title: Testing COSMOS
description: Running the Playwright integration tests and unit tests
myEmoji: 📋
## Playwright
### Prerequesits
1. Install Yarn
npm install --global yarn
1. Clone the COSMOS Playwright repo
git clone
1. Install Playwright and dependencies
cosmos-playwright % yarn install
### Playwright Testing
1. Start COSMOS
cosmos % start
1. Open COSMOS in your browser. At the login screen, set the password to "password".
1. Run tests (Note the --headed option visually displays tests, leave it off to run in the background)
cosmos-playwright % yarn playwright test --project=chromium --headed
1. _[Optional]_ Fix istanbul/nyc coverage source lookups (use `fixwindows` if not on Linux).
Tests will run successfully without this step and you will get coverage statistics, but line-by-line coverage won't work.
cosmos-playwright % yarn fixlinux
1. Generate code coverage
cosmos-playwright % yarn coverage
Code coverage reports can be viewed at `openc3-playwright/coverage/index.html`
## Ruby Unit Tests
1. Navigate to **cosmos/openc3** folder. Run the command:
cosmos/openc3 % rake build
cosmos/openc3 % bundle exec rspec
Code coverage reports can be found at `cosmos/openc3/coverage/index.html`
## Python Unit Tests
1. Navigate to **cosmos/openc3/python** folder. Run the command:
cosmos/openc3/python % python -m pip install poetry
cosmos/openc3/python % poetry install
cosmos/openc3/python % poetry run coverage run -m pytest
cosmos/openc3/python % poetry run coverage html
Code coverage reports can be found at `cosmos/openc3/python/coverage/index.html`