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2 hrs
Test Coverage
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
/* Copyright Contributors to the cpackget project. */

package installer

import (

    errs ""
    log ""

const KeilDefaultPackRoot = ""

// GetDefaultCmsisPackRoot provides a default location
// for the pack root if not provided. This is to enable
// a "default mode", where the public index will be
// automatically initiated if not ready yet.
func GetDefaultCmsisPackRoot() string {
    var root string
    // Workaround to fake default mode in tests,
    // by avoiding writing in any of the default locations,
    // and using the generated testing pack dirs.
    if root = os.Getenv("CPACKGET_DEFAULT_MODE_PATH"); root != "" {
        return filepath.Clean(root)
    if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
        root = os.Getenv("LOCALAPPDATA")
        if root == "" {
            root = os.Getenv("USERPROFILE")
            if root != "" {
                root = root + "\\AppData\\Local"
        if root != "" {
            root = root + "\\Arm\\Packs"
    } else {
        root = os.Getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME")
        if root == "" {
            root = os.Getenv("HOME")
            if root != "" {
                root = root + "/.cache"
        if root != "" {
            root = root + "/arm/packs"
    return filepath.Clean(root)

// AddPack adds a pack to the pack installation directory structure
func AddPack(packPath string, checkEula, extractEula, forceReinstall, noRequirements bool, timeout int) error {

    isDep := false
    // tag dependency packs with $ for correct logging output
    if strings.TrimPrefix(packPath, "$") != packPath {
        isDep = true
        packPath = packPath[1:]
    pack, err := preparePack(packPath, false, timeout)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if !isDep {
        log.Infof("Adding pack \"%s\"", packPath)

    dropPreInstalled := false
    fullPackPath := ""
    backupPackPath := ""
    if !extractEula && pack.isInstalled {
        if forceReinstall {

            log.Debugf("Making temporary backup of pack \"%s\"", packPath)

            // Get target pack's full path and move it to a temporary "_tmp" directory
            fullPackPath = filepath.Join(Installation.PackRoot, pack.Vendor, pack.Name, pack.GetVersionNoMeta())
            backupPackPath = fullPackPath + "_tmp"

            if err := utils.MoveFile(fullPackPath, backupPackPath); err != nil {
                return err

            log.Debugf("Moved pack to temporary path \"%s\"", backupPackPath)
            dropPreInstalled = true
        } else {
            log.Errorf("Pack \"%s\" is already installed here: \"%s\", use the --force-reinstall (-F) flag to force installation", packPath, filepath.Join(Installation.PackRoot, pack.Vendor, pack.Name, pack.GetVersionNoMeta()))
            return nil

    if pack.isPackID {
        pack.path, err = FindPackURL(pack)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    if err = pack.fetch(timeout); err != nil {
        return err

    // Since we only get the target version here, can only
    // print the message now for dependencies
    if isDep {
        log.Infof("Adding pack %s", pack.Vendor+"."+pack.Name+"."+pack.targetVersion)
    // Tells the UI to return right away with the [E]xtract option selected
    ui.Extract = extractEula

    // Unlock the pack (to enable reinstalling) and lock it afterwards
    defer pack.Lock()

    if err = pack.install(Installation, checkEula || extractEula); err != nil {
        // Just for internal purposes, is not presented as an error to the user
        if err == errs.ErrEula {
            return nil
        if dropPreInstalled {
            log.Error("Error installing pack, reverting temporary pack to original state")
            // Make sure the original directory doesn't exist to avoid moving errors
            if err := os.RemoveAll(fullPackPath); err != nil {
                return err
            if err := utils.MoveFile(backupPackPath, fullPackPath); err != nil {
                return err
        return err

    // Remove the original "temporary" pack
    // Manual removal via os.RemoveAll as "_tmp" is an invalid packPath for RemovePack
    if dropPreInstalled {
        if err := os.RemoveAll(backupPackPath); err != nil {
            return err
        log.Debugf("Successfully deleted temporary pack \"%s\"", backupPackPath)

    if !noRequirements {
        log.Debug("installing package requirements")
        err := pack.loadDependencies()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if !pack.RequirementsSatisfied() {
            // Print all dependencies info on one message
            msg := ""
            for _, p := range pack.Requirements.packages {
                if !p.installed {
                    msg += utils.FormatPackVersion( + " "
            if msg != "" {
                log.Infof("Package requirements not satisfied - installing %s", msg)
            for _, req := range pack.Requirements.packages {
                // Recursively install dependencies
                path :=[1] + "." +[0] + "." +[2]
                pack, err := preparePack(path, false, timeout)
                if err != nil {
                    return err
                if !pack.isInstalled {
                    log.Debug("pack has dependencies, installing")
                    err := AddPack("$"+path, checkEula, extractEula, forceReinstall, false, timeout)
                    if err != nil {
                        return err
                } else {
                    log.Debugf("required pack %s already installed - skipping", path)
        } else {
            log.Debugf("pack has all required dependencies installed (%d packs)", len(pack.Requirements.packages))
    } else {
        log.Debug("skipping requirements checking and installation")

    return Installation.touchPackIdx()

