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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
/* Copyright Contributors to the cpackget project. */

package installer

import (

    errs ""
    log ""

// PackType is the struct that represents the installation of a
// single pack
type PackType struct {

    //IsLocallySourced tells whether the pack's source is local or an HTTP URL
    IsLocallySourced bool

    // IsPublic tells whether the pack exists in the public index or not
    IsPublic bool

    // isInstalled tells whether the pack is already installed
    isInstalled bool

    // isDownloaded tells whether the file needed to be downloaded from a server
    isDownloaded bool

    // isPackID tells whether the path is in packID format: Vendor.PackName[.x.y.z]
    isPackID bool

    // toBeRemoved indicates
    toBeRemoved bool

    // exactVersion tells whether this pack identifier is specifying an exact version
    // or is requesting a newer one, e.g. @>=x.y.z
    versionModifier int

    // targetVersion is the most recent version of a pack in case exactVersion==true
    targetVersion string

    // path points to a file in the local system, whether or not it's local
    path string

    // Subfolder stores the subfolder this pack is in the compressed file.
    Subfolder string

    // Pdsc holds a pointer to the PDSC file already parsed as XML
    Pdsc *xml.PdscXML

    // zipReader holds a pointer to the uncompressed pack file
    zipReader *zip.ReadCloser

    // Requirements represents a packs' dependencies
    Requirements struct {
        packages []struct {
            info      []string // [Name, Vendor, Version]
            installed bool
        satisfied bool // true if all dependencies are installed

// preparePack does some sanity validation regarding pack name
// and check if it's public and if it's installed or not
func preparePack(packPath string, toBeRemoved, forceLatest, noLocal bool, timeout int) (*PackType, error) {
    pack := &PackType{
        path:        packPath,
        toBeRemoved: toBeRemoved,

    // Clean out any possible query or user auth in the URL
    // to help finding the correct path info
    if strings.HasPrefix(packPath, "http") {
        url, err := url.Parse(packPath)
        if err != nil {
            return pack, errs.ErrBadPackURL

        url.User = nil
        url.Fragment = ""
        url.RawQuery = ""

        packPath = url.String()

    info, err := utils.ExtractPackInfo(packPath)
    if err != nil {
        return pack, err

    if forceLatest {
        info.Version = "latest"
        info.VersionModifier = utils.LatestVersion
    pack.URL = info.Location
    pack.Name = info.Pack
    pack.Vendor = info.Vendor
    pack.Version = info.Version
    pack.versionModifier = info.VersionModifier
    pack.isPackID = info.IsPackID

    if !strings.HasPrefix(pack.URL, "http://") && !strings.HasPrefix(pack.URL, "https://") && strings.HasPrefix(pack.URL, "file://") {
        pack.IsLocallySourced = true

    if pack.IsPublic, err = Installation.packIsPublic(pack, timeout); err != nil {
        return pack, err

    pack.isInstalled = Installation.PackIsInstalled(pack, noLocal)

    return pack, nil

// fetch will download the pack file if it's on the Internet, or
// will use the one in .Download/ if previously downloaded.
// If the path is not a URL, it will make sure the file exists in the local file system
func (p *PackType) fetch(timeout int) error {
    log.Debugf("Fetching pack file \"%s\" (or just making sure it exists locally)", p.path)
    var err error
    if strings.HasPrefix(p.path, "http") {
        p.path, err = utils.DownloadFile(p.path, timeout)
        if err == errs.ErrTerminatedByUser {
            log.Infof("Aborting pack download. Removing \"%s\"", p.path)

        p.isDownloaded = true
        return err

    if !utils.FileExists(p.path) {
        log.Errorf("File \"%s\" doesn't exist", p.path)
        return errs.ErrFileNotFound

    return nil

// validate ensures the pack is legit and it has all minimal requirements
// to be installed.
func (p *PackType) validate() error {
    log.Debug("Validating pack")
    pdscFileName := p.PdscFileName()
    for _, file := range p.zipReader.File {
        if filepath.Base(file.Name) == pdscFileName {

            // Check if pack was compressed in a subfolder
            subfoldersCount := strings.Count(file.Name, "/") + strings.Count(file.Name, "\\")
            if subfoldersCount > 1 {
                return errs.ErrPdscFileTooDeepInPack
            } else if subfoldersCount == 1 {
                p.Subfolder = filepath.Dir(file.Name)

