Data manager used for transfering data between the gathering and server thread
Example usage:
import data_manager
data_manager.get_measurement("cpu", "usage")
from misc.opserv_helper import check_comp_args
realtime_data = None
def init():
Initializes the data manager
global realtime_data
realtime_data = {
"cpu": {},
"cpucore": {},
"gpu": {},
"memory": {},
"disk": {},
"partition": {},
"process": {},
"network": {},
"system": {}
def get_measurement(component, metric, args=None):
""" Returns the currently saved realtime data of the specified component """
args = check_comp_args(realtime_data, component, args)
create_measurement_if_not_exists(component, metric, args)
if args is not None:
return realtime_data[component][args][metric]
return realtime_data[component][metric]
def set_measurement(component, metric, value, args=None):
""" Sets the specified metric to the desired value"""
args = check_comp_args(realtime_data, component, args)
create_measurement_if_not_exists(component, metric, args)
if args is not None:
realtime_data[component][args][metric] = value
realtime_data[component][metric] = value
def create_measurement_if_not_exists(component, metric, args):
""" Creates a new variable if the specified one doesn't already exists """
if args is None:
if not metric in realtime_data[component]:
realtime_data[component][metric] = None
if not args in realtime_data[component]:
print("wtf") # wtf?
if not metric in realtime_data[component][args]:
realtime_data[component][args][metric] = None