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Test Coverage
@echo off

if "%1" == "" (
  GOTO usage
if "%1" == "cli" (
  REM tokens=* means process the full line
  REM findstr /V = print lines that don't match, /B beginning of line, /L literal search string, /C:# match #
  FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('findstr /V /B /L /C:# %~dp0.env') do SET %%i
  set params=%*
  call set params=%%params:*%1=%%
  REM Start (and remove when done --rm) the openc3-cosmos-cmd-tlm-api container with the current working directory
  REM mapped as volume (-v) /openc3/local and container working directory (-w) also set to /openc3/local.
  REM This allows tools running in the container to have a consistent path to the current working directory.
  REM Run the command "ruby /openc3/bin/openc3cli" with all parameters ignoring the first.
  docker compose -f %~dp0compose.yaml run -it --rm -v %cd%:/openc3/local -w /openc3/local -e OPENC3_API_PASSWORD=!OPENC3_API_PASSWORD! --no-deps openc3-cosmos-cmd-tlm-api ruby /openc3/bin/openc3cli !params!
if "%1" == "cliroot" (
  FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('findstr /V /B /L /C:# %~dp0.env') do SET %%i
  set params=%*
  call set params=%%params:*%1=%%
  docker compose -f %~dp0compose.yaml run -it --rm --user=root -v %cd%:/openc3/local -w /openc3/local -e OPENC3_API_PASSWORD=!OPENC3_API_PASSWORD! --no-deps openc3-cosmos-cmd-tlm-api ruby /openc3/bin/openc3cli !params!
if "%1" == "start" (
  GOTO startup
if "%1" == "stop" (
  GOTO stop
if "%1" == "cleanup" (
  GOTO cleanup
if "%1" == "build" (
  GOTO build
if "%1" == "run" (
  GOTO run
if "%1" == "dev" (
  GOTO dev
if "%1" == "test" (
  GOTO test
if "%1" == "util" (
  FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('findstr /V /B /L /C:# %~dp0.env') do SET %%i
  GOTO util

GOTO usage

  CALL openc3 build || exit /b
  docker compose -f compose.yaml up -d
  @echo off

  docker compose stop openc3-operator
  docker compose stop openc3-cosmos-script-runner-api
  docker compose stop openc3-cosmos-cmd-tlm-api
  timeout /t 5 /nobreak
  docker compose -f compose.yaml down -t 30
  @echo off

  if "%2" == "force" (
    goto :cleanup_y
  if "%3" == "force" (
    goto :cleanup_y

  set /P c=Are you sure? Cleanup removes ALL docker volumes and all COSMOS data! [Y/N]?
  if /I "!c!" EQU "Y" goto :cleanup_y
  if /I "!c!" EQU "N" goto :EOF
goto :try_cleanup

  docker compose -f compose.yaml down -t 30 -v

  if "%2" == "local" (
    FOR /d %%a IN (%~dp0plugins\DEFAULT\*) DO RD /S /Q "%%a"
    FOR %%a IN (%~dp0plugins\DEFAULT\*) DO IF /i NOT "%%~nxa"=="" DEL "%%a"
  @echo off

  CALL scripts\windows\openc3_setup || exit /b
  docker compose -f compose.yaml -f compose-build.yaml build openc3-ruby || exit /b
  docker compose -f compose.yaml -f compose-build.yaml build openc3-base || exit /b
  docker compose -f compose.yaml -f compose-build.yaml build openc3-node || exit /b
  docker compose -f compose.yaml -f compose-build.yaml build || exit /b
  @echo off

  docker compose -f compose.yaml up -d
  @echo off

  docker compose -f compose.yaml -f compose-dev.yaml up -d
  @echo off

  REM Building OpenC3
  CALL scripts\windows\openc3_setup || exit /b
  docker compose -f compose.yaml -f compose-build.yaml build
  set args=%*
  call set args=%%args:*%1=%%
  REM Running tests
  CALL scripts\windows\openc3_test %args% || exit /b
  @echo off

  REM Send the remaining arguments to openc3_util
  set args=%*
  call set args=%%args:*%1=%%
  CALL scripts\windows\openc3_util %args% || exit /b
  @echo off

  @echo Usage: %0 [cli, cliroot, start, stop, cleanup, build, run, dev, test, util] 1>&2
  @echo *  cli: run a cli command as the default user ('cli help' for more info) 1>&2
  @echo *  cliroot: run a cli command as the root user ('cli help' for more info) 1>&2
  @echo *  start: build and run 1>&2
  @echo *  stop: stop the containers (compose stop) 1>&2
  @echo *  cleanup [local] [force]: REMOVE volumes / data (compose down -v) 1>&2
  @echo *  build: build the containers (compose build) 1>&2
  @echo *  run: run the containers (compose up) 1>&2
  @echo *  dev: run using compose-dev 1>&2
  @echo *  test: test openc3 1>&2
  @echo *  util: various helper commands 1>&2

@echo on