            // Read pack's pdsc
            tmpPdscFileName := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), utils.RandStringBytes(10))
            defer os.RemoveAll(tmpPdscFileName)

            if err := utils.SecureInflateFile(file, tmpPdscFileName, ""); err != nil {
                return err

            p.Pdsc = xml.NewPdscXML(filepath.Join(tmpPdscFileName, file.Name)) // #nosec
            if err := p.Pdsc.Read(); err != nil {
                return err

            // Sanity check: make sure the version being installed actually exists in the PDSC file
            version := p.GetVersion()
            latestVersion := p.Pdsc.LatestVersion()

            log.Debugf("Making sure %s is the latest release in %s", p.targetVersion, pdscFileName)

            if utils.SemverCompare(version, latestVersion) != 0 {
                releaseTag := p.Pdsc.FindReleaseTagByVersion(version)
                if releaseTag == nil {
                    log.Errorf("The pack's pdsc (%s) has no release tag matching version \"%s\"", pdscFileName, version)
                    return errs.ErrPackVersionNotFoundInPdsc

                log.Errorf("The latest release (%s) in pack's pdsc (%s) does not match pack version \"%s\"", latestVersion, pdscFileName, version)
                return errs.ErrPackVersionNotLatestReleasePdsc

            p.Pdsc.FileName = file.Name
            return nil

    log.Errorf("\"%s\" not found in \"%s\"", pdscFileName, p.path)
    return errs.ErrPdscFileNotFound

// purge Removes cached files when
// - It
//   - Removes "CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/.Download/p.Vendor.p.Name.p.Version.pdsc"
//   - Removes "CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/.Download/p.Vendor.p.Name.p.Version.pack" (or zip)
func (p *PackType) purge() error {
    log.Debugf("Purging \"%v\"", p.path)

    fileNamePattern := p.Vendor + "\\." + p.Name
    if len(p.Version) > 0 {
        fileNamePattern += "\\." + p.GetVersionNoMeta() + ".*"
    } else {
        fileNamePattern += "\\..*?"
    fileNamePattern += "\\.(?:pack|zip|pdsc)"

    files, err := utils.ListDir(Installation.DownloadDir, fileNamePattern)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    log.Debugf("Files to be purged \"%v\"", files)
    if len(files) == 0 {
        return errs.ErrPackNotPurgeable

    for _, file := range files {
        if err := os.Remove(file); err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

// install installs pack files to installation's directories
// It:
//   - Extracts all files to "CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/p.Vendor/p.Name/p.Version/"
//   - Saves a copy of the pack in "CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/.Download/"
//   - Saves a versioned pdsc file in "CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/.Download/"
//   - If "CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/.Web/p.Vendor.p.Name.pdsc" does not exist then
//   - Save an unversioned copy of the pdsc file in "CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/.Local/"
func (p *PackType) install(installation *PacksInstallationType, checkEula bool) error {

    // normalize pack path
    p.path = filepath.FromSlash(p.path)
    p.path = filepath.Clean(p.path)

    log.Debugf("Installing \"%s\"", p.path)

    var err error
    p.zipReader, err = zip.OpenReader(p.path)
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Can't decompress \"%s\": %s", p.path, err)
        return errs.ErrFailedDecompressingFile

    if err = p.validate(); err != nil {
        return err

    packHomeDir := filepath.Join(Installation.PackRoot, p.Vendor, p.Name, p.GetVersionNoMeta())
    packBackupPath := filepath.Join(Installation.DownloadDir, p.PackFileName())
    packBackupPath = filepath.FromSlash(packBackupPath)
    packBackupPath = filepath.Clean(packBackupPath)
    if utils.SameFile(packBackupPath, p.path) {
        p.isDownloaded = true

    if len(p.Pdsc.License) > 0 {
        if checkEula {
            ok, err := p.checkEula()
            if err != nil {
                if err == errs.ErrExtractEula {
                    return p.extractEula(packBackupPath)
                return err

            if !ok {
                log.Info("User does not agree with the pack's license, not installing it")
                return errs.ErrEula
        } else {
            // Explicitly inform the user that license has been agreed
            fmt.Printf("Agreed to embedded license: %v", filepath.Join(packHomeDir, p.Pdsc.License))
    } else if ui.Extract {
        if utils.GetEncodedProgress() {
            return nil
        return errs.ErrLicenseNotFound

