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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
/* Copyright Contributors to the cpackget project. */

package commands

import (
    errs ""
    log ""

var signatureCreateflags struct {
    // certOnly skips private key usage
    certOnly bool

    // certPath points to the signer's certificate
    certPath string

    // keyPath points to the signer's private key
    keyPath string

    // outputDir saves the signed pack to a specific path
    outputDir string

    // pgp mode embeds a PGP signature instead
    pgp bool

    // skipCertValidation skips sanity/safety checks on the provided certificate
    skipCertValidation bool

    // skipInfo skips displaying certificate info
    skipInfo bool

var signatureVerifyflags struct {
    // export doesn't sign but only exports the embedded certificate
    export bool

    // pgpKey loads a PGP public key to verify against the signature
    pgpKey string

    // skipCertValidation skips sanity/safety checks on the provided certificate
    skipCertValidation bool

    // skipInfo skips displaying certificate info
    skipInfo bool

func init() {
    SignatureCreateCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&signatureCreateflags.certOnly, "cert-only", false, "certificate-only signature mode")
    SignatureCreateCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&signatureCreateflags.certPath, "certificate", "c", "", "path of the signer's certificate")
    SignatureCreateCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&signatureCreateflags.keyPath, "private-key", "k", "", "path of the signer's private key")
    SignatureCreateCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&signatureCreateflags.outputDir, "output-dir", "o", "", "save the signed pack to a specific path")
    SignatureCreateCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&signatureCreateflags.pgp, "pgp", false, "PGP signature mode")
    SignatureCreateCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&signatureCreateflags.skipCertValidation, "skip-validation", false, "do not validate certificate")
    SignatureCreateCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&signatureCreateflags.skipInfo, "skip-info", false, "do not display certificate information")

    SignatureVerifyCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&signatureVerifyflags.export, "export", "e", false, "only export embed certificate")
    SignatureVerifyCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&signatureVerifyflags.pgpKey, "pub-key", "k", "", "path of the PGP public key")
    SignatureVerifyCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&signatureVerifyflags.skipCertValidation, "skip-validation", false, "do not validate certificate")
    SignatureVerifyCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&signatureVerifyflags.skipInfo, "skip-info", false, "do not display certificate information")

    SignatureCreateCmd.SetHelpFunc(func(command *cobra.Command, strings []string) {
        err := command.Flags().MarkHidden("pack-root")
        _ = command.Flags().MarkHidden("concurrent-downloads")
        _ = command.Flags().MarkHidden("timeout")
        command.Parent().HelpFunc()(command, strings)


var SignatureCreateCmd = &cobra.Command{
    Use:   "signature-create [<local .path pack>]",
    Short: "Digitally signs a pack with a X.509 certificate or PGP key",
    Long: `
Signs a pack using X.509 Public Key Infrastructure or PGP signatures.

Three modes are available. "full" is the default, and takes a X.509 public key
certificate and its private key (currently only RSA supported), which is used
to sign the hashed (SHA256) contents of a pack.
If "--cert-only" is specified, only a X.509 certificate will be embed in the pack. This
offers a lesser degree of security guarantees.
Both these options perform some basic validations on the X.509 certificate, which can
be skipped.

If "--pgp" is specified, the user must provide a PGP private key (Curve25519 or RSA 2048,
3072 and 4096 bits are supported).

The signature follows a simple scheme which includes the cpackget version used to sign,
the mode, and the outputs, base64 encoded - saved to the pack's Zip comment field.
These can be viewed with any text/hex editor or dedicated zip tools like "zipinfo".

The referenced pack must be in its original/compressed form (.pack), and be present locally:

  $ cpackget signature-create Vendor.Pack.1.2.3.pack -k private.key -c certificate.pem`,
    Args:              cobra.ExactArgs(1),
    PersistentPreRunE: configureInstallerGlobalCmd,
    RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
        if signatureCreateflags.keyPath == "" {
            if !signatureCreateflags.certOnly {
                log.Error("Specify private key file with the -k/--key flag")
                return errs.ErrIncorrectCmdArgs
        } else {
            if signatureCreateflags.certOnly {
                log.Error("-k/--key should not be provided in certificate-only mode")
                return errs.ErrIncorrectCmdArgs
        if signatureCreateflags.certPath == "" {
            if !signatureCreateflags.pgp {
                log.Error("Specify PEM certificate with the -c/--certificate flag")
                return errs.ErrIncorrectCmdArgs
        if signatureCreateflags.pgp {
            if signatureCreateflags.certOnly {
                log.Error("Both PGP and cert-only modes specified")
                return errs.ErrIncorrectCmdArgs
            if signatureCreateflags.certPath != "" {
                log.Error("PGP signature scheme does not need a x509 certificate")
                return errs.ErrIncorrectCmdArgs
            if signatureCreateflags.skipCertValidation {
                log.Error("PGP signature scheme does not validate certificates (--skip-validation)")
                return errs.ErrIncorrectCmdArgs
            if signatureCreateflags.skipInfo {
                log.Error("PGP signature scheme does not display certificate info (--skip-info)")
                return errs.ErrIncorrectCmdArgs
        return cryptography.SignPack(args[0], signatureCreateflags.certPath, signatureCreateflags.keyPath, signatureCreateflags.outputDir, Version, signatureCreateflags.certOnly, signatureCreateflags.skipCertValidation, signatureCreateflags.skipInfo)

var SignatureVerifyCmd = &cobra.Command{
    Use:   "signature-verify [<local .path pack>]",
    Short: "Verifies a signed pack",
    Long: `
Verifies the integrity and authenticity of a pack signed
with the "signature-create" command.

For more information on the signatures, use "cpackget help signature-create".

If attempting to verify a PGP signed pack, use the -k/--pub-key flag to specify
the publisher's public PGP key.

The referenced pack must be in its original/compressed form (.pack), and be present locally:

  $ cpackget signature-verify Vendor.Pack.1.2.3.pack.signed`,
    Args:              cobra.ExactArgs(1),
    PersistentPreRunE: configureInstallerGlobalCmd,
    RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
        if signatureVerifyflags.export && (signatureVerifyflags.skipCertValidation || signatureVerifyflags.skipInfo) {
            log.Error("-e/--export does not need any other flags")
            return errs.ErrIncorrectCmdArgs
        if signatureVerifyflags.pgpKey != "" {
            if signatureVerifyflags.export {
                log.Error("Can't export non X.509 (full, cert-only) signature scheme")
                return errs.ErrIncorrectCmdArgs
            if signatureVerifyflags.skipCertValidation || signatureVerifyflags.skipInfo {
                log.Error("PGP verification does not need any flags other than -k/-pub-key")
                return errs.ErrIncorrectCmdArgs
        return cryptography.VerifyPackSignature(args[0], signatureVerifyflags.pgpKey, Version, signatureVerifyflags.export, signatureVerifyflags.skipCertValidation, signatureVerifyflags.skipInfo)