_state = fields.Many2one(
        'res.country.state', 'State To',
    to_shipping_country = fields.Many2one(
        'res.country', 'Destination Country')
    to_shipping_state = fields.Many2one(
        'res.country.state', 'Destination State',
    fiscal_position_id = fields.Many2one(
        'account.fiscal.position.template', 'Fiscal Position', required=True)
    use_sale = fields.Boolean('Use in sales order')
    use_invoice = fields.Boolean('Use in Invoices')
    use_purchase = fields.Boolean('Use in Purchases')
    use_picking = fields.Boolean('Use in Picking')
    date_start = fields.Date(
        'Start Date', help="Starting date for this rule to be valid.")
    date_end = fields.Date(
        'End Date', help="Ending date for this rule to be valid.")
    sequence = fields.Integer(
        'Priority', required=True, default=10,
        help='The lowest number will be applied.')
    vat_rule = fields.Selection([
        ('with', 'With VAT number'),
        ('both', 'With or Without VAT number'),
        ('without', 'Without VAT number')], "VAT Rule", default='both',
        help=('Choose if the customer need to have the'
              ' field VAT fill for using this fiscal position'))

class WizardAccountFiscalPositionRule(models.TransientModel):
    _name = 'wizard.account.fiscal.position.rule'
    _description = 'Account Fiscal Position Rule Wizard'

    company_id = fields.Many2one(
        'res.company', 'Company', required=True,
        default=lambda self: self.env['res.company']._company_default_get(

    def _template_vals(self, cr, uid, template, company_id,
                       fiscal_position_id, context=None):
        return {'name': template.name,
                'description': template.description,
                'from_country': template.from_country.id,
                'from_state': template.from_state.id,
                'to_invoice_country': template.to_invoice_country.id,
                'to_invoice_state': template.to_invoice_state.id,
                'to_shipping_country': template.to_shipping_country.id,
                'to_shipping_state': template.to_shipping_state.id,
                'company_id': company_id,
                'fiscal_position_id': fiscal_position_id,
                'use_sale': template.use_sale,
                'use_invoice': template.use_invoice,
                'use_purchase': template.use_purchase,
                'use_picking': template.use_picking,
                'date_start': template.date_start,
                'date_end': template.date_end,
                'sequence': template.sequence,
                'vat_rule': template.vat_rule,

    def action_create(self):
        obj_fpr_temp = self.env['account.fiscal.position.rule.template']
        company_id = self.company_id.id

        fsc_rule_template = obj_fpr_temp.search([])
        # TODO fix me doesn't work multi template that have empty fiscal
        # position maybe we should link the rule with the account template
        for fpr_template in fsc_rule_template:
            fp_ids = False
            if fpr_template.fiscal_position_id:
                fp_ids = self.env['account.fiscal.position'].search(
                    [('name', '=', fpr_template.fiscal_position_id.name)])
                if not fp_ids:
            values = self._template_vals(
                fpr_template, company_id, fp_ids[0].id)
        return True