    // Inflate all files
    err = utils.EnsureDir(packHomeDir)
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Can't access pack directory \"%s\": %s", packHomeDir, err)
        return err

    log.Debugf("Extracting files from \"%s\" to \"%s\"", p.path, packHomeDir)
    log.Infof("Extracting files to %s...", packHomeDir)
    // Avoid repeated calls to IsTerminalInteractive
    // as it cleans the stdout buffer
    interactiveTerminal := utils.IsTerminalInteractive()
    var progress *progressbar.ProgressBar
    var encodedProgress *utils.EncodedProgress

    if utils.GetEncodedProgress() {
        encodedProgress = utils.NewEncodedProgress(int64(len(p.zipReader.File)), 0, p.path)
    } else if interactiveTerminal && log.GetLevel() != log.ErrorLevel {
        progress = progressbar.Default(int64(len(p.zipReader.File)), "I:")

    for _, file := range p.zipReader.File {
        if utils.GetEncodedProgress() {
            _ = encodedProgress.Add(1)
        } else if interactiveTerminal && log.GetLevel() != log.ErrorLevel {
            _ = progress.Add64(1)
        err = utils.SecureInflateFile(file, packHomeDir, p.Subfolder)
        if err != nil {
            defer p.zipReader.Close()

            if err == errs.ErrTerminatedByUser {
                log.Infof("Aborting pack extraction. Removing \"%s\"", packHomeDir)
                if newErr := p.uninstall(installation); newErr != nil {
            return err

    // Close zip file so Windows can't complain if we rename it

    pdscFileName := p.PdscFileName()
    pdscFilePath := filepath.Join(packHomeDir, pdscFileName)
    newPdscFileName := p.PdscFileNameWithVersion()

    if !p.IsPublic {
        _ = utils.CopyFile(pdscFilePath, filepath.Join(Installation.LocalDir, pdscFileName))

    _ = utils.CopyFile(pdscFilePath, filepath.Join(Installation.DownloadDir, newPdscFileName))

    if !p.isDownloaded {
        return utils.CopyFile(p.path, packBackupPath)

    if filepath.Base(p.path) != filepath.Base(packBackupPath) {
        err := utils.MoveFile(p.path, packBackupPath)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        p.path = packBackupPath

    return nil

// uninstall removes the pack from the installation directory.
// It:
//   - Removes all pack files from "CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/p.Vendor/p.Name/[p.Version]", where p.Version might be ommited
//   - Removes "CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/p.Vendor/p.Name/" if empty
//   - Removes "CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/p.Vendor/" if empty
//   - If "CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/.Web/p.Vendor.p.Name.pdsc" does not exist then
//   - Remove "p.Vendor.p.Name.pdsc" from "CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/.Local/"
func (p *PackType) uninstall(installation *PacksInstallationType) error {
    log.Debugf("Uninstalling \"%v\"", p.path)

    // Remove Vendor/Pack/x.y.z
    packPath := filepath.Join(installation.PackRoot, p.Vendor, p.Name, p.GetVersionNoMeta())
    if err := os.RemoveAll(packPath); err != nil {
        return err

    // Remove Vendor/Pack/ if empty
    packPath = filepath.Join(installation.PackRoot, p.Vendor, p.Name)
    if utils.IsEmpty(packPath) {
        if err := os.Remove(packPath); err != nil {
            return err

        // Remove local pdsc file if pack is not public and if there are no more versions of this pack installed
        if !p.IsPublic {
            localPdscFileName := p.PdscFileName()
            filePath := filepath.Join(installation.LocalDir, localPdscFileName)
            if err := os.Remove(filePath); err != nil {
                return err

    // Remove Vendor/ if empty
    vendorPath := filepath.Join(installation.PackRoot, p.Vendor)
    if utils.IsEmpty(vendorPath) {
        if err := os.Remove(vendorPath); err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

// readEula reads in the pack's license into a string
func (p *PackType) readEula() ([]byte, error) {
    log.Debug("Reading EULA")

    licenseFileName := strings.Replace(p.Pdsc.License, "\\", "/", -1)

    // License contains the license path inside the pack file
    for _, file := range p.zipReader.File {
        possibleLicense := strings.Replace(file.Name, "\\", "/", -1)
        if possibleLicense == licenseFileName {

            reader, _ := file.Open()
            defer reader.Close()

            buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
            _, err := utils.SecureCopy(buffer, reader)
            if err != nil {
                return []byte{}, err

            return buffer.Bytes(), nil

    return []byte{}, errs.ErrLicenseNotFound

// checkEula prints out the pack's license (if any) to the user and asks for
// confirmation. Returns false if user has not agreed with the license's terms.
// Returns true if pack has no license specified.
func (p *PackType) checkEula() (bool, error) {
    log.Debug("Checking EULA")

    bytes, err := p.readEula()
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    eulaContents, err := cat.FromBytes(bytes)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    return ui.DisplayAndWaitForEULA(p.Pdsc.License, eulaContents)

