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<h2 align="center">md-generator</h2>
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CLI tool which bootstraps Development by creating "ALL" required .md files to meet "community standards".

## Table of Contents

- [Project Overview](#Project-Overview)
- [Features](#Features)
- [Installation](#Installation)
- [Supported Files](#Supported-Files)
- [Usage](#Usage)
- [Demo](#Demo)
- [Known Issues](#Known-Issues)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Contributors](#Contributors)
- [License](#License)

## Project Overview

md-generator was created to reduce the time spent creating .md files while trying to set up projects. Hence, bootstrapping development with `ALL` desired md files in line with proven community standards.

## Features

- [x] provides interactive file creation
- [x] provides default templates in all created files (which could be further customized)
- [x] checks if the minimum community standard is met and recommends the minimum required .md files
- [x] provides bulk removal of specified .md files
- [x] provides bulk creation of .md files
- [x] optional `--empty` argument to make created files empty if preferred so
- [x] optional `--required` to `create`/`check`/`list` only all files needed to meet the minimum community standard

## Installation

`npm install md-generator` or globally using `npm install -g md-generator`

- you can interact with the package from the npm registry
  using `npx md-generator [command] [options]`

## Supported Files
- bug_report.md
- feature_request.md


## Usage

install globally using

- npm : npm i -g md-generator
- yarn : yarn add -g md-generator

#### Trigger md-generator using

- md-generator `[parent-options]`
- md-generator `[commands]` `[command-options] [file names]`

#### Parent Options:

|    Option     |         Function          |
| :-----------: | :-----------------------: |
| -V, --version | Output the version number |
|  -h, --help   | Output usage information  |

#### Commands:

|              Command              |                            Function                            |
| :-------------------------------: | :------------------------------------------------------------: |
|  list `[options]` `[File Names]`  |              List All Required/optional .md files              |
| create `[options]` `[File Names]` |                   Create All/specific files                    |
| check `[options]` `[File Names]`  | Checks codebase for the availability of All/Specific .md files |
| remove `[options]` `[File Names]` |                 Remove All/specific .md files                  |

#### Command-Options :

| Command Option |                  Function                  |
| :------------: | :----------------------------------------: |
|   -A, --all    | Operate on all required/optional .md files |
|   -F, --file   |       Operate on specific .md files        |
|  -E, --empty   |           make added files empty           |
| -R --required  |         Operate on required files          |
| -O --optional  |         Operate on optional files          |

> Note:

- `File Names` can be with/without the file extension
- multiples `File Names` should be separated with spaces ie `--file "README.md CONTRIBUTING.md"`.

## Demo

<p align="center">
  <a href="" target="">
    <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25525765/66755090-9643aa00-ee97-11e9-99b0-adfe6ff287aa.gif" alt="Demo">
  <a href="" target="">
    <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/25525765/66753341-db65dd00-ee93-11e9-80ed-3d279f6444c3.gif" alt="Demo">

|                     Cli Command                      |                         Function                          |
| :--------------------------------------------------: | :-------------------------------------------------------: |
|                 md-generator --help                  |     displays help (all available command and option)      |
|                  md-generator list                   |               lists all supported .md files               |
|             md-generator list --optional             |          lists all supported optional .md files           |
|             md-generator list --required             |  lists all required .md files to meet community standard  |
|                  md-generator check                  | checks code base for existing/missing supported .md files |
|            md-generator check --required             | checks code base for existing/missing required .md files  |
|            md-generator check --optional             | checks code base for existing/missing optional .md files  |
|                 md-generator create                  |         Interactively Generates all desired files         |
|  md-generator create --file "file1.md file2.md ..."  |                Creates the supplied files                 |
| md-generator create --file "file1 file2 ..." --empty |          creates supplied files with no template          |
|            md-generator create --required            |          Interactively create required .md files          |
|            md-generator create --optional            |          Interactively create optional .md files          |
|                 md-generator remove                  |        Interactively deletes all desired .md files        |
|     md-generator remove --file "file1 file2 ..."     |       Interactively deletes all specified .md files       |

## Known issues

No known [issues](https://github.com/Oluwasegun-AA/md-generator/issues) at the moment. However, [issues](https://github.com/Oluwasegun-AA/md-generator/issues) can be raised when such is noticed

## Contributing

> Feel free to contribute and kindly go through the Pull Request guide, and contributing.md file

## Contributors

Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):

<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section -->
<!-- prettier-ignore -->
<table><tr><td align="center"><a href="https://github.com/Oluwasegun-AA"><img src="https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/25525765?v=4" width="100px;" alt="Adépòjù Olúwáségun"/><br /><sub><b>Adépòjù Olúwáségun</b></sub></a><br /><a href="https://github.com/Adépòjù Olúwáségun/md-generator/commits?author=Oluwasegun-AA" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="https://github.com/Adépòjù Olúwáségun/md-generator/commits?author=Oluwasegun-AA" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="#maintenance-Oluwasegun-AA" title="Maintenance">🚧</a> <a href="https://github.com/Adépòjù Olúwáségun/md-generator/commits?author=Oluwasegun-AA" title="Tests">⚠️</a></td></tr></table>


This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!

## License


- **[MIT license]()**
- With ❤️ from <a href="https://twitter.com/Oluwasegun_AA" target="_blank">Olúwáségun.</a>


_This File was generated by [md-generator](https://github.com/oluwasegun-AA/md-generator)_