This module contains the abstract base class for the measuring sources
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
class MeasuringSource(metaclass=ABCMeta):
Abstract interface, which the measuring source implements
def _supported_os(self):
''' Array of Operating_System enums, that contain the supported operating systems '''
def _supported_comps(self):
Dictionary of supported components, which are itself dictionaries of supported metrics
def init(self):
Initializes the measuring source (opening hardware connections etc.)
If initialization is successful, it will return True
If errors occured, the return value will be False
def deinit(self):
De-Initializes the measuring source, removing connections etc.
Returns True if deinit was successfull, False if it errord
def get_measurement(self, component, metric, args):
Retrieves a measurement from the measuring source
given the component, metric and optionally arguments
def can_measure(self, component, metric):
Checks whether the source can measure the specified component metric combo
if component in self._supported_comps:
if metric in self._supported_comps[component]:
return True
return False
def get_supported_comps(self):
Returns a list of all the components and their metrics
that the measuring source supports
return self._supported_comps
def get_supported_os(self):
Returns a list of supported operating systems
return self._supported_os
def os_is_supported(self, current_os):
Returns True if the given operating system is supported
and False if it not
if current_os in self._supported_os:
return True
return False
def add_supported_metric(self, component, metric):
This helper function will add the specified component metric combo to the supported list
# If this is the first metric for that component, create the comp dict
if not component in self._supported_comps:
self._supported_comps[component] = {}
# As long as the metric doesn't exist, add it into the dict
if not metric in self._supported_comps[component]:
self._supported_comps[component][metric] = None
def remove_supported_metric(self, component, metric):
This function removes the specified component metric combo
If there is no other metric in the component, the comp will be deleted completely
# If the component doesn't exist here just stop
if not component in self._supported_comps:
# If the metric in that component doesn't exist, just stop
if not metric in self._supported_comps[component]:
# At this point the metric/comp combo will exist, remove that
del self._supported_comps[component][metric]
# If there are no other metrics left, remove the component as a whole
if len(self._supported_comps[component]) == 0:
del self._supported_comps[component]