// RemovePack removes a pack given a pack path
func RemovePack(packPath string, purge bool, timeout int) error {
    log.Debugf("Removing pack \"%v\"", packPath)

    // TODO: by default, remove latest version first
    // if no version is given

    pack, err := preparePack(packPath, true, timeout)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if pack.isInstalled {
        // TODO: If removing-all is enabled, get rid of the version
        // pack.Version = ""
        if err = pack.uninstall(Installation); err != nil {
            return err

        if purge {
            if err = pack.purge(); err != nil {
                return err

        return Installation.touchPackIdx()
    } else if purge {
        return pack.purge()

    log.Errorf("Pack \"%v\" is not installed", packPath)
    return errs.ErrPackNotInstalled

// AddPdsc adds a pack via PDSC file
func AddPdsc(pdscPath string) error {
    log.Infof("Adding pdsc \"%v\"", pdscPath)

    pdsc, err := preparePdsc(pdscPath)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if err := pdsc.install(Installation); err != nil {
        if err == errs.ErrPdscEntryExists {
            return nil
        return err

    if err := Installation.LocalPidx.Write(); err != nil {
        return err

    return Installation.touchPackIdx()

// RemovePdsc removes a pack given a pdsc path
func RemovePdsc(pdscPath string) error {
    log.Debugf("Removing pdsc \"%v\"", pdscPath)

    pdsc, err := preparePdsc(pdscPath)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // preparePdsc will fill in the full path for this PDSC file path
    // in the URL field, that is not needed for removing
    pdsc.URL = ""

    if err = pdsc.uninstall(Installation); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := Installation.LocalPidx.Write(); err != nil {
        return err

    return Installation.touchPackIdx()

// Workaround wrapper function to still log errors
func massDownloadPdscFiles(pdscTag xml.PdscTag, skipInstalledPdscFiles bool, timeout int) {
    if err := Installation.downloadPdscFile(pdscTag, skipInstalledPdscFiles, timeout); err != nil {

func CheckConcurrency(concurrency int) int {
    maxWorkers := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)

    if concurrency > 1 {
        if concurrency > maxWorkers {
            concurrency = maxWorkers
    } else {
        concurrency = 0

    return concurrency

func DownloadPDSCFiles(skipInstalledPdscFiles bool, concurrency int, timeout int) error {
    log.Info("Downloading all PDSC files available on the public index")
    if err := Installation.PublicIndexXML.Read(); err != nil {
        return err

    pdscTags := Installation.PublicIndexXML.ListPdscTags()
    numPdsc := len(pdscTags)
    if numPdsc == 0 {
        log.Info("(no packs in public index)")
        return nil

    if utils.GetEncodedProgress() {
        log.Infof("[J%d:F\"%s\"]", numPdsc, Installation.PublicIndex)

    ctx := context.TODO()
    concurrency = CheckConcurrency(concurrency)
    sem := semaphore.NewWeighted(int64(concurrency))

    for _, pdscTag := range pdscTags {
        if concurrency == 0 {
            massDownloadPdscFiles(pdscTag, skipInstalledPdscFiles, timeout)
        } else {
            if err := sem.Acquire(ctx, 1); err != nil {
                log.Errorf("Failed to acquire semaphore: %v", err)

            go func(pdscTag xml.PdscTag) {
                defer sem.Release(1)
                massDownloadPdscFiles(pdscTag, skipInstalledPdscFiles, timeout)
    if concurrency > 1 {
        if err := sem.Acquire(ctx, int64(concurrency)); err != nil {
            log.Errorf("Failed to acquire semaphore: %v", err)

    return nil

func UpdateInstalledPDSCFiles(pidxXML *xml.PidxXML, concurrency int, timeout int) error {
    log.Info("Updating PDSC files of installed packs referenced in index.pidx")
    pdscFiles, err := utils.ListDir(Installation.WebDir, ".pdsc$")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    numPdsc := len(pdscFiles)
    if utils.GetEncodedProgress() {
        log.Infof("[J%d:F\"%s\"]", numPdsc, Installation.PublicIndex)

    ctx := context.TODO()
    concurrency = CheckConcurrency(concurrency)
    sem := semaphore.NewWeighted(int64(concurrency))

    for _, pdscFile := range pdscFiles {
        log.Debugf("Checking if \"%s\" needs updating", pdscFile)
        pdscXML := xml.NewPdscXML(pdscFile)
        err := pdscXML.Read()
        if err != nil {
            log.Errorf("%s: %v", pdscFile, err)

        searchTag := xml.PdscTag{
            Vendor: pdscXML.Vendor,
            Name:   pdscXML.Name,

