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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2024 Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

// This package is used as a common test setup
// avoiding duplicate setup for all the packages
// under test

package inittest

import (

    cp ""
    log ""

// Update original references
const updateReferences = false

func TestInitialization(testRoot string) {
    // Prepare test data
    _ = os.RemoveAll(testRoot + "/run")
    time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
    absTestRoot, _ := filepath.Abs(testRoot)
    absTestRoot = filepath.ToSlash(absTestRoot)
    _ = cp.Copy(path.Join(absTestRoot, "data"), path.Join(absTestRoot, "run"))

    // Set compiler root
    compilerRoot := path.Join(absTestRoot, "run/etc")
    os.Setenv("CMSIS_COMPILER_ROOT", compilerRoot)

    // Set toolchain root
    os.Setenv("AC6_TOOLCHAIN_6_19_0", path.Join(absTestRoot, "run/path/to/ac619/bin"))
    os.Setenv("GCC_TOOLCHAIN_12_3_0", path.Join(absTestRoot, "run/path/to/gcc1230/bin"))
    os.Setenv("IAR_TOOLCHAIN_9_32_5", path.Join(absTestRoot, "run/path/to/iar9325/bin"))
    os.Setenv("CLANG_TOOLCHAIN_18_0_0", path.Join(absTestRoot, "run/path/to/clang1800/bin"))

func ClearToolchainRegistration() {
    // Unset environment variables
    systemEnvVars := os.Environ()
    pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`((\w+)_TOOLCHAIN_(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+))=(.*)`)
    for _, systemEnvVar := range systemEnvVars {
        matched := pattern.FindAllStringSubmatch(systemEnvVar, -1)
        if matched == nil {

func CompareFiles(reference string, actual string) (error, bool) {
    referenceEntries, err := os.ReadDir(reference)
    if err != nil {
        return err, false
    mismatch := false
    for _, referenceEntry := range referenceEntries {
        if path.Ext(referenceEntry.Name()) == ".bak" {
        referencePath := path.Join(reference, referenceEntry.Name())
        actualPath := path.Join(actual, referenceEntry.Name())
        if referenceEntry.IsDir() {
            err, childMismatch := CompareFiles(referencePath, actualPath)
            if err != nil {
                return err, false
            if childMismatch {
                mismatch = true
        } else {
            referenceContent, _ := utils.ReadFileContent(referencePath)
            actualContent, err := utils.ReadFileContent(actualPath)
            if err != nil {
                return err, false
            actualContent = strings.ReplaceAll(actualContent, "\r\n", "\n")
            referenceContent = strings.ReplaceAll(referenceContent, "\r\n", "\n")
            if actualContent != referenceContent {
                if updateReferences {
                    originalReference := strings.ReplaceAll(referencePath, "/run/", "/data/")
                    _ = cp.Copy(actualPath, originalReference)
                log.Error("files " + referencePath + " and " + actualPath + " do not match")
                mismatch = true
    return nil, mismatch