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Test Coverage
 * @license
 * Copyright (c) La Vía Óntica SC, Ontica LLC and contributors. All rights reserved.
 * See LICENSE.txt in the project root for complete license information.
@use '@angular/material' as mat;

// variables

$emp-land-font-family-primary: "Lato", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !default;

$emp-land-text-color: rgb(52, 52, 52);

// https: //material.angular.io/guide/typography
$emp-land-app-typography: mat.define-typography-config(
  $font-family: $emp-land-font-family-primary,
  $button: mat.define-typography-level(9.5pt, 14pt, 400),

$emp-land-app-foreground: (
  base: black,
  divider: rgba(black, 0.12),
  dividers: rgba(black, 0.12),
  disabled: rgba(black, 0.38),
  disabled-button: rgba(black, 0.26),
  disabled-text: rgba(black, 0.38),
  elevation: black,
  hint-text: rgba(black, 0.38),
  secondary-text: rgba(black, 0.54),
  icon: rgba(black, 0.54),
  icons: rgba(black, 0.54),
  text: rgba(black, 0.87),
  slider-min: rgba(black, 0.87),
  slider-off: rgba(black, 0.26),
  slider-off-active: rgba(black, 0.38),

// Define the palettes for your theme using the Material Design palettes available in palette.scss
// (imported above). For each palette, you can optionally specify a default, lighter, and darker
// hue.

$emp-land-primary-palette: (
  50: hsl(205, 20%, 68%),
  100: hsl(205, 20%, 64%),
  200: hsl(205, 20%, 50%),
  300: hsl(205, 20%, 46%),
  400: hsl(205, 20%, 42%),
  500: hsl(205, 20%, 38%),
  600: hsl(205, 20%, 34%),
  700: hsl(205, 20%, 30%), // $primary-color
  800: hsl(205, 20%, 25%),
  900: hsl(205, 20%, 23%),
  A100: hsl(205, 20%, 60%),
  A200: hsl(205, 20%, 50%),
  A400: hsl(205, 20%, 40%),
  A700: hsl(205, 20%, 36%),

  contrast: (
    50: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    100: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    200: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    300: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    400: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    500: white,
    600: white,
    700: white,
    800: white,
    900: white,
    A100: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    A200: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    A400: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    A700: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),

$emp-land-accent-palette: (
  50: hsl(205, 20%, 46%),
  100: hsl(205, 20%, 40%),
  200: hsl(205, 20%, 34%),
  300: hsl(205, 20%, 28%),
  400: hsl(205, 20%, 22%), // $secondary-color
  500: hsl(205, 20%, 20%),
  600: hsl(205, 20%, 18%),
  700: hsl(205, 20%, 16%),
  800: hsl(205, 20%, 14%),
  900: hsl(205, 20%, 12%),
  A100: hsl(205, 20%, 60%),
  A200: hsl(205, 20%, 55%),
  A400: hsl(205, 20%, 50%),
  A700: hsl(205, 20%, 45%),

  contrast: (
    50: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    100: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    200: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    300: white,
    400: white,
    500: white,
    600: white,
    700: white,
    800: white,
    900: white,
    A100: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    A200: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    A400: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    A700: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),

$emp-land-warn-palette: (
  50: hsl(357, 47%, 85%),
  100: hsl(357, 47%, 75%),
  200: hsl(357, 47%, 65%),
  300: hsl(357, 47%, 55%),
  400: hsl(357, 47%, 45%),
  500: hsl(357, 47%, 35%), // $warning-color
  600: hsl(357, 47%, 32%),
  700: hsl(357, 47%, 29%),
  800: hsl(357, 47%, 25%),
  900: hsl(357, 47%, 20%),
  A100: hsl(357, 47%, 75%),
  A200: hsl(357, 47%, 55%),
  A400: hsl(357, 47%, 51%),
  A700: hsl(357, 47%, 45%),

  contrast: (
    50: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    100: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    200: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    300: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    400: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    500: white,
    600: white,
    700: white,
    800: white,
    900: white,
    A100: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    A200: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    A400: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),
    A700: rgba($emp-land-text-color, 0.8),

$emp-land-app-primary: mat.define-palette($emp-land-primary-palette, 500);

$emp-land-app-accent: mat.define-palette($emp-land-accent-palette, 300, 200, 500);

$emp-land-app-warn: mat.define-palette($emp-land-warn-palette, 500);

// Create the theme object (a Sass map containing all of the palettes).
$emp-land-app-theme: mat.define-light-theme(
    color: (
      primary: $emp-land-app-primary,
      accent: $emp-land-app-accent,
      warn: $emp-land-app-warn,
      foreground: $emp-land-app-foreground, // for some reason this line does not work and it is necessary to overwrite below
    typography: $emp-land-app-typography,
    density: 0,

// get color y foreground configuration from the theme
$app-theme-color: map-get($emp-land-app-theme, color);

$app-theme-foreground: map-merge(map-get($app-theme-color, foreground), $emp-land-app-foreground);

// overriding color background/foreground
$app-theme-color: map-merge($app-theme-color, (foreground: $app-theme-foreground));

$emp-land-app-theme: map-merge($emp-land-app-theme, (color: $app-theme-color));

// Include the common styles for Angular Material. We include this here so that you only
// have to load a single css file for Angular Material in your app.
// Be sure that you only ever include this mixin once!
// Also applies custom typography that allow use of angular material style classes in html items.
//  The following line adds:
//    1. Default typography styles for all components
//    2. Styles for typography hierarchy classes (e.g. .mat-headline-1)
//  If you specify typography styles for the components you use elsewhere, you should delete this line.
//  If you don't need the default component typographies but still want the hierarchy styles,

@include mat.all-component-typographies($emp-land-app-typography);

@include mat.core();

// Include theme styles for core and each component used in your app.
// Alternatively, you can import and @include the theme mixins for each component
// that you are using.

@include mat.all-component-themes($emp-land-app-theme);