        // Warn the user if the pack is no longer present in index.pidx
        tags := pidxXML.FindPdscTags(searchTag)
        if len(tags) == 0 {
            log.Warnf("The pack %s::%s is no longer present in the updated index.pidx, deleting PDSC file \"%v\"", pdscXML.Vendor, pdscXML.Name, pdscFile)

        versionInIndex := tags[0].Version
        latestVersion := pdscXML.LatestVersion()
        if versionInIndex != latestVersion {
            log.Infof("%s::%s can be upgraded from \"%s\" to \"%s\"", pdscXML.Vendor, pdscXML.Name, latestVersion, versionInIndex)

            if concurrency == 0 {
                massDownloadPdscFiles(tags[0], false, timeout)
            } else {
                if err := sem.Acquire(ctx, 1); err != nil {
                    log.Errorf("Failed to acquire semaphore: %v", err)

                pdscTag := tags[0]
                go func(pdscTag xml.PdscTag) {
                    defer sem.Release(1)
                    massDownloadPdscFiles(pdscTag, false, timeout)

    if concurrency > 1 {
        if err := sem.Acquire(ctx, int64(concurrency)); err != nil {
            log.Errorf("Failed to acquire semaphore: %v", err)

    pdscFiles, err = utils.ListDir(Installation.LocalDir, ".pdsc$")
    if err != nil {
        return err

    numPdsc = len(pdscFiles)
    if utils.GetEncodedProgress() {
        log.Infof("[J%d:F\"%s\"]", numPdsc, Installation.LocalDir)

    for _, pdscFile := range pdscFiles {
        log.Debugf("Checking if \"%s\" needs updating", pdscFile)
        pdscXML := xml.NewPdscXML(pdscFile)
        err := pdscXML.Read()
        if err != nil {
            log.Errorf("%s: %v", pdscFile, err)
        if pdscXML.URL == "" {
        originalLatestVersion := pdscXML.LatestVersion()

        var pdscTag xml.PdscTag
        pdscTag.Name = pdscXML.Name
        pdscTag.Vendor = pdscXML.Vendor
        pdscTag.URL = pdscXML.URL
        if err := Installation.loadPdscFile(pdscTag, timeout); err != nil {

        pdscXML = xml.NewPdscXML(pdscFile)
        err = pdscXML.Read()
        if err != nil {
            log.Errorf("%s: %v", pdscFile, err)
        latestVersion := pdscXML.LatestVersion()
        if originalLatestVersion != latestVersion {
            log.Infof("%s::%s can be upgraded from \"%s\" to \"%s\"", pdscXML.Vendor, pdscXML.Name, originalLatestVersion, latestVersion)

    return nil

func GetIndexPath(indexPath string) (string, error) {
    if indexPath == "" {
        indexPath = strings.TrimSuffix(Installation.PublicIndexXML.URL, "/")

    if !utils.GetEncodedProgress() {
        log.Infof("Using path: \"%v\"", indexPath)

    var err error

    if strings.HasPrefix(indexPath, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(indexPath, "https://") {
        if !strings.HasPrefix(indexPath, "https://") {
            log.Warnf("Non-HTTPS url: \"%s\"", indexPath)

    return indexPath, err

// UpdatePublicIndex receives a index path and place it under .Web/index.pidx.
func UpdatePublicIndex(indexPath string, overwrite bool, sparse bool, downloadPdsc bool, downloadRemainingPdscFiles bool, concurrency int, timeout int) error {
    // TODO: Remove overwrite when cpackget v1 gets released
    if !overwrite {
        return errs.ErrCannotOverwritePublicIndex

    // For backwards compatibility, allow indexPath to be a file, but ideally it should be empty
    if indexPath == "" {
        indexPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/index.pidx", strings.TrimSuffix(Installation.PublicIndexXML.URL, "/"))

    log.Debugf("Updating public index with \"%v\"", indexPath)

    var err error

    if strings.HasPrefix(indexPath, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(indexPath, "https://") {
        if !strings.HasPrefix(indexPath, "https://") {
            log.Warnf("Non-HTTPS url: \"%s\"", indexPath)

        indexPath, err = utils.DownloadFile(indexPath, timeout)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        defer os.Remove(indexPath)
    } else {
        if indexPath != "" {
            if !utils.FileExists(indexPath) && !utils.DirExists(indexPath) {
                return errs.ErrFileNotFound
            fileInfo, err := os.Stat(indexPath)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            if fileInfo.IsDir() {
                return errs.ErrInvalidPublicIndexReference

    pidxXML := xml.NewPidxXML(indexPath)
    if err := pidxXML.Read(); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := utils.CopyFile(indexPath, Installation.PublicIndex); err != nil {
        return err

    if downloadPdsc {
        err = DownloadPDSCFiles(false, concurrency, timeout)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    if !sparse {
        err = UpdateInstalledPDSCFiles(pidxXML, concurrency, timeout)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    if downloadRemainingPdscFiles {
        err = DownloadPDSCFiles(true, concurrency, timeout)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return Installation.touchPackIdx()

