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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
/* Copyright Contributors to the cpackget project. */

package utils

import (

    errs ""
    log ""

// namePattern specifies a regular expression that matches Pack and Vendor names.
// Ref:
var namePattern = `[\-_A-Za-z0-9]+`

// nameRegex has a pre-compiled namePattern ready for use
var nameRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("^%s$", namePattern))

// versionPattern validates pack version.
// Ref:
// With little adjustments to reduce the number of capturing groups to a single one
//    <major> .<minor> .<patch>   - <quality>                                                                         + <meta info>
var versionPattern = `(?:\d+)\.(?:\d+)\.(?:\d+)(?:-(?:(?:\d+|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\.(?:\d+|\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\+(?:[0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?`

// versionRegex pre-compiles versionPattern.
var versionRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("^%s$", versionPattern))

// packFileNamePattern formats all possible pack files
// - Vendor.Pack.x.y.z.pack
// -
// - Vendor.Pack.pdsc
var packFileNamePattern = fmt.Sprintf(`^(?P<vendor>%s)\.(?P<pack>%s)\.(?:(%s)\.(pack|zip)|(pdsc))$`, namePattern, namePattern, versionPattern)

// packFileNameRegex pre-compiles packFileNamePattern
var packFileNameRegex = regexp.MustCompile(packFileNamePattern)

// packIDPattern is one of the following:
// - Vendor.Pack
// - Vendor.Pack.x.y.z
// - Vendor::Pack
// - Vendor::Pack@x.y.z
// - Vendor::Pack@^x.y.z
// - Vendor::Pack@~x.y.z
// - Vendor::Pack@>=x.y.z
// - Vendor::Pack>=x.y.z
var dottedPackIDPattern = fmt.Sprintf(`^(?P<vendor>%s)\.(?P<pack>%s)(?:\.(?P<version>%s))?$`, namePattern, namePattern, versionPattern)
var legacyPackIDPattern = fmt.Sprintf(`^(?P<vendor>%s)::(?P<pack>%s)(?:(@|@\^|@~|@>=|>=)(?P<version>%s|latest))?$`, namePattern, namePattern, versionPattern)
var packIDPattern = fmt.Sprintf(`(?:%s|%s)`, dottedPackIDPattern, legacyPackIDPattern)

// packIDRegex pre-compiles packIdPattern
var packIDRegex = regexp.MustCompile(packIDPattern)

// IsVendorNameValid checks whether a pack vendor name string matches specified
// regular expression.
func IsPackVendorNameValid(vendorName string) bool {
    return nameRegex.MatchString(vendorName)

// IsPackNameValid checks whether a pack name string matches specified
// regular expression.
func IsPackNameValid(packName string) bool {
    return nameRegex.MatchString(packName)

// matchPackFileName checks whether packFileName matches packFileNamePattern.
// If so, return a list of strings matched, otherwise returns an empty list
// The matches string list should contain 4 or 5 items 0-indexed:
// - 0: entire matched string
// - 1: vendor match
// - 2: pack name match
// - 3: version match (if it's a pdsc file, version won't be present)
// - 4: extension match
func matchPackFileName(packFileName string) []string {
    matches := packFileNameRegex.FindStringSubmatch(packFileName)

    // Golang's optional regex groups generate empty group matches, need to filter them out
    nonEmpty := []string{}
    for _, group := range matches {
        if group != "" {
            nonEmpty = append(nonEmpty, group)

    return nonEmpty

// matchPackID checks whether a given string matches packIdPattern.
// The matches string list should contain 3 or 4 items 0-indexes:
// - 0: entire matched string
// - 1: vendor match
// - 2: pack name match
// - 3: pack version match (optional)
func matchPackID(packID string) []string {
    matches := packIDRegex.FindStringSubmatch(packID)

    // Golang's optional regex groups generate empty group matches, need to filter them out
    nonEmpty := []string{}
    for _, group := range matches {
        if group != "" {
            nonEmpty = append(nonEmpty, group)

    return nonEmpty

// IsPackVersion checks whether a pack version string matches specified
// regular expression
func IsPackVersionValid(packVersion string) bool {
    return versionRegex.MatchString(packVersion)

// The version modifiers below are helpers to determine how to
// interpret the version specified by the packID.
const (
    // Examples: Vendor::PackName@x.y.z, Vendor.PackName.x.y.z
    ExactVersion int = 0

    // Example: Vendor::PackName@latest
    LatestVersion = 1

    // Examples: Vendor::PackName, Vendor.PackName
    AnyVersion = 2

    // Example: Vendor::PackName@>=x.y.z
    GreaterVersion = 3

    // Example: Vendor::PackName@^x.y.z (the greatest version of the pack keeping the same major number)
    GreatestCompatibleVersion = 4

    // Example: Vendor::PackName@~x.y.z (the greatest version of the pack keeping the same major and minor number)
    PatchVersion = 5

    // For the <package/requirements/packages> spec only. Example: Vendor.PackName.a.b.c:x.y.z
    RangeVersion = 6

var versionModMap = map[string]int{
    "@":   ExactVersion,
    "@^":  GreatestCompatibleVersion,
    "@~":  PatchVersion,
    "@>=": GreaterVersion,
    ">=":  GreaterVersion,

// PackInfo defines a basic pack information set
type PackInfo struct {
    Location, Vendor, Pack, Version, Extension string
    IsPackID                                   bool
    VersionModifier                            int

