import os
from openc3.utilities.string import formatted
# TBL_FILENAME is set to the name of the table file
# Open the file
file = get_target_file(os.getenv("TBL_FILENAME"))
buffer =
# Implement custom commanding logic to upload the table
# Note that buffer is a Ruby string of bytes
# You probably want to do something like:
# buf_size = 512 # Size of a buffer in the upload command
# i = 0
# while i < buffer.length
# # Send a part of the buffer
# # NOTE: triple dots means start index, up to but not including, end index
# # while double dots means start index, up to AND including, end index
# cmd("TGT", "UPLOAD", "DATA" => buffer[i...(i + buf_size)])
# i += buf_size
# end