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Test Coverage
# pyproject.toml
# Part of the OZI Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
# See LICENSE.txt for license information.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
build-backend = "ozi_build.buildapi"
requires      = ["OZI.build[core,uv]~=1.5.2"]

console_scripts = [
    "ozi = ozi.__main__:main",
    "ozi-new = ozi.new.__main__:main",
    "ozi-fix = ozi.fix.__main__:main",

summary = 'Package Python projects with Meson.'
download-url = 'https://github.com/OZI-Project/OZI/archive/refs/tags/{version}.tar.gz'
description-file = 'README.rst'
home-page = 'https://oziproject.dev/'
author = 'Eden Ross Duff MSc'
author-email = 'help@oziproject.dev'
license = 'Apache 2.0 WITH LLVM-exception'
keywords = 'meson,packaging,wheel'
project-urls = [
     'Bug Tracker, https://github.com/OZI-Project/OZI/issues',
     'Community, https://github.com/orgs/OZI-Project/discussions',
requires-python='>=3.10, <3.14'
classifiers = [
     'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
     'Environment :: Console',
     'Intended Audience :: Developers',
     'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License',
     'Natural Language :: English',
     'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X',
     'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux',
     'Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only',
     'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10',
     'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11',
     'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12',
     'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.13',
     'Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython',
     'Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools',
     'Topic :: Software Development :: Quality Assurance',
     'Typing :: Typed',

fallback_version = "@VCS_TAG@"
parentdir_prefix_version = "OZI-"
tag_regex = "^(?P<prefix>v)?(?P<version>[^\\+]+)(?P<suffix>.*)?$"

dynamic = ["version"]
license = {file = "LICENSE.txt"}
dependencies = ['ozi-core~=1.3.1', 'setuptools_scm[toml]', 'tomli>=2.0.0;python_version<"3.11"']

[project.optional_dependencies] # also meson test suite names
# continuous integration
ci   = ["tox>4", "tox-gh>1.2"]
# tox -e fix
fix  = ["black", "ruff>=0.1.6", "autoflake", "isort"]
# Default meson test setup
# dev  = ["[dist,lint,test]"]
## Packaging Setup
dist = ["cibuildwheel", "python-semantic-release", "sigstore", "twine"]
## Linting and Formatting Setup
lint = ["bandit[toml]", "black", "flake8", "flake8-quotes",
        "flake8-pytest-style", "flake8-type-checking", "flake8-annotations",
        "flake8-broken-line", "flake8-eradicate", "flake8-fixme", "flake8-bugbear",
        "flake8-datetimez", "flake8-no-pep420", "flake8-comprehensions",
        "flake8-leading-blank-lines", "flake8-tidy-imports", "flake8-pyi",
        "Flake8-pyproject", "isort", "mypy", "pyright"]
## Testing Setup
test = ["coverage[toml]", "hypothesis[all]", "pytest", "pytest-asyncio", "pytest-cov", 
        "pytest-tcpclient", "pytest-randomly", "pytest-xdist"]

exclude_dirs = ["venv", "meson-private", "tests"]
format = "txt"
ignore_nosec = true
verbose = true

extend-exclude = "(\\.pyi|meson-private|venv)"
line-length = 93

build-frontend = "build[uv]"

exclude_lines = [
    "def __repr__",
    "def __wrapper", # functools.wraps decorated functions
    "class .*\\bProtocol\\):",
    "if __name__ == .__main__.:",
    "if (typing\\.)?TYPE_CHECKING:",
fail_under = 100.0
show_missing = true
skip_covered = true
skip_empty = true

branch = true
relative_files = true
omit = [

DEP001 = ["invoke"]

line-length = 93
extend-exclude = ["meson-private", "scripts", "vendor"]
# target-version = "@PYTHON_VERSION_DIST@"

ignore = [
select = ["ALL"]

max-complexity = 6

line-ending = "lf"
quote-style = "single"

force-single-line = true

max-line-length = 102

author="Eden Ross Duff MSc"

inline-quotes = "single"

strict = true

ban-relative-imports = "parents"
max-line-length = 93
extend-exclude = ["meson-private", "build-env-*", "vendor", "venv", "build*", "*.pyi"]
extend-ignore = "E203,E501,TC007,TC008"
extend-select = "B950"

line_length = 93
profile = "black"
force_single_line = true
skip_glob = ['subprojects/*',]

implicit_reexport = true
strict = true
exclude = [

module = ["ozi.vendor.*"]
ignore_errors = true

module = ["spdx_license_list.*"]
ignore_missing_imports = true

module = ["mesonbuild.*"]
ignore_missing_imports = true

disable = "C0301"
expected-line-ending-format = "LF"
max-line-length = 93
max-nested-blocks = 4

reportMissingTypeStubs = false
exclude = [ 

[tool.pytest.ini_options]  #[tool.pytest] # This will be used by pytest in the future
filterwarnings      = [
"ignore:The --rsyncdir command line argument and rsyncdirs config variable are deprecated.:DeprecationWarning",
asyncio_mode = "auto"
log_cli = true
log_cli_date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
log_cli_format = "%(asctime)s [%(levelname)8s] %(name)s: %(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)s)"
log_cli_level = "INFO"

commit_parser = "emoji"
major_on_zero = true
tag_format = "{version}"

match = "\\A0\\.0\\Z"
prerelease_token = "alpha"
prerelease = false

match = "\\Arelease/0\\.\\d+\\Z"
prerelease_token = "alpha"
prerelease = false

match = "\\Arelease/1\\.\\d+\\Z"
prerelease_token = "alpha"
prerelease = false

major_tags = [":boom:"]
minor_tags = [
patch_tags = [

changelog_file = "CHANGELOG.md"
exclude_commit_patterns = ["Merge.*"]

type = "github"

dist_glob_patterns = ["*.whl", "*.tar.gz", "sig/*"]
upload_to_vcs_release = true

legacy_tox_ini = """
skipsdist = True
env_list =

python =
     3.12 = dist,lint,test
     3.11 = dist,lint,test
     3.10 = dist,lint,test

allowlist_externals = 
package = wheel
deps =
commands_pre =
     python -m uv pip install OZI.build[uv,core]~=1.5
     pipx install --python=python meson
commands =
     meson setup {env_tmp_dir} -Ddist=disabled -Dtox-env-dir={env_dir}
     meson compile -C {env_tmp_dir}
     rm -rf {env_tmp_dir}/.gitignore
commands_post =
     {env_python} -m invoke --search-root={env_tmp_dir}/ozi checkpoint --suite={env_name} --ozi {posargs}

description = OZI distribution checkpoint

description = OZI format/lint checkpoint

description = OZI unit tests checkpoint
commands =
     meson setup {env_tmp_dir} -Dozi-blastpipe=disabled -Ddist=disabled -Dtox-env-dir={env_dir}
     meson compile -C {env_tmp_dir}
     rm -rf {env_tmp_dir}/.gitignore

description = OZI project fix issues utility (black, isort, autoflake, ruff)
deps = pipx
skip_install = true
commands_pre =
commands =
     pipx run --python {env_python} black -S .
     pipx run --python {env_python} isort .
     pipx run --python {env_python} autoflake -i -r .
     pipx run --python {env_python} ruff check ozi --fix
commands_post =

description = OZI supply chain management (setuptools_scm)
commands =
     {env_python} -m setuptools_scm {posargs}
commands_post =

description = OZI invoke task entrypoint, for more info use "tox -e invoke -- --list"
no_package = true
commands_post =
     {env_python} -m invoke --search-root={env_tmp_dir}/ozi {posargs} --ozi