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= react_component("DashboardReportsDateRangePicker/index")

    %h2 By Office

              %strong Volunteer Hours
            %p This report contains the number of hours served at the child welfare office by volunteers per child welfare office.
              = link_to dashboard_download_report_url(headers: ['Office Name', 'Volunteer Hours'], data_method: DashboardController::HOURS_BY_OFFICE.underscore, filename: DashboardController::HOURS_BY_OFFICE, model: 'Office', format: :csv), target: '_blank', class: 'button get_report' do
                %i.fas.fa-file-download{style: 'margin-right: 3px;' }
              %strong Children Served
            %p This report contains the number of children served at the child welfare office by volunteers per child welfare office.
              = link_to dashboard_download_report_url(headers: ['Office Name', 'Children Served'], data_method: DashboardController::CHILDREN_BY_OFFICE.underscore, filename: DashboardController::CHILDREN_BY_OFFICE, model: 'Office', format: :csv), target: '_blank', class: 'button get_report' do
                %i.fas.fa-file-download{style: 'margin-right: 3px;' }

    %h2 By State

              %strong Volunteer Hours
            %p This report contains the number of hours served at the child welfare office by volunteers per state.
              = link_to dashboard_download_report_url(headers: ['State', 'Volunteer Hours'], data_method: DashboardController::HOURS_BY_STATE.underscore, filename: DashboardController::HOURS_BY_STATE, model: 'Office', format: :csv), target: '_blank', class: 'button get_report' do
                %i.fas.fa-file-download{style: 'margin-right: 3px;' }
              %strong Children Served
            %p This report contains the number of children served at the child welfare office by volunteers per state.
              = link_to dashboard_download_report_url(headers: ['State', 'Children Served'], data_method: DashboardController::CHILDREN_BY_STATE.underscore, filename: DashboardController::CHILDREN_BY_STATE, model: 'Office', format: :csv), target: '_blank', class: 'button get_report' do
                %i.fas.fa-file-download{style: 'margin-right: 3px;' }

    %h2 By County

              %strong Volunteer Hours
            %p This report contains the number of hours served at the child welfare office by volunteers per county.

            = label_tag(:state)
            = select_tag :state, options_for_select(Address.distinct.pluck(:state))

              = link_to dashboard_download_report_url(headers: ['County', 'Volunteer Hours'], data_method: DashboardController::HOURS_BY_COUNTY.underscore, filename: DashboardController::HOURS_BY_COUNTY, model: 'Office', format: :csv), target: '_blank', class: 'button  get_report_with_state' do
                %i.fas.fa-file-download{style: 'margin-right: 3px;' }
              %strong Children Served
            %p This report contains the number of children served at the child welfare office by volunteers per county.

            = label_tag(:state, 'State')
            = select_tag :state, options_for_select(Address.distinct.pluck(:state))

              = link_to dashboard_download_report_url(headers: ['County', 'Children Served'], data_method: DashboardController::CHILDREN_BY_COUNTY.underscore, filename: DashboardController::CHILDREN_BY_COUNTY, model: 'Office', format: :csv), target: '_blank', class: 'button get_report_with_state' do
                %i.fas.fa-file-download{style: 'margin-right: 3px;' }

    %h2 By Demographic

              %strong Children by Demographic
            %p This report contains demographic information as indicated on the Scheduler intake form.
              = link_to dashboard_download_report_url(headers: ['Preferred Language', 'Number of Children'], data_method: DashboardController::CHILDREN_BY_DEMO.underscore, filename: DashboardController::CHILDREN_BY_DEMO, model: 'Office', format: :csv), target: '_blank', class: 'button get_report' do
                %i.fas.fa-file-download{style: 'margin-right: 3px;' }

              %strong Volunteers Grouped By Race
            %p This report contains race/cultural information as self-reported by OMD volunteers.
              = link_to dashboard_download_report_url(headers: ['Race', 'Number of Volunteers'], data_method: DashboardController::VOLUNTEERS_BY_RACE.underscore, filename: DashboardController::VOLUNTEERS_BY_RACE, model: 'Office', format: :csv), target: '_blank', class: 'button get_report' do
                %i.fas.fa-file-download{style: 'margin-right: 3px;' }

              %strong Volunteers Grouped By Spoken Language
            %p This report contains spoken language information as self-reported by OMD volunteers.
              = link_to dashboard_download_report_url(headers: ['Language', 'Total Volunteer Hours'], data_method: DashboardController::VOLUNTEERS_BY_LANGUAGE.underscore, filename: DashboardController::VOLUNTEERS_BY_LANGUAGE, model: 'User', format: :csv), target: '_blank', class: 'button get_report' do
                %i.fas.fa-file-download{style: 'margin-right: 3px;' }

    %h2 By User

              %strong Volunteer Hours
            %p This report contains volunteer hours served per OMD Volunteer.
              = link_to dashboard_download_report_url(headers: ['id', 'First Name', 'Last Name', 'Total Volunteer Hours'], data_method: DashboardController::HOURS_BY_USER.underscore, filename: DashboardController::HOURS_BY_USER, model: 'User', format: :csv), target: '_blank', class: 'button get_report' do
                %i.fas.fa-file-download{style: 'margin-right: 3px;' }

  -# .cell
  -#   %h2 Shift Survey

  -#   .grid-x.grid-padding-left
  -#     .cell.small-6
  -#       .card
  -#         .card-section
  -#           %h5
  -#             %strong Shift Survey Responses
  -#           %p This report contains all volunteer responses to the end-of-shift surveys. 
  -#           .flex-container.flex-dir-row-reverse
  -#             = link_to dashboard_download_report_url(data_method: DashboardController::RESPONSES_BY_SHIFT.underscore, filename: DashboardController::RESPONSES_BY_SHIFT, model: 'ShiftSurvey', format: :csv), target: '_blank', class: 'button get_report' do
  -#               %i.fas.fa-file-download{style: 'margin-right: 3px;' }
  -#               Download