// ListInstalledPacks generates a list of all packs present in the pack root folder
func ListInstalledPacks(listCached, listPublic, listUpdates, listRequirements bool, listFilter string) error {
    log.Debugf("Listing packs")
    if listPublic {
        if listFilter != "" {
            log.Infof("Listing packs from the public index, filtering by \"%s\"", listFilter)
        } else {
            log.Infof("Listing packs from the public index")

        pdscTags := Installation.PublicIndexXML.ListPdscTags()

        if len(pdscTags) == 0 {
            log.Info("(no packs in public index)")
            return nil

        sort.Slice(pdscTags, func(i, j int) bool {
            return strings.ToLower(pdscTags[i].Key()) < strings.ToLower(pdscTags[j].Key())
        // List all available packs from the index
        for _, pdscTag := range pdscTags {
            logMessage := pdscTag.YamlPackID()
            packFilePath := filepath.Join(Installation.DownloadDir, pdscTag.Key()) + ".pack"

            if Installation.PackIsInstalled(&PackType{PdscTag: pdscTag}) {
                logMessage += " (installed)"
            } else if utils.FileExists(packFilePath) {
                logMessage += " (cached)"

            // To avoid showing empty log lines ("I: ")
            if listFilter == "" || utils.FilterPackID(logMessage, listFilter) != "" {
    } else if listCached {
        if listFilter != "" {
            log.Infof("Listing cached packs, filtering by \"%s\"", listFilter)
        } else {
            log.Infof("Listing cached packs")
        pattern := filepath.Join(Installation.DownloadDir, "*.pack")
        matches, err := filepath.Glob(pattern)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        if len(matches) == 0 {
            log.Info("(no packs cached)")
            return nil

        sort.Slice(matches, func(i, j int) bool {
            return strings.ToLower(matches[i]) < strings.ToLower(matches[j])
        for _, packFilePath := range matches {
            packFilePath = strings.ReplaceAll(packFilePath, ".pack", "")
            packInfo, err := utils.ExtractPackInfo(packFilePath)
            if err != nil {
                log.Errorf("A pack in the cache folder has malformed pack name: %s", packFilePath)
                return errs.ErrUnknownBehavior

            pdscTag := xml.PdscTag{
                Vendor:  packInfo.Vendor,
                Name:    packInfo.Pack,
                Version: packInfo.Version,

            logMessage := pdscTag.YamlPackID()
            if Installation.PackIsInstalled(&PackType{PdscTag: pdscTag}) {
                logMessage += " (installed)"

            if listFilter == "" || utils.FilterPackID(logMessage, listFilter) != "" {
    } else {
        if listUpdates {
            if listFilter != "" {
                log.Infof("Listing installed updateable packs, filtering by \"%s\"", listFilter)
            } else {
                log.Infof("Listing installed updateable packs")
        } else {
            if listRequirements {
                log.Info("Listing installed packs with dependencies")
            } else {
                if listFilter != "" {
                    log.Infof("Listing installed packs, filtering by \"%s\"", listFilter)
                } else {
                    log.Infof("Listing installed packs")

        type installedPack struct {
            pdscPath        string
            isPdscInstalled bool
            err             error
        installedPacks := []installedPack{}

        // First, get installed packs from *.pack files
        pattern := filepath.Join(Installation.PackRoot, "*", "*", "*", "*.pdsc")
        matches, err := filepath.Glob(pattern)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        for _, match := range matches {
            pdscPath := strings.Replace(match, Installation.PackRoot, "", -1)
            packName, _ := filepath.Split(pdscPath)
            packName = strings.Replace(packName, "/", " ", -1)
            packName = strings.Replace(packName, "\\", " ", -1)
            packName = strings.Trim(packName, " ")
            packName = strings.Replace(packName, " ", ".", -1)

            packNameBits := strings.SplitN(packName, ".", 3)

            pack := installedPack{pdscPath: match}
            pack.Vendor = packNameBits[0]
            pack.Name = packNameBits[1]
            pack.Version = packNameBits[2]
            installedPacks = append(installedPacks, pack)

        // Add packs listed in .Local/local_repository.pidx to the list
        if err := Installation.LocalPidx.Read(); err != nil {
        } else {
            installedPdscs := Installation.LocalPidx.ListPdscTags()
            for _, pdsc := range installedPdscs {
                pack := installedPack{PdscTag: pdsc, isPdscInstalled: true}
                pack.pdscPath = pdsc.URL + pack.Vendor + "/" + pack.Name + ".pdsc"

                parsedURL, err := url.ParseRequestURI(pdsc.URL)
                pack.err = err
                if pack.err != nil {
                    installedPacks = append(installedPacks, pack)

                pack.pdscPath = filepath.Join(utils.CleanPath(parsedURL.Path), pack.Vendor+"."+pack.Name+".pdsc")
                pdscXML := xml.NewPdscXML(pack.pdscPath)
                pack.err = pdscXML.Read()
                if pack.err == nil {
                    pack.Version = pdscXML.LatestVersion()
                installedPacks = append(installedPacks, pack)

        if len(installedPacks) == 0 {
            log.Info("(no packs installed)")
            return nil

