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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable=C8202
#    OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
#    This module copyright (C) 2012-2014 Therp BV (<http://therp.nl>)
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
#    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# A collection of functions split off from openupgrade.py
# with no or only minimal dependencies
import logging

from lxml.etree import tostring
from lxml.html import fromstring

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def table_exists(cr, table):
    """Check whether a certain table or view exists"""
    cr.execute("SELECT 1 FROM pg_class WHERE relname = %s", (table,))
    return cr.fetchone()

def column_exists(cr, table, column):
    """Check whether a certain column exists"""
        "SELECT count(attname) FROM pg_attribute "
        "WHERE attrelid = "
        "( SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = %s ) "
        "AND attname = %s",
        (table, column),
    return cr.fetchone()[0] == 1

def convert_html_fragment(html_string, replacements, pretty_print=True):
    """Get a string that contains XML and apply replacements to it.

    :param str xml_string:
        XML string object.

    :param iterable[*dict] replacements:
        The spec is any iterable full of dicts with this format:

        .. code-block:: python

                # This key is required, to find matching nodes
                "selector": ".carousel .item",

                # This is the default. Use ``xpath`` to select with XPath
                "selector_mode": "css",

                # Other keys are kwargs for ``convert_xml_node()``.
                "class_rm": "item",
                "class_add": "carousel-item",

    :param bool pretty_print:
        Indicates if the returned XML string should be indented.

    :return str:
        Converted XML string.
        # When the fragment has no common node, lxml wraps the code under a common one.
        # For example: `<p><p/><p><p/>` is parsed as `<div><p><p/><p><p/></div>`
        # So we force a custom wrapper tag on every parsed string so every xml receives
        # the same treatment and we can extract it later with no harm
        if "<?xml " in html_string:
            # XML compliant string - no need to wrap it.
            fragment = fromstring(html_string)
            fragment = fromstring(
    except Exception:
        logging.error("Failure converting string to DOM:\n%s", html_string)
    # We don't want to update any fragment which has no changes after all the
    # replacements are checked but the lxml parser and pretty print could make some
    # reformatting on the original code.
    parsed_html_string = tostring(
        fragment, pretty_print=pretty_print, encoding="unicode"
    for spec in replacements:
        instructions = spec.copy()
        # Find matching nodes
        selector = instructions.pop("selector")
        mode = instructions.pop("selector_mode", "css")
        assert mode in {"css", "xpath"}
        finder = fragment.cssselect if mode == "css" else fragment.xpath
        nodes = finder(selector)
        # Apply node conversions as instructed
        for node in nodes:
            convert_xml_node(node, **instructions)
    # So if there were no replacement we just return the original string as it was
    new_html_string = tostring(fragment, pretty_print=pretty_print, encoding="unicode")
    if new_html_string == parsed_html_string:
        return html_string
    new_html_string = new_html_string.replace("<fragment_wrapper>", "").replace(
        "</fragment_wrapper>", ""
    return new_html_string

# flake8: noqa: C901
def convert_xml_node(
    """Apply conversions to an XML node.

    All parameters except :param:`node` can be a callable that return the
    expected type as specified in each of them below.

    The callable would be called with these **keyword-only** arguments:

    * ``attrs``: A ``dict`` of the original attributes in the node.
    * ``classes``: A ``set`` of the original classes in the node.
    * ``styles``: A ``dict`` of the original styles in the node.
    * ``tag``: A ``str`` indicating the original node tag.

    Each one of them has the same type as the expected type

    :param lxml.etree.Element node:
        Node to be modified.

    :param dict attr_add:
        Attributes to add.

        If the attribute is present, it won't be overwritten unless you add
        it also to :param:`attr_rm`.

    :param set attr_rm:
        Attributes to remove.

    :param str class_add:
        Space-separated list of classes to add (for HTML nodes).

    :param str class_rm:
        Space-separated list of classes to remove (for HTML nodes).

    :param dict style_add:
        CSS styles to be added inline to the node (for HTML nodes). I.e.,
        if you pass ``{"display": "none"}``,
        a ``<div style="background-color:gray/>`` node would become
        ``<div style="background-color:gray;display:none/>``.

        If the style is present, it won't be overwritten unless you add
        it also to :param:`style_rm`.

    :param set style_rm:
        CSS styles to remove from the node (for HTML nodes). I.e.,
        if you pass ``{"display"}``,
        a ``<div style="background-color:gray;display:none/>`` node
        would become ``<div style="background-color:gray/>``.

    :param str tag:
        Use it to alter the element tag.

    :param str wrap:
        XML element that will wrap the :param:`node`.

    :param dict attr_rp:
        Specify a dict of attribute to replace from old to the new one
        Ex: {"data-toggle": "data-bs-togle"} (typical case when convert BS4 to BS5 in odoo 16)