// extractEula extracts the pack's License to a file next to the pack's location
func (p *PackType) extractEula(packPath string) error {
    log.Debug("Extracting EULA")

    eulaContents, err := p.readEula()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    eulaFileName := packPath + "." + filepath.Base(p.Pdsc.License)

    if utils.GetEncodedProgress() {
        log.Infof("[L:F\"%s\"]", eulaFileName)
    } else {
        log.Infof("Extracting embedded license to %v", eulaFileName)

    if utils.FileExists(eulaFileName) {
    if utils.FileExists(eulaFileName) {
        log.Errorf("Cannot remove previous copy of license file: \"%s\"", eulaFileName)
        return errs.ErrFailedCreatingFile

    return os.WriteFile(eulaFileName, eulaContents, utils.FileModeRO)

// resolveVersionModifier takes into account eventual versionModifiers (@, @^, @~ and @>=) to determine
// which version of a pack should be targeted for installation
func (p *PackType) resolveVersionModifier(pdscXML *xml.PdscXML) {
    log.Debugf("Resolving version modifier for \"%s\" using PDSC \"%s\"", p.path, pdscXML.FileName)

    if p.versionModifier == utils.ExactVersion {
        p.targetVersion = p.Version
        log.Debugf("- resolved(@) as %s", p.targetVersion)

    if p.versionModifier == utils.LatestVersion ||
        p.versionModifier == utils.AnyVersion {
        p.targetVersion = pdscXML.LatestVersion()
        log.Debugf("- resolved(@latest) as %s", p.targetVersion)

    if p.versionModifier == utils.GreaterVersion {
        // No minimum version exists to satisfy target version
        if p.targetVersion == "" && utils.SemverCompare(p.Version, pdscXML.LatestVersion()) > 0 {
            log.Errorf("Tried to install at least version %s, highest available version is %s", p.Version, pdscXML.LatestVersion())
        } else {
            p.targetVersion = pdscXML.LatestVersion()
            log.Debugf("- resolved(@>=) as %s", p.targetVersion)

    // The trickiest one is @^, because it needs to be the latest
    // release matching the major number.
    // The releases in the PDSC file are sorted from latest to oldest
    if p.versionModifier == utils.GreatestCompatibleVersion {
        for _, version := range pdscXML.AllReleases() {
            sameMajor := utils.SemverMajor(version) == utils.SemverMajor(p.Version)
            if sameMajor && utils.SemverCompare(version, p.Version) >= 0 {
                p.targetVersion = version
                log.Debugf("- resolved (@^) as %s", p.targetVersion)
        // Check if at least same Major version exists
        if utils.SemverCompare(p.targetVersion, p.Version) > 0 {
            p.targetVersion = pdscXML.LatestVersion()
            log.Debugf("- resolved (@^) as %s", p.targetVersion)
        } else {
            log.Errorf("No compatible minor version available for pack version >= %s, highest available major version is %s.x.x", p.Version, utils.SemverMajor(pdscXML.LatestVersion()))

    // The next tricky one is @~, because it needs to be the latest
    // release matching the major and minor number.
    // The releases in the PDSC file are sorted from latest to oldest
    if p.versionModifier == utils.PatchVersion {
        for _, version := range pdscXML.AllReleases() {
            sameMajorMinor := utils.SemverMajorMinor(version) == utils.SemverMajorMinor(p.Version)
            if sameMajorMinor && utils.SemverCompare(version, p.Version) >= 0 {
                p.targetVersion = version
                log.Debugf("- resolved (@~) as %s", p.targetVersion)
        // Check if at least same Major.Minor version exists
        if utils.SemverCompare(p.targetVersion, p.Version) > 0 {
            p.targetVersion = pdscXML.LatestVersion()
            log.Debugf("- resolved (@~) as %s", p.targetVersion)
        } else {
            log.Errorf("No compatible patch version available for pack version >= %s, highest available major.minor version is %s.x", p.Version, utils.SemverMajorMinor(pdscXML.LatestVersion()))