        numErrors := 0
        printWarning := true
        sort.Slice(installedPacks, func(i, j int) bool {
            return strings.ToLower(installedPacks[i].Key()) < strings.ToLower(installedPacks[j].Key())
        for _, pack := range installedPacks {
            logMessage := pack.YamlPackID()
            // List installed packs and their dependencies
            if listRequirements {
                p, err := preparePack(pack.Vendor+"."+pack.Name+"."+pack.Version, false, 0)
                if err != nil {
                    return err
                p.Pdsc = xml.NewPdscXML(pack.pdscPath)
                if err := p.Pdsc.Read(); err != nil {
                    return err
                if err := p.loadDependencies(); err != nil {
                    return err
                if len(p.Requirements.packages) > 0 {
                    logMessage += " - "
                    for _, req := range p.Requirements.packages {
                        logMessage += utils.FormatPackVersion(
                        if req.installed {
                            logMessage += " (installed) "
                        } else {
                            logMessage += " (missing) "
                } else {
                    // Not interested in packs with no dependencies
            errors := []string{}

            // Validate names
            if !utils.IsPackVendorNameValid(pack.Vendor) {
                errors = append(errors, "vendor")

            if !utils.IsPackNameValid(pack.Name) {
                errors = append(errors, "pack name")

            if !utils.IsPackVersionValid(pack.Version) {
                errors = append(errors, "pack version")

            // Print the PDSC path on packs installed via PDSC file
            if pack.isPdscInstalled && !listRequirements {
                logMessage += fmt.Sprintf(" (installed via %s)", pack.pdscPath)

            // Append errors to the message, if any
            if len(errors) > 0 {
                numErrors += 1
                logMessage += " - error: " + strings.Join(errors[:], ", ") + " incorrect format"
                if pack.err != nil {
                    logMessage += fmt.Sprintf(", %v", pack.err)
                if listFilter != "" && utils.FilterPackID(logMessage, listFilter) != "" {
                    printWarning = false
            } else if pack.err != nil {
                numErrors += 1
                logMessage += fmt.Sprintf(" - error: %v", pack.err)
                if listFilter != "" && utils.FilterPackID(logMessage, listFilter) != "" {
                    printWarning = false
            } else {
                if listFilter == "" || utils.FilterPackID(logMessage, listFilter) != "" {

        if numErrors > 0 && printWarning {
            log.Warnf("%d error(s) detected", numErrors)

    return nil

// FindPackURL uses pack.path as packID and try to find the pack URL
// Finding step are as follows:
// 1. Find pack.Vendor, pack.Name, pack.Version in Installation.PublicIndex
// 1.1. if pack.IsPublic == true
// 1.1.1. read .Web/PDSC file into pdscXML
// 1.1.2. releastTag = pdscXML.FindReleaseTagByVersion(pack.Version)
// 1.1.3. if releaseTag.URL != "", return releaseTag.URL
// 1.1.4. return pdscTag.URL + pack.Vendor + "." + pack.Name + "." + pack.Version + ".pack"
// 1.2. if pack.IsPublic == false
// 1.2.1. if pack's pdsc file not found in Installation.LocalDir then raise errs.ErrPackURLCannotBeFound
// 1.2.2. read .Local/PDSC file into pdscXML
// 1.2.3. releastTag = pdscXML.FindReleaseTagByVersion(pack.Version)
// 1.2.3. if releaseTag == nil then raise ErrPackVersionNotFoundInPdsc
// 1.2.4. if releaseTag.URL != "", return releaseTag.URL
// 1.2.5. return pdscTag.URL + pack.Vendor + "." + pack.Name + "." + pack.Version + ".pack"
func FindPackURL(pack *PackType) (string, error) {
    log.Debugf("Finding URL for \"%v\"", pack.path)

    if pack.IsPublic {
        packPdscFileName := filepath.Join(Installation.WebDir, pack.PdscFileName())
        packPdscXML := xml.NewPdscXML(packPdscFileName)
        if err := packPdscXML.Read(); err != nil {
            return "", err

        // Figures out which pack release to fetch and assign that to pack.targetVersion

        releaseTag := packPdscXML.FindReleaseTagByVersion(pack.targetVersion)

        // Can't satisfy minimum target version
        if pack.versionModifier == utils.GreaterVersion || pack.versionModifier == utils.GreatestCompatibleVersion {
            if semver.Compare("v"+releaseTag.Version, "v"+pack.Version) < 0 {
                return "", errs.ErrPackVersionNotAvailable
        if pack.versionModifier == utils.GreatestCompatibleVersion {
            if semver.Major("v"+releaseTag.Version) != semver.Major("v"+pack.Version) {
                return "", errs.ErrPackVersionNotAvailable
        if pack.versionModifier == utils.PatchVersion {
            if semver.MajorMinor("v"+releaseTag.Version) != semver.MajorMinor("v"+pack.Version) {
                return "", errs.ErrPackVersionNotAvailable

        if releaseTag == nil {
            return "", errs.ErrPackVersionNotFoundInPdsc
        if releaseTag.URL != "" {
            return releaseTag.URL, nil

        return packPdscXML.PackURL(pack.targetVersion), nil

    // if pack.IsPublic == false, it doesn't mean yet it's an actual non-Public pack, need to check in .Local
    packPdscFileName := filepath.Join(Installation.LocalDir, pack.PdscFileName())
    if !utils.FileExists(packPdscFileName) {
        return "", errs.ErrPackURLCannotBeFound

    packPdscXML := xml.NewPdscXML(packPdscFileName)
    if err := packPdscXML.Read(); err != nil {
        return "", err

