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Test Coverage
        Phone verification
        - if current_user.verified?
            = "Your phone number (#{}) has already been verified."
            = link_to "Change my phone number", edit_user_registration_path 
        - else
          - if params[:verification_sent]
              %p Please submit the verification code you received via text message at #{}.
            = form_tag(check_code_path) do
                    = text_field_tag :code, nil, placeholder: 'Verification code'
                    = submit_tag "Submit", class: 'primary button'
                Didn't receive a verification code?
                = link_to 'Click here to try again.', verify_path
          - else
              %p Please verify your phone number. Get started by clicking the 'Send verification code' button below. When you receive the verification code at #{}, submit it on the next screen.
              = "Your phone number: #{}"
              = link_to "Change my phone number", edit_user_registration_path
            = link_to 'Send verification code', send_code_path, class: 'primary button', method: :post
                Already have a verification code?
                = link_to 'Click here to enter it now.', verify_path(verification_sent: true)