    :param dict class_rp_by_inline:
        Specify a dict of class to replace with inline css
        Ex: {"text-justify": ["text-align: justify", "anothor_inline"]}
        (BS5 has removed text-justify class)
    # Fix params
    attr_add = attr_add or {}
    attr_rp = attr_rp or {}
    class_rp_by_inline = class_rp_by_inline or {}
    class_add = set(class_add.split())
    class_rm = set(class_rm.split())
    style_add = style_add or {}
    # Obtain attributes, classes and styles
    classes = set(node.attrib.get("class", "").split())
    styles = node.attrib.get("style", "").split(";")
    styles = {
        key.strip(): val.strip()
        for key, val in (style.split(":", 1) for style in styles if ":" in style)
    # Convert incoming callable arguments into values
    originals = {
        "attrs": dict(node.attrib.items()),
        "classes": classes.copy(),
        "styles": styles.copy(),
        "tag": node.tag,
    _call = lambda v: v(**originals) if callable(v) else v  # noqa: E731
    attr_add = _call(attr_add)
    attr_rm = _call(attr_rm)
    attr_rp = _call(attr_rp)
    class_rp_by_inline = _call(class_rp_by_inline)
    class_add = _call(class_add)
    class_rm = _call(class_rm)
    style_add = _call(style_add)
    style_rm = _call(style_rm)
    tag = _call(tag)
    wrap = _call(wrap)
    # Patch node attributes
    if attr_add or attr_rm or attr_rp or class_rp_by_inline:
        if class_rp_by_inline:
            inline_style = ""
            for _, value in class_rp_by_inline.items():
                for inline_css_style in value:
                    inline_style += inline_css_style + ";"
            if "style" in node.attrib and node.attrib["style"]:
                node.attrib["style"] += inline_style
                node.attrib["style"] = inline_style
            for key, value in attr_rp.items():
                if key in node.attrib:
                    node.attrib[value] = node.attrib.pop(key, None)
            for key in attr_rm:
                node.attrib.pop(key, None)
            for key, value in attr_add.items():
                if key not in node.attrib:
                    node.attrib[key] = value
    # Patch node classes
    if class_add or class_rm:
        classes = (classes | class_add) ^ class_rm
        classes = " ".join(classes)
        if classes:
            node.attrib["class"] = classes
            node.attrib.pop("class", None)
    # Patch node styles
    if style_add or style_rm:
        for key in style_rm:
            styles.pop(key, None)
        for key, value in style_add.items():
            styles.setdefault(key, value)
        styles = ";".join(map(":".join, styles.items()))
        if styles:
            node.attrib["style"] = styles
            node.attrib.pop("style", None)
    # Change its tag if needed
    if tag:
        node.tag = tag
    # Wrap it if needed; see https://stackoverflow.com/a/56037842/1468388
    if wrap:
        wrapper = fromstring(wrap)
        node.getparent().replace(node, wrapper)

def convert_html_replacement_class_shortcut(class_rm="", class_add="", **kwargs):
    """Shortcut to create a class replacement spec.

    :param str class_rm:
        Space-separated string with classes to remove. If a selector kwarg
        is not provided, these will be transformed to a selector, effectively
        generating a class replacement result. For example, if this parameter
        is ``"label badge"``, the default selector will be ``".label.badge"``.

    :param str class_add:
        Space-separated string with classes to add.

    :return dict:
        Generated spec, to be included in a list of replacements to be
        passed to :meth:`convert_xml_fragment`.
    kwargs.setdefault("selector", ".%s" % ".".join(class_rm.split()))
    assert kwargs["selector"] != "."
            "class_rm": class_rm,
            "class_add": class_add,
    return kwargs

def replace_html_replacement_class_rp_by_inline_shortcut(
    class_rp_by_inline="", **kwargs
    """Shortcut to replace an attribute spec.

    :param dict attr_rp:
        EX: {'data-toggle': 'data-bs-toggle'}
        Where the 'key' is the attribute will be replaced by the 'value'

    :return dict:
        Generated spec, to be included in a list of replacements to be
        passed to :meth:`convert_xml_fragment`.

    # Disallow selector to be empty
    assert "selector" in kwargs and kwargs["selector"] != ""
    # Also to be able to get exact element that have that attribute need selector_mode xpath
    assert "selector_mode" in kwargs and kwargs["selector_mode"] == "xpath"
            "class_rp_by_inline": class_rp_by_inline,
    return kwargs

def replace_html_replacement_attr_shortcut(attr_rp="", **kwargs):
    """Shortcut to replace an attribute spec.

    :param dict attr_rp:
        EX: {'data-toggle': 'data-bs-toggle'}
        Where the 'key' is the attribute will be replaced by the 'value'

    :return dict:
        Generated spec, to be included in a list of replacements to be
        passed to :meth:`convert_xml_fragment`.

    # Disallow selector to be empty
    assert "selector" in kwargs and kwargs["selector"] != ""
    # Also to be able to get exact element that have that attribute need selector_mode xpath
    assert "selector_mode" in kwargs and kwargs["selector_mode"] == "xpath"
            "attr_rp": attr_rp,
    return kwargs

def invalidate_cache(env, flush=True):
    """Version-independent cache invalidation.

    :param flush: whether pending updates should be flushed before invalidation.
        It is ``True`` by default, which ensures cache consistency.
        Do not use this parameter unless you know what you are doing.

    # It needs to be loaded after odoo is imported
    from .openupgrade import version_info

    version = version_info[0]

    # Warning on possibly untested versions where chunked might not work as expected
    if version > 17:  # unreleased version at this time
            "openupgradelib.invalidate_cache hasn't been tested on Odoo {}. "
            "Please report any issue you may find and consider bumping this warning "
            "to the next version otherwise.".format(version)

    # 16.0: invalidate_all is re-introduced (with flush_all)
    if version >= 16:
    # 13.0: the write cache and flush is introduced
    elif version >= 13:
        if flush:
    # 11.0: the invalidate_all method is deprecated
    elif version >= 11:
    # 8.0: new api
    elif version >= 8:
        raise Exception("Not supported Odoo version for this method.")