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Test Coverage
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
/* Copyright Contributors to the cpackget project. */

package errors

import (

var lastLoggedMessage string

// Is returns true if err is equals to target
func Is(err, target error) bool {
    return err == target

// AlreadyLogged returns true if the error log has already been logged
func AlreadyLogged(err error) bool {
    if err.Error() == lastLoggedMessage {
        return true

    lastLoggedMessage = err.Error()

    return err == ErrAlreadyLogged

var (
    // Errors related to package file name
    ErrBadPackName = errors.New("bad pack name: it must be either a PackID:  packVendor::Pack[@version|@~version|@^version|@>=version] or a local Pack file: <path>/Vendor.Pack.version.pack or a local Pack Description file: <path>/Vendor.Pack.pdsc")
    ErrBadPackURL  = errors.New("bad pack url: the url provided for this pack is malformed")

    // Errors related to package content
    ErrPdscFileNotFound      = errors.New("pdsc not found")
    ErrPackNotInstalled      = errors.New("pack not installed")
    ErrPackNotPurgeable      = errors.New("pack not purgeable")
    ErrPdscEntryExists       = errors.New("pdsc already in index")
    ErrPdscEntryNotFound     = errors.New("pdsc not found in index")
    ErrEula                  = errors.New("user does not agree with the pack's license")
    ErrExtractEula           = errors.New("user wants to extract embedded license only")
    ErrLicenseNotFound       = errors.New("embedded license not found")
    ErrPackRootNotFound      = errors.New("no CMSIS Pack Root directory specified. Either the environment CMSIS_PACK_ROOT needs to be set or the path specified using the command line option -R/--pack-root string")
    ErrPackRootDoesNotExist  = errors.New("the specified CMSIS Pack Root directory does NOT exist! Please take a moment to review if the value is correct or create a new one via `cpackget init` command")
    ErrPdscFileTooDeepInPack = errors.New("pdsc file is too deep in pack file")

    // Errors related to network
    ErrBadRequest            = errors.New("bad request")
    ErrFailedDownloadingFile = errors.New("failed to download file")

    // Errors related to file system
    ErrFailedCreatingFile        = errors.New("failed to create a local file")
    ErrFailedWrittingToLocalFile = errors.New("failed writing HTTP stream to local file")
    ErrFailedDecompressingFile   = errors.New("fail to decompress file")
    ErrFailedInflatingFile       = errors.New("fail to inflate file")
    ErrFailedCreatingDirectory   = errors.New("fail to create directory")
    ErrFileNotFound              = errors.New("file not found")
    ErrDirectoryNotFound         = errors.New("directory not found")
    ErrPathAlreadyExists         = errors.New("path already exists")
    ErrCopyingEqualPaths         = errors.New("failed copying files: source is the same as destination")
    ErrMovingEqualPaths          = errors.New("failed moving files: source is the same as destination")

    // Cryptography errors
    ErrIntegrityCheckFailed  = errors.New("checksum verification failed")
    ErrAlreadySigned         = errors.New("pack is already signed, not overwriting")
    ErrBadPrivateKey         = errors.New("private key can't be processed")
    ErrBadSignatureScheme    = errors.New("pack has an invalid/corrupt signature scheme")
    ErrUnsafeCertificate     = errors.New("certificate does not meet minimum security standards")
    ErrUnsupportedKeyAlgo    = errors.New("unsupported key algorithm")
    ErrCannotVerifySignature = errors.New("cannot verify pack signature")
    ErrPossibleMaliciousPack = errors.New("bad pack integrity! signature does not match pack contents - might have been tampered")

    // Security errors
    ErrInsecureZipFileName = errors.New("zip file contains insecure characters: ../")
    ErrFileTooBig          = errors.New("files cannot be over 20G")
    ErrIndexPathNotSafe    = errors.New("index url path does not start with HTTPS")

    // Errors that can't be be predicted
    ErrUnknownBehavior = errors.New("unknown behavior")

    // Cmdline errors
    ErrIncorrectCmdArgs = errors.New("incorrect setup of command line arguments")

    // Errors on installation strucuture
    ErrCannotOverwritePublicIndex      = errors.New("cannot replace \"index.pidx\", use the flag \"-f/--force\" to force overwritting it")
    ErrInvalidPublicIndexReference     = errors.New("the specified index path can only either empty, a local file or an HTTP(S) URL - not a directory")
    ErrPackPdscCannotBeFound           = errors.New("the URL is invalid or does not return the file")
    ErrPackVersionNotFoundInPdsc       = errors.New("pack version not found in the pdsc file")
    ErrPackVersionNotLatestReleasePdsc = errors.New("pack version is not the latest in the pdsc file")
    ErrPackVersionNotAvailable         = errors.New("target pack version is not available")
    ErrPackURLCannotBeFound            = errors.New("URL for the pack cannot be determined. Please consider updating the public index. Ex: cpackget update-index")

    // Hack to allow multiple error logs while still avoiding duplicating the last error log
    ErrAlreadyLogged = errors.New("already logged")

    // Error/Flag to detect when a user has requested early termination
    ErrTerminatedByUser = errors.New("terminated by user request")