    // Try to install the highest available version in the
    // specified min:max range.
    if p.versionModifier == utils.RangeVersion {
        for _, version := range pdscXML.AllReleases() {
            if utils.SemverCompareRange(version, p.Version) == 0 {
                // the first matching is the best (latest)
                p.targetVersion = version
                log.Debugf("- resolved range %s as %s", p.Version, p.targetVersion)

    log.Warn("Could not resolve version modifier")

// loadDependencies verifies and registers a pack's required packages
func (p *PackType) loadDependencies() error {
    deps := p.Pdsc.Dependencies()
    installed := 0
    if deps == nil {
        return nil
    for i := 0; i < len(deps); i++ {
        version := deps[i][2]
        var pack *PackType
        var err error
        if version == "" {
            pack, err = preparePack(deps[i][1]+"."+deps[i][0], false, false, false, 0)
            if err != nil {
                return err
        } else {
            pack, err = preparePack(deps[i][1]+"."+deps[i][0]+"."+deps[i][2], false, false, false, 0)
            if err != nil {
                return err

        // Need to convert the spec <package/requirements/packages> "version" to the one internally used
        if version != "latest" {
            if len(strings.Split(version, ":")) >= 1 {
                if string(version[len(version)-1]) == "_" {
                    pack.versionModifier = utils.GreaterVersion
                } else {
                    pack.versionModifier = utils.RangeVersion
            } else {
                pack.versionModifier = utils.ExactVersion
        } else {
            pack.versionModifier = utils.LatestVersion
        if Installation.PackIsInstalled(pack, false) {
            p.Requirements.packages = append(p.Requirements.packages, struct {
                info      []string
                installed bool
            }{deps[i], true})
        } else {
            p.Requirements.packages = append(p.Requirements.packages, struct {
                info      []string
                installed bool
            }{deps[i], false})
    if installed == len(deps) {
        p.Requirements.satisfied = true
    return nil

func (p *PackType) RequirementsSatisfied() bool {
    return p.Requirements.satisfied

// PackID returns the most generic name of a pack: Vendor.PackName
func (p *PackType) PackID() string {
    return p.Vendor + "." + p.Name

// PackIDWithVersion returns the packID with version: Vendor.PackName.x.y.z
func (p *PackType) PackIDWithVersion() string {
    return p.PackID() + "." + p.GetVersionNoMeta()

// PackFileName returns a string with how the pack file name would be: Vendor.PackName.x.y.z.pack
func (p *PackType) PackFileName() string {
    return p.PackIDWithVersion() + ".pack"

// PdscFileName returns a string with how the pack's pdsc file name would be: Vendor.PackName.pdsc
func (p *PackType) PdscFileName() string {
    return p.PackID() + ".pdsc"

// PdscFileNameWithVersion returns a string with how the pack's pdsc file name would be: Vendor.PackName.x.y.z.pdsc
func (p *PackType) PdscFileNameWithVersion() string {
    return p.PackIDWithVersion() + ".pdsc"

// GetVersion makes sure to get the latest version for the pack
// after parsing possible version modifiers (@^, @~, @>=)
func (p *PackType) GetVersion() string {
    if p.versionModifier != utils.ExactVersion {
        return p.targetVersion
    return p.Version

// GetVersionNoMeta return the version without meta information
func (p *PackType) GetVersionNoMeta() string {
    return utils.SemverStripMeta(p.GetVersion())

// toggleReadOnly will be used by Lock() and Unlock() to set or unset Read-Only flag on all pack files
func (p *PackType) toggleReadOnly(setReadOnly bool) {
    // Vendor/Pack/x.y.z/
    packHomeDir := filepath.Join(Installation.PackRoot, p.Vendor, p.Name, p.GetVersionNoMeta())

    // .Download/Vendor.Pack.z.y.z.pack
    packBackupPath := filepath.Join(Installation.DownloadDir, p.PackFileName())

    // .Download/Vendor.Pack.x.y.z.pdsc
    packVersionedPdscPath := filepath.Join(Installation.DownloadDir, p.PdscFileNameWithVersion())

    // .Web/Vendor.Pack.pdsc or .Local/Vendor.Pack.pdsc
    packPdscPath := filepath.Join(Installation.WebDir, p.PdscFileName())
    if !p.IsPublic {
        packPdscPath = filepath.Join(Installation.LocalDir, p.PdscFileName())

    if setReadOnly {
    } else {

// Lock sets all files and directories for this pack to Read-Only
func (p *PackType) Lock() {

// Unlock sets all files and directories for this pack to Read/Write mode
func (p *PackType) Unlock() {