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Test Coverage
%h1 Data Breakdown
%p Select Which Office:
=render "form"

- if @office
    %h2= "#{@office}"

    .grid-x.grid-padding-left{ data: { controller: "dashboard-query" } }
      .cell.large-12{ data: { target: "dashboard-query.hideableHours" }, hidden: true}
                %h3 Most active by number of hours volunteered
                .button{ data: { action: "click->dashboard-query#hideHoursTargets" } } Close

            %table{class: 'hover'}
                  %th Role
                  %th Name
                  %th Email
                  %th Hours Volunteered
                - @user_list_by_hours_volunteered .each do |user|
                    %td= user[:role]
                    %td= user[:name]
                    %td= user[:email]
                    %td= user[:hours]
                    %strong Total Hours
                    %strong= @hours_volunteered

      .cell.large-12{ data: { target: "dashboard-query.hideableNeeds" }, hidden: true}
                %h3 Most active by number of needs created
                .button{ data: { action: "click->dashboard-query#hideNeedsTargets" } } Close

            %table{class: 'hover'}
                  %th Role
                  %th Name
                  %th Email
                  %th Needs Created
                - @user_list_by_need_created.each do |user|
                    %td= user[:role]
                    %td= user[:name]
                    %td= user[:email]
                    %td= user[:needs_created]
                    %strong Total Needs
                    %strong= @needs_created_count

              %strong Needs Created
                  %strong= @needs_created_count
                .button{ data: { action: "click->dashboard-query#toggleNeedsTargets" } } Expand

              %strong Hours Volunteered
                  %strong= @hours_volunteered
                .button{ data: { action: "click->dashboard-query#toggleHoursTargets" } } Expand

              %strong Shifts Created
              %strong= @shifts_created_count
              %strong Shifts Claimed
              %strong= @shifts_claimed_count
              %strong Shifts Unclaimed
              %strong= @shifts_unclaimed_count

- else
  %h3 Please submit your form after selecting your office.