    // Figures out which pack release to fetch and assign that to pack.targetVersion

    releaseTag := packPdscXML.FindReleaseTagByVersion(pack.targetVersion)

    if pack.versionModifier == utils.GreaterVersion {
        if semver.Compare("v"+releaseTag.Version, "v"+pack.Version) < 0 {
            return "", errs.ErrPackVersionNotAvailable
    if pack.versionModifier == utils.GreatestCompatibleVersion {
        if semver.Major("v"+releaseTag.Version) != semver.Major("v"+pack.Version) {
            return "", errs.ErrPackVersionNotAvailable
    if pack.versionModifier == utils.PatchVersion {
        if semver.MajorMinor("v"+releaseTag.Version) != semver.MajorMinor("v"+pack.Version) {
            return "", errs.ErrPackVersionNotAvailable

    if releaseTag == nil {
        return "", errs.ErrPackVersionNotFoundInPdsc

    if releaseTag.URL != "" {
        return releaseTag.URL, nil

    return packPdscXML.PackURL(pack.targetVersion), nil

// Installation is a singleton variable that keeps the only reference
// to PacksInstallationType
var Installation *PacksInstallationType

// SetPackRoot sets the working directory of the packs installation
// if create == true, cpackget will try to create needed resources
func SetPackRoot(packRoot string, create bool) error {
    if len(packRoot) == 0 {
        return errs.ErrPackRootNotFound

    packRoot = filepath.Clean(packRoot)
    if !utils.DirExists(packRoot) && !create {
        return errs.ErrPackRootDoesNotExist

    checkConnection := viper.GetBool("check-connection")
    if checkConnection && !utils.GetEncodedProgress() {
        if packRoot == GetDefaultCmsisPackRoot() {
            log.Infof("Using pack root: \"%v\" (default mode - no specific CMSIS_PACK_ROOT chosen)", packRoot)
        } else {
            log.Infof("Using pack root: \"%v\"", packRoot)

    Installation = &PacksInstallationType{
        PackRoot:    packRoot,
        DownloadDir: filepath.Join(packRoot, ".Download"),
        LocalDir:    filepath.Join(packRoot, ".Local"),
        WebDir:      filepath.Join(packRoot, ".Web"),
    Installation.LocalPidx = xml.NewPidxXML(filepath.Join(Installation.LocalDir, "local_repository.pidx"))
    Installation.PackIdx = filepath.Join(packRoot, "pack.idx")
    Installation.PublicIndex = filepath.Join(Installation.WebDir, "index.pidx")
    Installation.PublicIndexXML = xml.NewPidxXML(Installation.PublicIndex)

    missingDirs := []string{}
    for _, dir := range []string{packRoot, Installation.DownloadDir, Installation.LocalDir, Installation.WebDir} {
        log.Debugf("Making sure \"%v\" exists", dir)
        exists := utils.DirExists(dir)
        if !exists {
            if !create {
                missingDirs = append(missingDirs, dir)
            } else {
                if err := utils.EnsureDir(dir); err != nil {
                    return err

    if len(missingDirs) > 0 {
        log.Errorf("Directory(ies) \"%s\" are missing! Was %s initialized correctly?", strings.Join(missingDirs[:], ", "), packRoot)
        return errs.ErrAlreadyLogged

    // Make sure utils.DownloadFile always downloads files to .Download/
    utils.CacheDir = Installation.DownloadDir

    err := Installation.PublicIndexXML.Read()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = Installation.LocalPidx.Read()
    if err != nil {
        return err


    return nil

// PacksInstallationType is the scruct tha manages Open-CMSIS-Pack installation/deletion.
type PacksInstallationType struct {
    // PackRoot is the working directory if the packs installation
    PackRoot string

    // packs installed
    packs map[string]bool

    // DownloadDir stores copies of all packs that were installed via pack files
    // from external servers.
    DownloadDir string

    // LocalDir stores "local_repository.pidx" containing a list of all packs
    // installed via PDSC files.
    LocalDir string

    // WebDir stores "index.pidx" containing a list of PDSC tags with all
    // publicly available packs.
    WebDir string

    // PublicIndex stores the path PackRoot/WebDir/index.pidx
    PublicIndex string

    // PublicIndexXML stores a xml.PidxXML reference for PackRoot/WebDir/index.pidx
    PublicIndexXML *xml.PidxXML

    // LocalPidx is a reference to "local_repository.pidx" that contains a flat
    // list of PDSC tags representing all packs installed via PDSC files.
    LocalPidx *xml.PidxXML