// ExtractPackInfo takes in a path to a pack and extracts the needed information.
// It returns an error if any information is wrong
// Valid packPath's are:
// - /path/to/dev/Vendor.Pack.pdsc
// - /path/to/local/Vendor.Pack.Version.pack (or .zip)
// - (or .zip)
// If short is true, then prepare it considering that path is in the simpler
// form of Vendor.Pack[.x.y.z], used when removing packs/pdscs.
// NOTE: a malformed packPath e.g. "my.pack" DOES look like a valid
//    pack name, with "my" for vendor and "pack" for pack name.
func ExtractPackInfo(packPath string) (PackInfo, error) {
    log.Debugf("Extracting pack info from \"%s\"", packPath)

    info := PackInfo{}
    maxVersion := ""

    // Matches Vendor.Pack.a.b.c:x.y.z
    r, err := regexp.Compile(`([\-_A-Za-z0-9]+\.){4}[\-_A-Za-z0-9]+\:`)
    if err != nil {
        return info, err
    if r.MatchString(packPath) {
        maxVersion = strings.Split(packPath, ":")[1]
        packPath = strings.Split(packPath, ":")[0]
    // Matches Vendor.Pack.latest - small workaround for requirement packages with no version (latest is used)
    r, err = regexp.Compile(`([\-_A-Za-z0-9]+\.){2}latest`)
    if err != nil {
        return info, err
    if r.MatchString(packPath) {
        packPath = strings.TrimSuffix(packPath, ".latest")
    // packPath is normally either a file (Vendor.Pack.x.y.z.pack) or simply just the packID (Vendor.Pack)
    location, packName := filepath.Split(packPath)
    // Most common scenario should be the use of packId
    matches := matchPackFileName(packName)
    if len(matches) > 0 {
        info.Vendor = matches[1]
        info.Pack = matches[2]
        info.Extension = filepath.Ext(packPath)[1:]

        if len(matches) > 3 {
            info.Version = matches[3]

        // location can be either a URL or a path to the local
        // file system. If it's the latter, make sure to fill in
        // in case the file is coming from the current directory
        if !(strings.HasPrefix(location, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(location, "https://") || strings.HasPrefix(location, "file://")) {
            if !filepath.IsAbs(location) {
                if len(filepath.VolumeName(location)) == 0 && len(location) > 0 && (location[0] == '/' || location[0] == '\\') {
                    location, _ = filepath.Abs(location) // relative from root, only in windows
                } else {
                    absPath, _ := os.Getwd()
                    location = filepath.Join(absPath, location)
                    location, _ = filepath.Abs(location)
            } else {
                location = filepath.Clean(location)

            location = "file://localhost/" + location + string(os.PathSeparator)

        // As per the specification, no path backslashes allowed
        // (found in Windows)
        location = strings.ReplaceAll(location, "\\", "/")
        info.Location = location
        log.Debugf("\"%s\" is a file name or a URL with Vendor=\"%s\", Pack=\"%s\", Version=\"%s\", Extension=\"%v\", Location=\"%s\"", packPath, info.Vendor, info.Pack, info.Version, info.Extension, location)
        return info, nil

    // It's known that packPath is either a file or a url
    matches = matchPackID(packName)
    if len(matches) == 0 {
        // packPath is neither packId nor a valid pack file name
        return info, errs.ErrBadPackName

    info.IsPackID = true
    info.Vendor = matches[1]
    info.Pack = matches[2]
    info.VersionModifier = AnyVersion

    if len(matches) == 4 {
        // 4 matches: [Vendor.Pack.x.y.z, Vendor, Pack, x.y.z] (dotted version)
        info.Version = matches[3]
        if maxVersion != "" {
            info.Version = info.Version + ":" + maxVersion
            info.VersionModifier = RangeVersion
        } else {
            info.VersionModifier = ExactVersion
    } else if len(matches) == 5 {
        // 5 matches: [Vendor::Pack(@|@^|@~|@>=|>=)x.y.z, Vendor, Pack, (@|@^|@~|@>=|>=), x.y.z] (legacy version)
        versionModifier := matches[3]
        version := matches[4]

        info.VersionModifier = versionModMap[versionModifier]
        if version == "latest" {
            info.VersionModifier = LatestVersion

        info.Version = version

    log.Debugf("\"%s\" is a packID with Vendor=\"%s\", Pack=\"%s\", Version=\"%s\", VersionModifier=\"%v\"", packPath, info.Vendor, info.Pack, info.Version, info.VersionModifier)
    return info, nil

// FormatPackVersion returns a modern representation
// of an internally versioned pack (for dependencies).
// Example: CMSIS,ARM,5.6.0:_ -> ARM::CMSIS@>=5.6.0
// Ref:
func FormatPackVersion(pack []string) string {
    name, vendor, version := pack[0], pack[1], pack[2]
    if version == "latest" {
        return vendor + "::" + name + "@latest"
    } else {
        if string(version[len(version)-1]) == "_" {
            // @>=<version>
            return vendor + "::" + name + "@>=" + strings.Split(version, ":")[0]
        } else {
            minVersion, maxVersion := strings.Split(version, ":")[0], strings.Split(version, ":")[1]
            if minVersion == maxVersion {
                // @<version>
                return vendor + "::" + name + "@" + strings.Split(version, ":")[0]
            } else {
                // @<minVersion>:<maxVersion> - unspecified yet, it should not cross major version boundaries
                return vendor + "::" + name + "@" + strings.Split(version, ":")[0] + ":" + strings.Split(version, ":")[1]