Wrapper class for the pyspactor module to be used in the system
PySpectator gets most of it's valuable data from wmi and pythoncom modules.
These are pretty likely to fail especially on laptops
The rest is a mix of psutil usage and simple Linux file access
Also it uses the netifaces module for network data, the module is nice
enough to give it its own wrapper here
from gathering.measuring.MeasuringSource import MeasuringSource
from misc.constants import Operating_System
from misc.standalone_helper import import_if_exists
class PySpectatorSource(MeasuringSource):
Source description
_supported_os = [, Operating_System.linux]
_supported_comps = {
"cpu": {
def __init__(self):
self._init_complete = False
self.pyspectator = import_if_exists("pyspectator.processor")
if self.pyspectator:
self._init_complete = True
def init(self):
Initializes the measuring source (opening hardware connections etc.)
If initialization is successful, it will return True
If errors occured, the return value will be False
def deinit(self):
De-Initializes the measuring source, removing connections etc.
Returns True if deinit was successfull, False if it errord
def get_measurement(self, component, metric, args):
Retrieves a measurement from the measuring source
given the component, metric and optionally arguments
if component == "cpu":
if metric == "temperature":
cpu = self.pyspectator.CPU(monitoring_latency=1)
with cpu:
return cpu.temperature