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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
/* Copyright Contributors to the cpackget project. */

package installer

import (

    errs ""
    log ""

// PdscType is the struct that represents the installation of a
// pack via PDSC file
type PdscType struct {

    // file points to the actual PDSC file
    file *xml.PdscXML

    // path points to a file in the local system, whether or not it's local
    path string

// preparePdsc does some sanity validation regarding pdsc name
// and check if it's already installed or not
func preparePdsc(pdscPath string) (*PdscType, error) {
    var err error
    pdsc := &PdscType{
        path: pdscPath,

    info, err := utils.ExtractPackInfo(pdscPath)
    if err != nil {
        return pdsc, err
    pdsc.URL = info.Location
    pdsc.Name = info.Pack
    pdsc.Vendor = info.Vendor
    pdsc.Version = info.Version

    if !Installation.localIsLoaded {
        if err := Installation.LocalPidx.Read(); err != nil {
            return pdsc, err
        Installation.localIsLoaded = true

    return pdsc, err

// toPdscTag returns a <pdsc> tag representation of this PDSC file
func (p *PdscType) toPdscTag() (xml.PdscTag, error) {
    tag := p.PdscTag

    if p.file == nil {
        p.file = xml.NewPdscXML(p.path)
        if err := p.file.Read(); err != nil {
            return tag, err

    // uses the Version from the actual file
    tag.Version = p.file.Tag().Version

    return tag, nil

// install installs a pack via PDSC file.
// It:
//   - Adds it to the "CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/.Local/local_repository.pidx"
//     using version from the PDSC file
func (p *PdscType) install(installation *PacksInstallationType) error {
    log.Debugf("Installing \"%s\"", p.path)
    tag, err := p.toPdscTag()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    searchTag := xml.PdscTag{
        Vendor: tag.Vendor,
        Name:   tag.Name,
    tagURL := tag.URL
    if strings.HasPrefix(tagURL, "file://") && runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
        tagURL = strings.ToLower(tagURL) // case insensitive if windows
    foundTags := installation.LocalPidx.FindPdscTags(searchTag)
    if len(foundTags) > 0 {
        for _, foundTag := range foundTags {
            foundURL := foundTag.URL
            if strings.HasPrefix(foundURL, "file://") && runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
                foundURL = strings.ToLower(foundURL) // case insensitive if windows
            if foundURL == tagURL {
                if strings.Contains(foundTag.URL, "\\") {
                    log.Warn("Found PDSC file with an equal but malformed path (using '\\'). Correcting entry and reinstall.")
                    if err := installation.LocalPidx.RemovePdsc(foundTag); err != nil {
                        return err
                return errs.ErrPdscEntryExists

    return Installation.LocalPidx.AddPdsc(tag)

// uninstall uninstalls a pack via PDSC
// It:
//   - Removes it to the "CMSIS_PACK_ROOT/.Local/local_repository.pidx"
//     If version is ommited, remove all pdsc tags belonging to this pack
func (p *PdscType) uninstall(installation *PacksInstallationType) error {
    log.Debugf("Unistalling \"%s\"", p.path)

    tags := installation.LocalPidx.FindPdscTags(xml.PdscTag{
        Vendor: p.Vendor,
        Name:   p.Name,

    if len(tags) == 0 {
        return errs.ErrPdscEntryNotFound

    toRemove := []xml.PdscTag{}
    dirName := filepath.Dir(p.path)
    if dirName == "" || dirName == "." {
        toRemove = tags
    } else {
        targetPath := strings.ReplaceAll(dirName, "\\", "/")
        for _, tag := range tags {
            tagURL := strings.ReplaceAll(tag.URL, "\\", "/")
            if strings.Contains(tagURL, targetPath) {
                toRemove = append(toRemove, tag)

    if len(toRemove) == 0 {
        return errs.ErrPdscEntryNotFound

    for _, tag := range toRemove {
        if err := installation.LocalPidx.RemovePdsc(tag); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil