summary: Adds printf style formatting
example: FORMAT_STRING "0x%0X"
- name: Format
required: true
description: How to format using printf syntax.
For example, '0x%0X' will display the value in hex.
values: .*
summary: Add displayed units
example: |
UNITS Celsius C
UNITS Kilometers KM
- name: Full Name
required: true
description: Full name of the units type, e.g. Celsius
values: .*
- name: Abbreviated
required: true
description: Abbreviation for the units, e.g. C
values: .*
summary: Override the defined description
- name: Value
required: true
description: The new description
values: .*
summary: Stores custom user metadata
description: Meta data is user specific data that can be used by custom tools
for various purposes. One example is to store additional information needed
to generate source code header files.
example: META TEST "This parameter is for test purposes only"
- name: Meta Name
required: true
description: Name of the metadata to store
values: .*
- name: Meta Values
required: false
description: One or more values to be stored for this Meta Name
values: .*
summary: This item is allowed to overlap other items in the packet
If an item's bit offset overlaps another item, OpenC3 issues a warning. This keyword explicitly
allows an item to overlap another and suppresses the warning message.
since: 4.4.1
summary: Defines the key used to access this raw value in the packet.
description: Keys are often JsonPath or XPath strings
example: KEY $.book.title
- name: Key string
required: true
description: The key to access this item
values: .+
since: 5.0.10
summary: Marks an item as having its bit size defined by another length item
since: 5.18.0
- name: Length Item Name
required: true
description: The name of the associated length item
values: .+
- name: Length Bits Per Count
required: false
description: Bits per count of the length item. Defaults to 8
values: \d+
- name: Length Value Bit Offset
required: false
description: Offset in Bits to Apply to Length Field Value. Defaults to 0
values: \d+