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const Operation = require('./operation');

 * These utilities functions aren't quite on spot in this library as it should really execut operations on Promises not on the
 * downstream itself (which can be easily manipulated with a simple .then), but they might result useful sometimes/somehow to
 * shorten or make more readable a Promise chain.

 * This function checks the downstream against a check function and throws an error if the condition isn't met.
 * @param {Function} check function to check the downstream.
 * @param {*} error the error to be thrown in case the check fails.
 * @returns {Promise} a Promise resolving if the check function returns true, rejecting otherwise.
Promise.prototype._check = function (check, error = 'Unmet check condition.') {
    return this.then(res => {
        if (check(res)) {
            return res;
        } else {
            throw error;

 * This function checks the downstream isn't undefined or throws an error.
 * @param {*} error the error to be thrown in case the downstream is undefined/null.
 * @returns {Promise} a Promise resolving if the downstream is defined, rejecting otherwise.
Promise.prototype._exists = function (error = 'Downstream is undefined.') {
    return this.then(res => {
        if (res) {
            return res;
        } else {
            throw error;

 * This function revives the downstream of a rejected Promise passing downstream the error itself or a new value if specified.
 * @param {*} newDownstream the new value to pass downstream to the revived Promise.
 * @returns {Promise} a Promise resolving the original caught error or the newDownstream value, if any.
Promise.prototype._revive = function (newDownstream) {
    return this.catch(err => {
        let downstream = newDownstream ? newDownstream : err;
        if (!(newDownstream instanceof Promise)) downstream = Promise.resolve(downstream);
        return downstream;

 * This function combines the previous two checking and blocking the downstream on check failed, but immediately reviving it,
 * passing downstream the error or a new value if specified.
 * @param {Function} check function to check the downstream.
 * @param {*} newDownstream the new value to pass downstream to the revived Promise.
 * @returns {Promise} a Promise resolving the original caught error or the newDownstream value, if any.
Promise.prototype._checkOrRevive = function (check, newDownstream) {
    return this._check(check)._revive(newDownstream);

const checkDataNotEmptyOrVoid = (data) => {
    const notNull = data !== null && data !== undefined && data !== '';
    const notEmptyObject = (!(data instanceof Object) || Object.keys(data).length > 0);
    const notEmptyArray = (!(data instanceof Array) || data.length > 0);
    return notNull && notEmptyObject && notEmptyArray;

 * Removes all undefined, null or empty items from any downstream object or array.
 * @returns {Promise} a Promise with a clean downstream.
Promise.prototype._clean = function () {
    return this.then((datas) => {
        let cleanData;
        if (datas instanceof Array) cleanData = [];
        else if (datas instanceof Object) cleanData = {};
        else return datas;
        for (let d in datas) {
            const data = datas[d];
            if (checkDataNotEmptyOrVoid(data)) {
                if (cleanData instanceof Array) {
                } else {
                    cleanData[d] = data;
        return cleanData;

 * This util hides a mux/deMux operation on a Promise downstream.
 * Basically splits the downstream into an array of Promises each handling a single item of the downstream,
 * uses each single downstream as input for a mapFunction which returns a new Promise to be replaced with
 * the original item one.
 * Finally it merges everything back with a deMux.
 * @param {Function} mapFunction a function that accepts a single downstream item and returns a new Promise.
 * @returns {Promise} the deMux of the mapped Promises.
Promise.prototype._map = function (mapFunction) {
    return this._mux(mux => mux.then(mapFunction).deMux());

 * Stops the downstream for the given amount of milliseconds.
 * @param {Number} milliseconds ms milliseconds to wait.
 * @returns {Promise} a Promise continuing the downstream after the given amount of milliseconds.
Promise.prototype._sleep = function (milliseconds) {
    return this.then(donwstream => new Promise(res => setTimeout(() => res(donwstream), milliseconds)));

 * Really simple chain method which simply logs the downstream with a given tag.
 * This can be helpful to track the value of a downstream without having to write a whole .then(...) clause.
 * @param {String} tag a tag to identify the log.
 * @returns {Promise} a Promise resolving the original downstream.
Promise.prototype._log = function (tag) {
    return this.then(donwstream => {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
        console.log(tag, donwstream);
        return donwstream;

const loop = (prev, func, check, index = 0) => {
    return prev.then(dwn => func(dwn, index)).then(dwn => {
        if (check(dwn, index)) return dwn;
        else return loop(Promise.resolve(dwn), func, check, ++index);

 * Loops the execution of a function (may be returning Promises) until a given condition is met.
 * Then passes downstream the last result.
 * @param {Function} iterationFunction the function to execute on the downstream at each iteration.
 * @param {Function} breakCheck the function that evaluates if the loop should break.
 * @returns {Promise} a Promise looping until the breakCheck returns true.
Promise.prototype._loop = function (iterationFunction, breakCheck) {
    return loop(this, iterationFunction, breakCheck);

 * Excecutes a given function on the downstream only if a certain condition is met.
 * @param {Function} check a function to evaluate wether to execute the function or not.
 * @param {*} operationToExecute an operation to be executed on the downstream if the check returns true.
 * @returns {Promise} a promise resolving the downstream or the result of the function if the check returns true.
Promise.prototype._when = function (check, operationToExecute) {
    const operation = new Operation(operationToExecute);
    return this.then(downstream => {
        if (check(downstream)) return operation.get(downstream);
        return Promise.resolve(downstream);

 * Excecutes a given function on the downstream only if a certain condition is met.
 * @param {Function} check a function to evaluate wether to execute the function or not.
 * @param {*} ifOperation an operation to be executed on the downstream if the check returns true.
 * @param {*} elseOperation an operation to be executed on the downstream if the check returns false.
 * @returns {Promise} a promise resolving the result of the if function or the result of the else function if the check returns true or false.
Promise.prototype._ifElse = function (check, ifOperation, elseOperation) {
    const ifOp = new Operation(ifOperation);
    const elseOP = new Operation(elseOperation);
    return this.then(downstream => {
        if (check(downstream)) return ifOp.get(downstream);
        return elseOP.get(downstream);

 * Keeps only the properties with given labels / indexes of the downstream.
 * @param {Array} keys the array of labels / indexes of properties to keep from the downstream
 * @returns {Promise} a promise resolving with the "picked" downstream.
Promise.prototype._pick = function (keys) {
    if (!(keys instanceof Array)) keys = [keys];
    return this.then(downstream => {
        let output;
        if (downstream instanceof Array) {
            output = [];
        } else if (downstream instanceof Object) {
            output = {};
        } else {
            throw `Cannot read properties ${keys} of ${downstream}`;
        for (let k in keys) {
            const key = keys[k];
            if (output instanceof Array) {
            } else {
                output[key] = downstream[key];
        return Promise.resolve(output);

 * Keeps only the properties with given labels / indexes of the downstream.
 * @param {String} key the label to keep in the downstream.
 * @returns {Promise} a promise resolving with the value of the downstream at the given key.
Promise.prototype._just = function (key) {
    return this.then(downstream => {
        if (!(downstream instanceof Array) && !(downstream instanceof Object)) {
            throw `Cannot read properties ${key} of ${downstream}`;
        return Promise.resolve(downstream[key]);

 * Ignores any downstream and resolves with empty value.
 * @returns {Promise} a promise resolving with empty downstream.
Promise.prototype._ignore = function () {
    return this.then(() => {
        return Promise.resolve();