    // localIsLoaded is a flag that tells whether the local_repository.pidx has been loaded or not
    localIsLoaded bool

    // PackIdx is the "pack.idx" file used by other tools to be notified that
    // the pack installation had changed.
    PackIdx string

// touchPackIdx changes the timestamp of pack.idx.
func (p *PacksInstallationType) touchPackIdx() error {
    if utils.GetSkipTouch() {
        return nil

    err := utils.TouchFile(p.PackIdx)
    return err

// PackIsInstalled checks whether a given pack is already installed or not
func (p *PacksInstallationType) PackIsInstalled(pack *PackType) bool {
    log.Debugf("Checking if %s is installed", pack.PackIDWithVersion())

    // First make sure there's at least one version of the pack installed
    installationDir := filepath.Join(p.PackRoot, pack.Vendor, pack.Name)
    if !utils.DirExists(installationDir) {
        return false

    // Empty version means any version (pack.VersionModifier == utils.AnyVersion)
    if pack.Version == "" {
        return true

    // Exact version is easy, just find a matching installation folder
    if pack.versionModifier == utils.ExactVersion {
        packDir := filepath.Join(installationDir, pack.GetVersionNoMeta())
        log.Debugf("Checking if \"%s\" exists", packDir)
        return utils.DirExists(packDir)
    installedVersions := []string{}
    // Gather all versions in local_repository.idx for local .psdc installed packs
    if err := p.LocalPidx.Read(); err != nil {
        log.Warn("Could not read local index")
        return false
    for _, pdsc := range p.LocalPidx.ListPdscTags() {
        if pack.Vendor == pdsc.Vendor && pack.Name == pdsc.Name {
            installedVersions = append(installedVersions, pdsc.Version)

    // Get all remaining versions installed and check if it satisfies the versionModifier condition
    installedDirs, err := utils.ListDir(installationDir, "")
    if err != nil {
        log.Warnf("Could not list installed packs in \"%s\": %v", installationDir, err)
        return false

    for _, path := range installedDirs {
        base := filepath.Base(path)
        installedVersions = append(installedVersions, base)

    // Check if greater version is specified
    if pack.versionModifier == utils.GreaterVersion {
        log.Debugf("Checking for installed packs >=%s", pack.Version)
        for _, version := range installedVersions {
            log.Debugf("- checking if %s >= %s", version, pack.Version)
            if utils.SemverCompare(version, pack.Version) >= 0 {
                log.Debugf("- found newer version %s", version)
                pack.targetVersion = version
                return true

        log.Debugf("- no version matched")
        return false

    // Check if there is a greater version with same Major number
    if pack.versionModifier == utils.GreatestCompatibleVersion {
        log.Debugf("Checking for installed packs @^%s", pack.Version)
        for _, version := range installedVersions {
            log.Debugf("- checking against: %s", version)
            sameMajor := semver.Major("v"+version) == semver.Major("v"+pack.Version)
            if sameMajor && utils.SemverCompare(version, pack.Version) >= 0 {
                pack.targetVersion = version
                return true

        return false

    // Check if there is a greater version with same Major and Minor number
    if pack.versionModifier == utils.PatchVersion {
        log.Debugf("Checking for installed packs @~%s", pack.Version)
        for _, version := range installedVersions {
            log.Debugf("- checking against: %s", version)
            sameMajorMinor := semver.MajorMinor("v"+version) == semver.MajorMinor("v"+pack.Version)
            if sameMajorMinor && utils.SemverCompare(version, pack.Version) >= 0 {
                pack.targetVersion = version
                return true

        return false

    if pack.versionModifier == utils.RangeVersion {
        for _, version := range installedVersions {
            if utils.SemverCompareRange(version, pack.Version) == 0 {
                return true
        return false

    log.Debug("Checking if the latest version is installed")

    // Specified versionModifier == LatestVersion
    // so cpackget needs to know first the latest available
    // version for that pack to then check if it's installed
    var pdscFilePath string
    var pdscLookupDir string
    if pack.IsPublic {
        pdscLookupDir = Installation.WebDir
    } else {
        pdscLookupDir = Installation.LocalDir

    pdscFilePath = filepath.Join(pdscLookupDir, pack.PdscFileName())
    pdscXML := xml.NewPdscXML(pdscFilePath)
    if err := pdscXML.Read(); err != nil {
        log.Debugf("Could not retrieve pack's PDSC file from \"%s\"", pdscFilePath)
        return false

    latestVersion := pdscXML.LatestVersion()
    packDir := filepath.Join(installationDir, latestVersion)
    found := utils.DirExists(packDir)
    if found {
        pack.targetVersion = latestVersion
    return found

// packIsPublic checks whether the pack is public or not.
// Being public means a PDSC file is present in ".Web/" folder
func (p *PacksInstallationType) packIsPublic(pack *PackType, timeout int) (bool, error) {
    // lazyly lists all pdsc files in the ".Web/" folder only once
    if p.packs == nil {
        p.packs = make(map[string]bool)
        files, _ := utils.ListDir(p.WebDir, `^.*\.pdsc$`)
        for _, file := range files {
            _, baseFileName := filepath.Split(file)
            p.packs[baseFileName] = true

    _, ok := p.packs[pack.PdscFileName()]
    if ok {
        log.Debugf("Found \"%s\" in \"%s\"", pack.PdscFileName(), p.WebDir)
        return true, nil

    log.Debugf("Not found \"%s\" in \"%s\"", pack.PdscFileName(), p.WebDir)

    // Try to retrieve the packs's PDSC file out of the index.pidx
    searchPdscTag := xml.PdscTag{Vendor: pack.Vendor, Name: pack.Name}
    pdscTags := p.PublicIndexXML.FindPdscTags(searchPdscTag)
    if len(pdscTags) == 0 {
        log.Debugf("Not found \"%s\" tag in \"%s\"", pack.PdscFileName(), p.PublicIndex)
        return false, nil

    // If the pack is being removed, there's no need to get its PDSC file under .Web
    // Same applies to locally sourced packs
    if pack.toBeRemoved || pack.IsLocallySourced {
        return true, nil

    // Sometimes a pidx file might have multiple pdsc tags for same key
    // which is not the case here, so we'll take only the first one
    pdscTag := pdscTags[0]
    return true, p.downloadPdscFile(pdscTag, false, timeout)

// downloadPdscFile takes in a xml.PdscTag containing URL, Vendor and Name of the pack
// so it can be downloaded into .Web/
func (p *PacksInstallationType) downloadPdscFile(pdscTag xml.PdscTag, skipInstalledPdscFiles bool, timeout int) error {
    basePdscFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.pdsc", pdscTag.Vendor, pdscTag.Name)
    pdscFilePath := filepath.Join(p.WebDir, basePdscFile)

    if skipInstalledPdscFiles {
        if utils.FileExists(pdscFilePath) {
            log.Debugf("File already exists: \"%s\"", pdscFilePath)
            return nil
        log.Debugf("File does not exist and will be copied: \"%s\"", pdscFilePath)

    pdscURL := pdscTag.URL

    // switch  to cache for PDSC file
    if pdscURL != KeilDefaultPackRoot && Installation.PublicIndexXML.URL == KeilDefaultPackRoot {
        log.Debugf("Switching to cache: \"%s\"", KeilDefaultPackRoot)
        pdscURL = KeilDefaultPackRoot

    log.Debugf("Downloading %s from \"%s\"", basePdscFile, pdscURL)

    pdscFileURL, err := url.Parse(pdscURL)
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Could not parse pdsc url \"%s\": %s", pdscURL, err)
        return errs.ErrAlreadyLogged

    pdscFileURL.Path = path.Join(pdscFileURL.Path, basePdscFile)

    localFileName, err := utils.DownloadFile(pdscFileURL.String(), timeout)
    defer os.Remove(localFileName)

    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Could not download \"%s\": %s", pdscFileURL, err)
        return fmt.Errorf("\"%s\": %w", pdscFileURL, errs.ErrPackPdscCannotBeFound)

    err = utils.MoveFile(localFileName, pdscFilePath)

    return err

func (p *PacksInstallationType) loadPdscFile(pdscTag xml.PdscTag, timeout int) error {
    basePdscFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.pdsc", pdscTag.Vendor, pdscTag.Name)
    pdscFilePath := filepath.Join(p.LocalDir, basePdscFile)

    pdscURL := pdscTag.URL

    log.Debugf("Loading %s from \"%s\"", basePdscFile, pdscURL)

    pdscFileURL, err := url.Parse(pdscURL)
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Could not parse pdsc url \"%s\": %s", pdscURL, err)
        return errs.ErrAlreadyLogged

    pdscFileURL.Path = path.Join(pdscFileURL.Path, basePdscFile)
    if pdscFileURL.Scheme == "file" {
        sourceFilePath := pdscFileURL.Path
        if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && strings.HasPrefix(sourceFilePath, "/") {
            sourceFilePath = sourceFilePath[1:]
        defer utils.SetReadOnly(pdscFilePath)
        if err = utils.CopyFile(sourceFilePath, pdscFilePath); err != nil {
            log.Errorf("Could not copy pdsc \"%s\": %s", sourceFilePath, err)
            return errs.ErrAlreadyLogged
        return nil

    localFileName, err := utils.DownloadFile(pdscFileURL.String(), timeout)
    defer os.Remove(localFileName)

    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Could not download \"%s\": %s", pdscFileURL, err)
        return fmt.Errorf("\"%s\": %w", pdscFileURL, errs.ErrPackPdscCannotBeFound)

    err = utils.MoveFile(localFileName, pdscFilePath)

    return err

// LockPackRoot enable the read-only flag for the pack-root directory
func LockPackRoot() {
    // "pack.idx" does not need to be read only

// UnlockPackRoot disable the read-only flag for the pack-root directory
func UnlockPackRoot() {